Apparently Office 365 was specifically designed for Universities, though, so we can largely blame them for this sickness...
As somewhat of an aside, I'm currently going back to in-person study for the first time since the pandemic.
It is horrendous. Like, I can't believe how completely fucked everything is, from broken email accounts (I can't even email my faculty directly anymore, because their entire system is broken), to needing to apply, and download an APP, to access the University library as a study space (no joke. An additional app, too. Not just the standard University one, or their mandatory MFA one)...
I also have to jump through about 100 more hoops, and apply for a new "government ID number", simply in order to enrol. We all already have one, but the new government has decided to scrap that, and replace it with one that requires even more personal information, and tracks your entire study history, right from High School...
I would be willing to wager a significant amount of money that it also tracks "vaccine status"...
Shit is really, really fucked. Even compared to just 3-4 years ago. And yet, it costs more to even do the same courses.
And just think, universities are responsible for the neo-Marxist corruption of all our institutions.
Here's the next wave of cultural enhancement--the Way of the Future--state-mandated apps you are required to download and use in order to be a full participant in our glorious former republic.
This is standard corporate shit. Believe it or not, the customers requested this, Microsoft didn't just force it.
Oh, I wasn't directly thinking this was just Microsoft being "woke". I figured individual "clients", like the Uni, must have been involved...
Either way, it is creepy and nefarious AF...
So you're saying this is normal?
Everyone using Outlook gets this shit, now, do they?
Far out, shit is worse than even I realised...
Google might siphon and sell my data, but even they don't scan my personal conversations to correct me for "wrongthink"...
That's just evil...
It's standard on any corporate Office 365 set up. I think you can enable it on personal, but it's disabled by default.
Apparently Office 365 was specifically designed for Universities, though, so we can largely blame them for this sickness...
As somewhat of an aside, I'm currently going back to in-person study for the first time since the pandemic.
It is horrendous. Like, I can't believe how completely fucked everything is, from broken email accounts (I can't even email my faculty directly anymore, because their entire system is broken), to needing to apply, and download an APP, to access the University library as a study space (no joke. An additional app, too. Not just the standard University one, or their mandatory MFA one)...
I also have to jump through about 100 more hoops, and apply for a new "government ID number", simply in order to enrol. We all already have one, but the new government has decided to scrap that, and replace it with one that requires even more personal information, and tracks your entire study history, right from High School...
I would be willing to wager a significant amount of money that it also tracks "vaccine status"...
Shit is really, really fucked. Even compared to just 3-4 years ago. And yet, it costs more to even do the same courses.
Something is very, very wrong, here...
Wow. Your college has gone all-out totalitarian.
And just think, universities are responsible for the neo-Marxist corruption of all our institutions.
Here's the next wave of cultural enhancement--the Way of the Future--state-mandated apps you are required to download and use in order to be a full participant in our glorious former republic.