“It really is further and further isolating LGBTQ students,” said Sarah Warbelow, legal director for LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign. “It’s making it hard for them to receive the full support that schools should be giving every child.”
Funny how we now have “gay children”, wonder how it is a prepubescent being can a sexuality.
“The state telling you what you can and cannot learn, that is inconsistent with democracy,” Mulvey said. “It silences debate, stifles ideas and limits the autonomy of educational institutions which ... made American higher education the envy of the world.”
I'm not sure if sexual attraction can be programmed (though I now consider it more likely than I would have 10 years ago), but you can certainly make people think that they're one thing, especially if you have access to them at very vulnerable ages. After all, all those people who were "born gay" led perfectly heterosexual lives until very recently.
People can be conditioned to become aroused at a picture of an old boot. At least men can.
The homo lobby claims homosexuality is or isn't innate as circumstances dictate. The evidence suggests it is not innate, but the result of some early psychological trauma or unprocessed early sexual experience.
What is also buried in the politics of dick-sucking is the fact that sex exists, not for pleasure, but for making babies. The pleasure of sex and orgasm is a sort of natural reward for inseminating women/women being inseminated. Last I heard, neither dick-sucking nor ass-fucking leads to pregnancy, even if the fuckee or the sucker is a tranny, a fake chick with a dick. In fact, hetero sodomy is a time-tested way of avoiding pregnancy. Yet the tranny lobby has made many otherwise rational people doubt this reality or afraid to admit it in public.
Strange days, indeed.
The pill has made too many whores cavalier about fucking, so it's been anything goes since 1960, and you'd better say you luuuuuve it or else. Never mind AIDS, monkeypox, or unplanned pregnancy when the pill fails or some dumbass forgets (or "forgets") a dose.
Funny how we now have “gay children”, wonder how it is a prepubescent being can a sexuality.
Then don’t take the states money!
I'm not sure if sexual attraction can be programmed (though I now consider it more likely than I would have 10 years ago), but you can certainly make people think that they're one thing, especially if you have access to them at very vulnerable ages. After all, all those people who were "born gay" led perfectly heterosexual lives until very recently.
People can be conditioned to become aroused at a picture of an old boot. At least men can.
The homo lobby claims homosexuality is or isn't innate as circumstances dictate. The evidence suggests it is not innate, but the result of some early psychological trauma or unprocessed early sexual experience.
What is also buried in the politics of dick-sucking is the fact that sex exists, not for pleasure, but for making babies. The pleasure of sex and orgasm is a sort of natural reward for inseminating women/women being inseminated. Last I heard, neither dick-sucking nor ass-fucking leads to pregnancy, even if the fuckee or the sucker is a tranny, a fake chick with a dick. In fact, hetero sodomy is a time-tested way of avoiding pregnancy. Yet the tranny lobby has made many otherwise rational people doubt this reality or afraid to admit it in public.
Strange days, indeed.
The pill has made too many whores cavalier about fucking, so it's been anything goes since 1960, and you'd better say you luuuuuve it or else. Never mind AIDS, monkeypox, or unplanned pregnancy when the pill fails or some dumbass forgets (or "forgets") a dose.