a lot of people need to wake up and see that it isn't only white people that are racist. it's other groups as well.
It should be obvious. The idea that white people have a monopoly on race hate is the result of decades of breast-beating by guilty whites and righteous anger by resentful blacks in the aftermath of Jim Crow and anti-black atrocities from a time not long ago in the historical sense.
The bizarre idea that black people are incapable of race hate is reinforced by the idiotic use of the term "reverse racism," suggesting that it operates in only one direction. I'm happy to say that I rarely see the phrase deployed these days.
Nonwhite racists and self-loathing whites are given the green light to hate white people and to express that hatred publicly without fear of censorship, or even criticism. In fact, as I'm sure I need not remind anyone here, there's an entire industry based on it.
It should be obvious. The idea that white people have a monopoly on race hate is the result of decades of breast-beating by guilty whites and righteous anger by resentful blacks in the aftermath of Jim Crow and anti-black atrocities from a time not long ago in the historical sense.
The bizarre idea that black people are incapable of race hate is reinforced by the idiotic use of the term "reverse racism," suggesting that it operates in only one direction. I'm happy to say that I rarely see the phrase deployed these days.
Nonwhite racists and self-loathing whites are given the green light to hate white people and to express that hatred publicly without fear of censorship, or even criticism. In fact, as I'm sure I need not remind anyone here, there's an entire industry based on it.