I'll bet the discussion around adrenochrome comes from HS Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."
Hell, look at how many people believed his rumor about Muskie and Ibogaine.
They also tell others to go to therapy to shut down discussions about the problems that they create for groups they hate.
I have encountered this and the absolutely cunty condescension is enraging.
I think the Antichrist has not appeared in one person but Satan collectively possesses people like this who are in a position to give "moral" instruction to many.
What do you expect from a Presbyterian? Might as well ask a Unitarian.
Because he's an idiot without the sense to pour piss out of a boot?
If this walking corpse gets re-elected we deserve everything that happens as a result.
"Reduce population?" On top of the current Western population collapse? The US and the West aren't breeding enough to replace their native populations, making the whole environmentalist concept of humanity as a sort of planetary cancer and the advocates of open borders appear very sinister.
This stupid twat is another empty pants suit, a fucking scarecrow saying what she's told to say.
P.S. China has also fallen behind replacement breeding and they're aging out just like most of the West. I don't know how they're breeding in Africa and Central/South America.
And a semitrailer full of Newports.
Can you imagine an editor pointing out this error in, say, 1950?
"Hey, numbnuts, you hungover and seeing double? There ain't but one Danny here, so use 'himself.'"
All this matters not one whit to me personally.
If it's Trump vs. Anyone but RFK Jr. I will vote Trump.
If it's Trump vs. RFK Jr. I will vote Kennedy.
I wonder what old Bony Parts would think of today's France.
Of course, but suspension of disbelief is possible if the guy looks feminine enough.
I imagine after a while blow jobs aren't enough, and who wants to fuck a man in the ass if you're not a homo . . . even if the impersonation is attractive, the anus must still be confronted when the rubber meets the road.
I rather doubt that a fake vagina fashioned out of a man's colon is a very appetizing target in the heat of battle . . . it would probably deflate even the most intense erection.
Just occurred to me if you put your Johnson in a colon-gina it's still ass-fucking . . . just in a different spot north of the original.
So what if anything is the French state doing about this?
Zero. Are they waiting for their North African slaves to spend their energy looting and burning or waiting until there's nothing left to loot or burn?
They get what they deserve. They created the condition by flinging open the border so a few Frogs could make piles of cash with cheap labor and by concentrating immigrants into ghettos where they languish, bored and criminal, with a burning resentment of their "hosts."
Up to now their periodic riots have been comparatively small.
You would think that something this big would generate some sort of police/military action on a major scale.
My god.
This is the official spokesentity of a Presidential administration.
What a bad joke.
I'd guess that they think that it takes too much trouble and time to catch and attempt to prosecute petty thieves who would probably just walk anyway. Especially since there's so many of them.
Hey, if you don't report the crimes, they don't exist--sort of like the tree falling in the woods thing.
I have never understood why 2 gay men would want to raise children. It seems totally opposite to what gay men apparently want: unlimited, uninhibited sex with as many partners as possible.
Lesbians are still women, after all, so I understand if the desire to care for and nurture an infant breaks through their insanity, a sort of maternal instinct that only leaves when the ovaries dry up or are removed.
I suppose gay men might want a hobby once their sex drives begin to wane . . .
That's right. We TOLERATE homosexuality because we don't want to police what should be people's PRIVATE behavior.
Now that neo-Marxists insist on shoving fags and trannies in front of the parade of the "oppressed" they expect both acceptance and respect.
Who or what you like to screw has no bearing on whether you deserve either. Acceptance and respect are individual human affairs, not collective or political.
It's being "made up" in university lecture halls and faculty offices.
Once the queers got folded into the "critical social justice" political movement there was no more reason to stand down, even though all their goals for social acceptance had been achieved. They are another cadre of "minority identities" in the intersectional hierarchy of the oppressed in need of "liberating," which is to say given a public position of respect, not just normal but beyond reproach or even question.
I'd like to "liberate" them and their "allies" by tearing off their numerous scabs and tossing them into shark-infested waters (geez I get tired of using quotation marks).
Who is this dork aiming his silly sign at?
I can imagine this doofus having a few wine coolers with his posse of pussies and taking turns, "Now me! Now me! Take a shot of me and MY sign!"
He got a colon coochie?
In case you forget she's a lesbian, they've thoughtfully included rainbow clothing so you know she's on the fag team.
What . . . super hero comics don't have lesbian sex scenes?
Law schools have been havens of leftist retardation for more than half a century.
That's right. Law schools do, after all, comply with higher ed's neo-Marxist orthodoxy.
'“Data was sometimes difficult to find or unavailable. We had to use data sources that the public can’t access,” according to a summary. “One of our partners had to access five internal databases to determine the recipients in a single program. There were some programs where we don’t know how much money was either obligated or spent.”'
"Internal databases"? Naturally. Can't have the public see how any of these municipal pencil pushers diverted this cash tsunami from the fed into offshore accounts or other slush fund accounts.