"Our rating mechanism has detected unusual voting activity on this title. To preserve the reliability of our rating system, an alternate weighting calculation has been applied."
No there's nothing unusual the movie is shit propaganda
He says he's not offended but is trying to cancel Dave lmfao
You just gotta laugh at how dumb everything has become and why the fuck are your pets dying so fast are you poisoning them or something
How did true detective go to shit cause I'm a few episodes in and want to know if it turns into a woke fest or some shit
Yea that isn't sketchy at all
He says he's not offended but he's crying and wanting the show taken down lul fucking retard
Not where I live
The fuck does he care if he gets the fake vax or not since it doesn't change anything and you can still catch the coof fake vaxxed or not
Is it that hard to create a new character instead of butchering existing ones
I'm a Satanist and that sounds like a reach
"marijuana use disorder" lul what
Fucking disgusting lul
It's not gender swapped if the guy playing him is a dude
Pinhead is still a dude since a tranny is playing him
What? This dude failed hard and lost to a bunch woman so he should be named the worst sportsman of all time
Seems like reviewers are more upset about all the tranny stuff and two genders thing
I hope world war 3 makes a comeback but I doubt it cause people are dumb
Shit that's creepy
Me to and I can't even remember the last time I paid for music or movies cause I've been pirating shit since before Napster
Escape from tarkov
This has to be some elaborate troll he's pulling
Why the fuck does this small time shitty booze maker care about what the schools are doing