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Catholicism has been infiltrated from the top down. Look at the scummy Pope.
In the trash where it belongs.
Whatchu gonna do?
She still couldn’t shut up…
“Yes, yes.”
I paid full price for it when it was released (those days live now only in my memories) and was very happy with it. It’s a steal at $5.
Modern women are already mostly useless.
I would t be so sure.
Looks like they left two too many.
slowly plays the harmonica
Lefties don’t care about virtues.
Bill Mitchell would like a word.
And a cock.
Celebrities are all whores.
This can’t be repeated enough.
Most of these land whales realize they will never look good, so they put all their effort into trying to look bad so that at least people will notice them.
Since it’s “inhumane” to execute serial criminals and alien invaders, I 100% endorse castrating them.
The prison system in America is college for criminals.
It’s only fair!
“Missing Haitians? Haven’t seen ‘em.”
Lefties are liars. It’s a core tenet of their belief.
Brazilian? No.
Prisons are nothing but college for criminals. If you’ve done something bad enough to be locked away for decades, society is better off without you.
“Oh. Camel-La, I apologize; I forgot you were there. You may go now.”
“Race traitor” springs to mind.
I hope he makes her cry on live TV.
The Brian Stelter Orchestra only plays Broadway show tunes.
They love the “Magical Negro” trope, too.
Surprised they are giving refunds. They must scared shitless of getting sued.
Catholicism has been infiltrated from the top down. Look at the scummy Pope.