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There are lies, damned lies, and Statista.
Then it’d be a golem.
I’m looking forward to never watching it.
I didn’t know a robot could be Jewish.
The last thing they wanted was for people to realize that games journalists are paid liars because from there it’s only a short step to knowing ALL journalists are paid liars.
Dual-citizenship shouldn’t exist at all, but at the very least they shouldn’t be allowed to hold office.
That sounds awfully dual-citizen-y.
He was a piece of shit who let American hostages sweat it out in Iran for 444 days while he shoved peanuts up his ass. Fuck Jimmy Carter.
When the song was over, they all cracked open a Bud LiGhBT.
“Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb.”
Rolling Stone magazine is fake, gay, and retarded.
Woke or ignorant is no choice.
UK “woman.”
Broken trust can never be fully rebuilt.
“You betrayed the Duke. Now nobody trusts you.”
The Church of England just can’t stop copying Catholicism.
I didn’t know Fenyx Rising was from Ubisoft.
Get ready for an Israeli or Indian Prime Minister.
“Hey, that’s my history!”
That’s a good one.
Why is this guy still alive?
Who’d want to?
I can’t wait for one of them to sing Al Jolson songs.
And it was the BerenSTEIN Bears.
There are lies, damned lies, and Statista.