Maskurbator 7 points ago +7 / -0

Jokes on China then. Because if this recent trend continues and Americans turn their back on Jews/Israel, not only will we no longer find ourselves stretched thin military/on foreign fronts but also stronger and more united on a domestic front.

The bullshit laws and taxes that Jew politicians push in the US handicaps the US machine. It's like we're in a race while being the only competitor dragging a person on each leg and somehow still winning by a hair. If we cut off the dead weight we would leave the competition in the dust.

Maskurbator 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope the implication is not that Jeremy is Bens handler when it's more than likely the other way around.

Maskurbator 7 points ago +7 / -0

Defamation? Like the Anti defamation league? Interesting. Didn't they grt founded to defend a Jew rapist and tried to pin it in a black guy and even the KKK didn't buy it? Interesting.

Maskurbator 6 points ago +6 / -0

So then how did that term come to be used by jews for that event? Has any Jew actually offered up an explanation? If it's a word.that doesn't even exist outside a few rare contexts, then they had to have chosen it for a reason. In fact that was probably THE reason. Something no infrequently used it's basically a novel word.

Maskurbator 5 points ago +5 / -0

We're all people, but they're CHOSEN people.

The US has allies but Israel is our GREATEST ally.

There's lots of countries in the middle east but Israel is "the only democracy in the middle east"

They simultaneously have "only one nation" and are a "nationless people" that have spread to everywhere else in the world.

Maskurbator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Spells real just not in the strict sense. But the notion is. You say a series of words and an expected result happens. But instead of umbada doombada and your book levitates, it's "racism" "supremacy" "equality" and those most suspectable to manipulation are almost hypnotized and react accordingly and predictably.

Maskurbator 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's all nonsense. "Gender affirming" surgery implies that getting a dick makes you the male gender. And removing it makes you the female gender. So then they acknowledge that gender = specific genitals. And they also acknowledge that gender = sex. It's wrong to assume someone's gender. Apparently we shouldn't have any way of knowing, yet they do shit like body mutilating, hormones therapy, chest binders to trick people into thinking they are something other than what they are, ie they WANT people to assume their gender based on their appearance.

Maskurbator 8 points ago +8 / -0

The left is general have validation issues because of how insanely insecure they all are. The strength of their opinion is directly proportionate to how many other people approve of that opinion.

Maskurbator 12 points ago +12 / -0

Or the guy who thinks the pro Palestine people are Trumpers. He's so dumb he doesn't even realize that the people on the right who are anti Israel hold those opinions for a completely different reason than the lefties with the Palestinian flags do. Talk about reductive. This fucking guy probably thinks ice cream causes sunburns.

Maskurbator 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bingo. Even if not stated in world ,there can be an official appendix that states "All these people are men/white/straight/hate orcs" etc so that decades later when you're dead some purple haired fag can't buy the IP and try to bastardize it.

Maskurbator 9 points ago +9 / -0

I find it interesting that viewers seem to run in the same channels. Offline I don't know a single person who watches Drinker or Shad or half of the weird shit i do. Then here on some random group that I don't even know how I found this place or wtf Kotaku even is, I find people who name-drop shit that I watch left and right. Whatever you are, you are my people.

And also, I think us Americans are less inclined to pull our punches when it comes to criticism about stuff. If something is just barely tolerable I've noticed that non American whites (Euros, Brits, Oceanians, Canadians) will be like "well this wasn't TERRIBLE" and Americans will just call a spade a spade "that shit was gay as fuck". I think the general pro censorship culture of other countries affects their banter even when private and online.

American (right wingers) wonder why our Canadian and NZ/Aussie compatriots are so inclined to go along with whatever the government says, for example.

Maskurbator 19 points ago +19 / -0

Bingo. he was totally cool with black people/elves/Hobbits in the new LOTR Amazon show. "Its horrible because of the story". I mean yeah, but even if it had a good story it would still be horrible because it had non whites in it. in reality, representation for the sake of it is just gay and try hard and box checking. And it's okay if people don't want diversity in everything. In fact it's okay if people DISlike diversity in movies, media, or real life. People really do push the narrative that diversity is OBJECTIVELY good and we should all worship at its altar.

Maskurbator 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yo black man. You play basketball because you're black, right?

That was definitely the genesis of the conversation.

Maskurbator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone needs to make like a cliff notes version of this.

I have read and read and really don't understand the original gamer gate thing. And the sweet baby thing even more so. There never seems to be a genesis point. Or maybe it just one of those IYKYK and if you don't you don't.

Maskurbator 12 points ago +12 / -0

That'd be an interesting game. For kicks they could Hellen Keller that character and she groans random sounds throughout the entire game.

"Could this be.... The lost tomb of Emperor N'Gavati?!"


"Good catch, Aisha"

Maskurbator 7 points ago +7 / -0

Who hasn't experienced this.

Blacks juxtaposed to any other demo and you realize they don't just look completely different from every other race, they act it too.

I've had to listen to them chattering in movie theaters.

Good humored Halloween jump scares that my weight neighbors laughed and chuckled at had some black teen cuss and me and threaten me with violence.

Blacks blaring their car sound systems super loud well after dark.

Blacks also like to walk in the street instead of in the sidewalk for some reason.

Everything hit a boiling point for me in summer 2020. That's when I made the jump from "it's not their race, it's all about culture and upbringing" to "yup. It's race. And good ones are the exceptions. And I'm racist."

Maskurbator 1 point ago +1 / -0

How are mods picked? Do they apply? Are they elected?

Maskurbator 13 points ago +13 / -0

Perfectly argued and stated. As if we're to believe these people just pull shit out of their ass the day of. Are we supposed to buy that? That this wasn't all plann d put. And as you said, even if it wasn't, is it worth royally pissing off the 50-60% of Americans than in some way or another identify as Christian or Catholic in order to pander a 1% group? No political strategist would recommend that. Which means not only did the rainbow demons who planned this years ago know what they were doing but this administration also isn't acting out of incompetence, it's acting deliberately and thus is evil.

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