What is this?
They're mad because they're traitorous whores who are tricking their husbands into raising another man's child. Such behavior warrants a stone age punishment frankly.
When are you going to hire more mods to address the pedophile and his numerous alt accounts?
They belong in asylums, not camps.
What're the odds on it being a lefty or troon that went off the rails after spending time in an echo chamber convincing themselves that they were a valiant hero slaying villainous "Christian Facists"?
This is why I want to know where I can download some non-compromised fan translations.
It's a yin without yang situation. Without Matt the technical situation is a complete shitshow, but without Blonde to real him in Matt will just go way too in the weeds with the minutiae of every story and I just end up tuning out.
Worst break up I've seen in years.
A masterful retort.
Yes, although it hasn't been the same since Blonde left.
So basically he can't handle confrontation, critique or anything that challenges his worldview? Strange stance for someone to take after ending up on this board. Even stranger in that I didn't direct anything at him but he volunteered a response.
100% hoax hate.
I think the lower quality graphics meant that the player's imagination had to do a lot of the heavy lifting and the human imagination is always going to produce a better product than whatever a development team can. So the more you remove the need to lean on the human imagination, the lower the quality of the product becomes. It's all on a curve and there's an optimum amount of graphical fidelity, but as you approach hyper realism you end up on a point of the curve where everything just gets unappealing.
It's more that forgiveness is being doled out without contrition as a prerequisite.
I'll take that as a "yes".
Sounds like I hit a nerve.
You're not alone in noticing this trend. I can't keep up with the content from creators I used to follow anymore. There's just too much, too frequently and it's often too long.
It's kind of lead to me dialing down the Youtube consumption the last couple of weeks.
I've been telling people this for years and it just sort of shuts down the conversation with left leaning people. They don't have a response because I think on some level they understand the unassailable truth of that statement. They don't deny it and they don't have any counter argument to get passed it.
Grok thinks
I swear to god you mouth breathing faggots are too stupid to be allowed on the internet.
Large Language Models don't "think", they don't "know". They do a whole bunch of math to predict the next character in sequence of letters based on weighted probabilities.
Who here would like to play a game set during the era of European colonialism where YOU can decide to do whatever you want to the natives whether work with them, enslave them or going full Portuguese...
Oh, so what I was hoping Greedfall was going to deliver but then failed to on top of being kind of a shitty game.
Says a lot about the state of the industry. I don't think I'd even heard of it until now. Really shows how weak the current stable of AAA releases are.
It's just something that stood out enough to stick with since it's been several years since I actually played the first game.
But is it even worth giving them your time?
The controls were pretty fucking clunky too from what I recall. Maybe better in 2, but the original definitely stood out as handling poorly compared to most other games in the genre.
Nah we actually had to fight for it
That's the thing, a lot of brain dead idiots think that owning firearms is some magic talisman that wards off tyranny, but it's actually the use of them that's key. And what do we see so many on the right do when tyranny rolls in? They calmly comply with law enforcement and get carted off to jail to suffer the whims of the tyrants of the current era. I don't see anyone out there actually using those firearms to ward off tyranny with the exception of the recent vigilante assassin.
But sure, keep propagating the message that guns are a magical bulwark without coupling it with the far less palatable message that you need to be willing to shed blood if you wish to keep yourself free. Anyone can buy a gun, but very few people are ready to kill someone.
Let me know what that manga is. It sounds like it's worth a look.