You just have to play by the leftists' rules:
"Due to changing gender norms we have decided to stop discriminating against transsexual players. We'll be ending the discriminatory practice of having separate leagues. In the future we will have one unified league where every player gets paid the same, regardless of sex or gender. We take this step to fully embrace the LGBTWTFBBQ community and its valuable contributions to the world of soccer."
Probably fake.
The screenshot looks sketchy so I searched for the quote and only found "fact checkers" who claim it's fake.
Although, considering the sheer amount of "fact checkers" who wrote about this one in particular and how adamant they are that it's fake, it makes me wonder if there is fire below all this smoke.
Yea, how attractive female chars are is one of my red-flag-checks when I consider a game. Making them ugly has become a leftist political statement, so I'll go with the opposite. Same with how "ethnic" characters are.
Yea, I was like "that sounds scummy". Then I read who was complaining about not receiving review copies. Now I'm all "I'm ok with that".
I'm not in a hurry for articles why Starfield is "too white and toxic" and how it "idolizes colonialism".
That's a really rough choice for the women, when it comes to Ant-Man:
Yet another example that Islam is incompatible with civilization.
When civil rights have to be destroyed because they cannot control their violent, urges, they do not belong!
We're destroying civilization to cater to terrorists and savages.
To give you a few glimpses how that's going to turn out:
In Germany the chancellor recently attended a citizens Q&A session where participants where "randomly chosen" by a "lottery". Turns out the people who were allowed to ask questions just happened to be politicians from far-left parties. What a random coincidence!
Also Germany: the federal government is forming its first Bolshevik-style council. People are selected "randomly". Except they somehow want to make sure all minorities are represented, e.g. vegans. Which means it won't be random at all.
Remember when we used to look down upon primitive medieval "doctors" who drilled holes into people's skulls to release evil spirits?
Look at where we are now. We are living in another dark age.
People who claim to follow some progressive enlightened ideology are living proof how all the atrocities of past centuries could have happened, because they're repeating them before our eyes.
Are they? Tiktok has the craziest lunatics I've ever seen.
People on Facebook can string sentences together to form an argument, whether you agree or not. People on Tiktok are just ... too braindead to be considered human. They worship people whose mental capacity is that of literal NPCs.
Maybe "crazy" gives them too much credit because it implies actual thoughts. Tiktok is like an asylum where the drugged up mentally ill stare at the wall all day while they drool all over themselves. There's no mental activity beyond vegetative functions.