They have lots of time warring against each other. Really, the anomaly is in how much Europeans have set aside their own historical intracontinental animosity.
The car might be mechanically secure to that speed, but I doubt most drivers are capable of managing, say, lane changes or merging or anything beyond an extremely slight turn at that speed.
I do think there are some places where it could go up to 80 though. Most highways and turnpikes, that would probably be fine.
True enough, if they kept them to admin—or maybe trained them as nurses—I don’t think there would be an issue with that. Of course, that’s counting on them to make a rational decision about sex differences and interactions between women and men….
In principle, it sounds good to make women bear the same responsibilities that men have for the power to vote, but in practice I think integrating women into the armed forces will actually decrease their effectiveness and get more men killed.
(Also, if we’re being realistic, while giving women the vote probably has some bearing on how we got to this point, at this point, I’m not convinced that the votes of men or women have any real impact on what wars we will fight).
Level set in a white-collar office. You have the option to check a fridge in the breakroom. If you do, he snags some lunch with a very white name printed on it and eats it while saying "heh heh time for some... repa-rations" to regain health.
You are correct. I misread and misunderstood what you were saying in your initial comment. I apologize for starting an argument over my misunderstanding.
“Actually, I don’t care, it’s all shit” is a bad thing to say after it’s been pointed out your knowledge is incorrect. It makes it look like you’re sulking, and certainly no one should trust your evaluation when it’s based on at least one piece of faulty knowledge.
I have no idea about the legal grounds, but the realistic answer is that the judicial system as it is would probably protect SBI regardless of legal grounds.
I guess if you went jurisdiction shopping you might be able to find a place that would give you a shot, though.
Plus there's no indication in the show that Palpatine isn't just making that up to entice Anakin. They never actually show this 'power.'
Well, aside from his mother saying in Episode One that there was no father. I don’t think the intention was for the viewer to assume she was lying about a one night stand or something.
According to her post, they’ve already been together 11 years, and in this case she’s very clearly taken his side against outside pressure. Not even a halfhearted “come on, you’re overreacting,” but a wholehearted “wow, you people are insane and I love my husband” response.
Obviously, we’ll never know for sure, but I choose to believe you are being needlessly pessimistic.
In an ironic twist I have decided we are now a pantsing house. I will pants him as often as humanly possible and I will be wearing dresses to make myself invincible.
Shit, she has the tech!
No it isn’t, those aren’t directly contradictory ideas. It’s just good general principle (“this shouldn’t be mandatory”) combined with specific issue foolishness (“it is healthy and safe”).
The doublethink version would be something like “the vaccine is untested and unsafe, and very good and healthy to take.”
Unless he's changed views quite a lot, I don't think Antonio agrees with the echo effect interpretation of "elites" and "agenda."
Damn. Fuck those guys.
I don’t know of anything like this that currently exists, but it’s definitely an interesting idea.
That Ni’qqa clan elf just stole my +2 self-pedaling bicycle!
I wouldn’t say better used…. That wall down south is still very much needed.
If you don't mind, what actually did happen with Phoenix Point? Is it that they were an Epic exclusive for a while? I know it was generally considered a mediocre game, and disappointing considering that the original XCOM guy was involved, but I never paid enough attention to it—because it was on Epic—to be aware of any controversies beyond the exclusive status.
Which, if they did a Kickstarter or something and then took Epic money, is pretty bullshit.
I wouldn’t call it prescient; that would be under Obama. It was probably a contemporary criticism that happens to still be relevant. (And I’m sure Obama’s admin didn’t start the trend. If we’re being honest, Japan’s laws have been meddled with by the West since we first made contact, to one degree or another).
Unless of course the lime scooters have some sort of tracking tech
If I was running a transportation rental service, I’d probably GPS tag all my stuff.
Also wasn't this one in some woke drama just before release?
This is the one that had the localization that made a character call some big NPC a “chud.”
But would you have to prove that? If you're the person licensing it out under whatever limited license, would it be enough to say "hey, you agreed not to redistribute this, but then you ran it through Adobe, who says they will peek at and use anything you run through their software"?
At least Will Smith’s kid felt more honest about what it was. “I wanna make a movie with my son, I’m a big enough star to make that happen, so here are some movies with me and my son. We’re even playing father and son, because this movie is really just an excuse for us to be in a movie together.”
It’s a shame the movies didn’t turn out good, but it didn’t feel quite the same as taking over a property like Star Wars to shove your relatives in. (Although given that Hollywood can’t do original stuff, those movies probably do represent a terrible adaptation of something, so maybe I shouldn’t be as forgiving as I am).
Wow, that was even worse than I was assuming. Very interesting, though. Thanks.
I'm fairly certain that even if young men are the biggest driver, black people of all ages and both sexes still outperform their counterparts in other demographics when it comes to violent crime. So, a black woman is less likely to be a violent criminal than a black man, but she's still more likely to be a violent criminal than a white woman.