That was a clean leg sweep into a takedown.
You're asking communists to leave private property alone.
...why the fuck is my tax dollars funding Australian Universities?
Equal to if not worse than prostitutes.
They give zero fucks
And that's the way it should be.
Of course they'd make a black man romantically persue a married woman.
Abhor the witch. Destroy the witch. Suffer not the Unclean to live.
Why is it that ONLY leftists can hear the "dog whistles"?
Because they're all bitches
Things that make you go 'hmm...'
I mean to be fair it's damn near impossible to replace Alan Rickman, but they could of at least made an effort.
Real 'you reap what you sow' moment.
Yeah, I don't care what flavor of Isreal it is, just the fact they're the ones who perpetuated it.
How can we countdown the clock when it's just painted on the wall at this point?
I'm from Buenos Ares, and I say CANCEL THEM ALL!
The story boils down to Rico's observations during his military service. If they took that seriously, it has a good chance of doing well in the box office. Think along the veins of We Were Soldiers.
I mean, it IS ok to have that as a story premise. Because it's a story. No one is getting hurt. No real people are being targeted to be wiped out. It's not us associating fictional races with real life ones.
In other words...fuck off, cunt.
The process is the punishment
Because she's already been running Florida by proxy?
The good ol' days
Exactly. We are a failing Constitutional Republic.
Practicing the "grab her by the pussy" scene a little too much?
Don't you mean...THE MESSAGE?!