LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know about the other films on the list, but I'm pretty sure Mickey 17 and Captain America both underperformed. Being behind them is not exactly something to brag about.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm as autistic as perhaps chris chan

Don't go buying or making any amulets, it activates the curse.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel like sourcing that Ben Shapiro doesn’t think the USS Liberty was a big deal is a bit like sourcing that President Trump wants to build a wall.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think we should be suspicious because those premises sound insane on their own. But the other stuff doesn’t help.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm sure the marketing department staffers are genuine fans of Hasan, and Hasan is a genuine fan of blackwashing Japanese history. This actually seems like a pretty perfect match.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've said this before, but it's impressive how thoroughly Ubisoft has mishandled every aspect of this. Not just inserting a DEI character front and center, but getting historical details on every level wrong, mixing up Japanese and other Asian cultures, terrible voice acting, ugly models that don't look Japanese, multiple instances of them disrespecting Japanese religion, technical issues, allegedly using a One Piece toy as a prop in promotional images, postponing the game due to the controversies but then picking the anniversary of a famous terrorist attack in Japan for the new release date....

The list just goes on and on and on. It's a comedy of unforced errors, and for it to happen with the one specific entry that AC fans had wished for for years is insane. How do you mess up your golden bullet this badly?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 7 points ago +7 / -0

True, but OP is the one who included the behavior of the President/CEO and Board of Directors, which extends it to the company as a whole.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, I think the proper ending would be an ellipsis. Settra's complete list of titles is never given in full in the source material, and is supposed to take somewhere around two hours to recite.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, to be fair to Emerald Robinson....

And Carlson may not tweet "AIPAC" much, but he is the guy that platformed Massie saying every congressperson has an AIPAC handler. In fact, that's the very interview you're dismissing. "It's just a timecode," but of course it's the timecode for AIPAC being explicitly called out as a powerful foreign interest lobby group whose interests do not align with America's. Kind of a lot to brush off.

I agree that some of these people are very imperfect, and I would even say a few of these people are downright useless. But I think your reducing the "are they good" check to a single search term that isn't even exhaustive for the one issue you're looking at is kind of retarded.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 23 points ago +23 / -0

That has little to do with his comment. It's almost a complete non-sequitur. In fact, given that there are two women in the anecdote and they're politically at odds because one of them isn't accepting a degenerate, what he said contradicts your follow-up. It makes you come off like you can't read.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

The tweet isn’t even a defense of Stalin, Mao, or Hitler. It’s a condemnation of their state apparatuses for enabling them to commit their crimes. It’s actually against them, because it uses their actions as a warning for the dangers of our own state apparatuses. Of course the average leftist doesn’t have the logical reasoning to get that.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is best for everyone is if we are all very honest about paying our taxes, and the government is effective and efficent about using the taxation revenue.

Well, sure, but as long as that second part doesn’t exist—in fact, as it is, taxes fund any number of things that make life worse for me—then it’s hard to get worked up about individuals not following through on their part of the deal.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 26 points ago +28 / -2

not only

but [also] regular anime and manga

Is your reading comprehension really below the level of “one complete sentence”?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I don’t think he’s necessarily “deep state compromised” or whatever. I do think he has some bad instincts, puts his ideal outcomes ahead of reality, and is the type of person to potentially sink the ship in a dumb attempt to get his way. See: voting against the border wall because all spending is bad spending.

I’m not all in on Massie bad, but neither am I going to play the “Massie’s a true patriot, and Trump never should have called him out!” game. The outcome I’m hoping for here is that Massie concedes to follow a bit more of Trump’s agrnda, and Trump starts being friendly with him in return.

Also, posts like the picture in OP just feel like ballwashing. Every politician can put some fiery slogan on their door. It’s about half a step up from a bumper sticker on their car, and is pretty much the lowest bar I can imagine for political action. But because Massie did it, he’s such a brave firebrand.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll add "The Boy and the Heron" to the list of good movies, if you don't mind animated stuff. Speaking of which, I've heard a lot of good things about Flow but haven't watched that one myself.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 6 points ago +6 / -0

It’s possible they’re priced out of moving, or need to stay there for work.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 17 points ago +17 / -0

Then we have to play this game where chuds map all their fascist race ideology onto it.

This coming from the same bloc that has been endlessly screeching about this show for almost two years because they literally can't watch it and accept that the fictional demons are irredeemable, because they keep projecting themselves and/or their favorite brown people onto them.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 21 points ago +21 / -0

urination corner.

Look, I get that she's a spiteful animal who takes pleasure in wrecking other people's things. I understand that if she even has a sense of shame, it probably responds to very different things than mine. But I don't understand how she isn't bothered by living in her own filth on a personal level. Doesn't it stink? Doesn't she feel dirty?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 10 points ago +10 / -0

Massie strikes me as the same sort of guy as Rand Paul. Right on a lot of issues, but also prone to making perfect the enemy of good. Nothing would get done if Massie was president.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe I’m being technologically ignorant, but is there any particular reason to assume that the IP addresses accurately reflect the origin?

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