JustHereForTheSalmon 16 points ago +18 / -2

Ha, I unsubscribed and removed it from my omnibar after I saw that at never went back. Maybe a little too rash but my patience for chicanery has gotten pretty low.

JustHereForTheSalmon 41 points ago +44 / -3

And they made Fish a mod LOL. Almost always shit takes, in the negative, but somehow he's someone who knows what should and shouldn't be on Gaming.

Deliberately crashing a community into the ground because they're afraid of no-no speak.

JustHereForTheSalmon 32 points ago +34 / -2

With how much of my tax money has gone to Ukraine I might as well call myself a citizen.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

The messaging going on through porn is doing it's thing exactly as designed.

JustHereForTheSalmon 8 points ago +8 / -0

I figured the owner was fucking around with Brave users again but, can confirm, even with other browsers, also stuck in recaptcha loop

JustHereForTheSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pre-2015 is decent.

The board game hobby is awash in "the new hotness" consumerism, but there are hundreds of games that are still crazy fun. Bonus: that consumerism can often get you some good used deals.

JustHereForTheSalmon 26 points ago +26 / -0

Looking forward to the next news story.

"Stores that feature classical music are racist and sexist by elevating the works of white men. HR bill 42069 will address this by making the public broadcast of music illegal with a noted exception for bass-centric rap songs featuring lyrics about killing cops and raping bitches."

JustHereForTheSalmon 10 points ago +11 / -1

The sensor that prevents the door from squishing people needs adjustment or replacement. The people that know this were let go for a bunch of diversity hires.

JustHereForTheSalmon 19 points ago +19 / -0

Wait until colleges finish churning out sub-90 IQ diverse female "engineers" who weren't tested because it's traumatic and all the competent white men get pushed out.

In many ways we'd all wish for death by entropy instead of what's coming.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think there's going to be lots of effort to disguise AI content. The same way you used to screw in one bolt on your widget at the local distribution center and call it Made in America

JustHereForTheSalmon 9 points ago +9 / -0

Maybe a bit of a hot take / shit opinion, but I wonder if famously stressed schedules of Japanese entertainment is kind of what makes them great.

You hear about stories with the composer of Chrono Trigger pushed to the limits of his sanity, code changes hours before compiling and shipping to the mask ROM house, people sleeping under their desks.

Sacrificing for your game means you're not going to piss away that sacrifice on something substandard. If they didn't believe in it they'd be working on something else, after all.

Meanwhile in the West the communist gaming media have gotten the ear of the right people and are pushing big on better conditions. And, sure, better conditions are good, but I think you see what the lack of pressure and devotion looks like. Pozzed messaging aside, modern games have more bugs than ever despite better and more mature engines and middlewear. Even Japanese companies buying in to the Western way of doing things like SquareEnix and The Pokemon Company show of what the 9-5 "it's just a job" crowd can pump out

JustHereForTheSalmon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Leftist memes aren't about convincing, they're about signaling.

Think those communist propaganda posters with The Socialist Man standing front and center with children on the borders gazing on with admiration.

The message isn't "look at this fictional idealized statist and be amazed". It's just to communicate that you can be a good communist and praise the system that requires you to show fealty to eat and not get shot.

JustHereForTheSalmon 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the right to be an asshole.

Prior to the welfare state, you couldn't be an asshole to your kids because they wouldn't take care of you when you were old. You couldn't be an asshole to your neighbors because they wouldn't lend a hand to help you. You had to be friendly and personable to others to establish relationships such that people would miss you should you die and want to help you.

Today? Gibs. You don't have to be normal, you're entitled to other people's stuff. They don't have to want to give it to you, the state will put a gun against their head and take what they can get away with

JustHereForTheSalmon 25 points ago +25 / -0

I'm more impressed about how much was not covered up and still retards will parrot the party line that it was totally above board.

It's not too often you have hours of smoking gun video, thousands of affidavits, and proof of collusion to pretend this caliber of crime didn't happen.

I'm pretty sure the idiots on the left would be able to watch audio and video footage of Biden taking a suitcase from a man in a trench coat standing in an empty parking lot, opening it up to reveal it stuffed full of cash, and saying out loud "thanks for the bribe, Jack Lastname of Chinese Company Inc!" and they'd still insist the New York Time's assessment that Biden is the cleanest president alive.

JustHereForTheSalmon 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes, it's clown world.

I'm not the OP but asking about the outliers is a good way to gather raw intel on how to become an outlier yourself.

While it's okay to be fine with being MGTOW, you've got to remember that the future belongs to today's children and lord knows there are going to be a ton of absolutely fucked children in the future. The ones who can rise above it all are not just a benefit to your progeny but also a benefit to society and the species. It's a way to make sure your values don't die in the next inevitable internet censorship scrubbing.

The juice may not be worth the squeeze, but gauging the effort is pretty important in evaluating that.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Soft-engaged for a year, ring-engaged for another, will be 5 years married soon. Met at a wedding (boring I know). Chatting with a friend in a group of people and he told them a story about me. I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled, the surgeon was running real late and I hadn't eaten for 12 hours by that point (I was pretty fucking fat). I was practically passed on in the waiting room chair and a girl entered and he suggested I give up my seat for her and I told him to go fuck himself. "Ooh, a real life chauvinist!" was my now wife's reaction.

At the time it was still "LOL Trump running for president? Fucking do it, it'll be a gas" in the normie zeitgeist. Had the wedding been even a year later I'm sure I would have been kicked out of the reception hall. I remember being asked a bunch of questions like I was a zoo animal (not just from her, from the people that didn't know me or my friend) and I had enough to drink that I was just basically cross referencing Married With Children hot takes and throwing them out for a laugh but wound up making some new friends.

Got big into board games so having a little group was pretty good. From game performance I think she got the idea that you can be wrong about some things and right about other things, and eventually she realized I wasn't wrong about some things she thought I was wrong about. We were pretty evenly matched, and eventually she would tell me that she appreciated me hitting her with all I've got instead of taking it easy on her Because Girl like others in the group did.

My future wife would go toe-to-toe with me in versus games and we were pretty evenly matched overall but some games she was just better at and some I was just better at, so we each would try to poke at each other to break through. As the political rhetoric around TDS grew, eventually "the group" would became "just us" and, well, one night a game of War of the Ring was resolved by, let's just say a treaty.

When we met she was pretty liberal but then again so was I a while ago, helped her think things out with an assist from just how many lunatics there are on the left. I think that's pretty key, you can't discuss or address anything without being honest about what the problem really is and that extends to all the things that come with a marriage.

She helped encourage me to take better care of myself and lose most of my weight and didn't try to sabotage my efforts like previous girlfriends that were either fat or skinny-fat and coasting on naturally putting on weight.

Together I think there's just a trust we have for each other, and a mutual understanding and respect. We're going to each approach things in our way and if it's not in opposition to something important, just let it be. When people see things like "man cave" and call it a cuckening, I see it as it makes my wife happy to have an electronics-free living area and since I've got plenty of space to myself anyway, and can see her point about it being a little distracting, I don't care to fight it. When she does the laundry and people call her a Stepford Wife she knows I'm straight up not going to fold anything I don't think needs folding like socks so she does it because she wants things tidy. (And maybe to check for lipstick & make up on my collar I guess.)

Covok's list is pretty good. The only thing I would add that compromise being something where no one walks away happy is mostly a factor of how much you care about it. Conceding something that doesn't really matter never really represented a loss.

JustHereForTheSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Most libs I have the displeasure of knowing eat out pretty much every fucking meal. If it didn't come from a pick up window or uber eats, it came out of a box that they "toiled" over an air fryer to bring it back to temp.

Meanwhile most everyone I am actually friends with knows how to cook, and the split between people that are great at it is pretty even, and I've never heard anyone call it woman's work outside dumb jokes.

JustHereForTheSalmon 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Mistakes were made."

You made a mistake.

"No no no, mistakes were made. By themselves. Just like that. It's magic!"

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because he was "pwning the libs." Cheap optics.

He wouldn't lose his base if he just did a good job, all he did was provide fuel to energize the left and encourage election board terror cells to cheat in desperation.

JustHereForTheSalmon 15 points ago +15 / -0

It just follows that society has devolved into basically high school mean girls.

JustHereForTheSalmon 9 points ago +9 / -0

Where's than 4chan screenshot of someone realizing "omg the laundry is such a burden" is just throwing things into a box and pushing a button?

JustHereForTheSalmon 12 points ago +12 / -0

So if the story is to be believed, her pride got in the way of getting work done at a lower cost than anticipated? Yeah, her husband REALLY put his faith in the right lady lol.

JustHereForTheSalmon 4 points ago +4 / -0

KiA2 has been more than just vidya for a long while now.

matters not suited to here

I don't like liars. Instead of blocking that daily verse OP because you don't appreciate it, you instead want them silenced so that no one that would appreciate it can. I would say this attitude is less deserving of being here versus a single daily quote than a very smart atheist can just downvote and ignore.

JustHereForTheSalmon 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's just big talk. There's no way XX_LiteralNobody420_XX is going to get Elon Musk to pay his legal bill after getting fired from Panda Express for liking a tweet.

And besides, even if people were fired for Tweet liking, HR is in the business of hiding that stuff like it's crown jewels. Employee fired for something they did on twitter, everyone knows they did, everyone knows why they were fired, but there simply won't be smoking gun evidence of "fire this man for Twitter behavior." Even lazy wine-drunk leftist HR departments do that much correctly.

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