IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not only that but they're harassing their own kind too. This entire thing is an encapsulation of leftist/cancel culture: they get something tailor made for them that noone else can enjoy, find the tiniest thing wrong with it, then send the torches/pitchforks and bury it into oblivion. Could this game be good? Possibly (I'm under the impression that it would've been way better as a multiplayer experience, where you could team up with other players and do different quests based off of your allegience). With all of the bitching and moaning though I would not be surprised if the devs cave in and we see radical updates that make it appealing to noone.

IamM 7 points ago +7 / -0

If I remember right the reason has to do with the voice actor as well. The woman who does all of the english dubs is a hardcore lefty, and told the japanese that if they don't start adding more alphabet-mafia shit she's going to bail (to what exactly I'm not sure as voice acting is a dying career path nowadays).

IamM 9 points ago +9 / -0

Stuff like this is why I'm glad they closed a ton of the california stores and just sent all of their products to neighboring areas. I think it was last year they said they were closing half of the ones there, and I swear a month after the last one did they had tons of sales on the local ones. I don't normally buy walmart shoes, but when they're $10 a pair I don't see why not.

IamM 3 points ago +4 / -1

The only reason those "vtuber" things exist is because extremely ugly people saw all of the onlyfans stuff the women were doing there and wanted a cut of the action. 30 years ago the extremely unattractive would go onto careers like pizza making/government customer service. Now they are so lazy that they'd rather make 1/50th of the cash sitting in front of a camera talking about how harry potter is racist while pretending to be a 5yr old girl.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Enrolled and attending is an entirely different issue though. Many trade schools for example, at least in canada, ignore any semblance of high school stuff for participation (so for example right now there are 2 people in this apprenticeship with me who dropped out of high school and were still able to apply for this). There's also the whole issue of school ranges, zones and disabilities. Let's say your kid is in a wheelchair and is 30mins away from the nearest school, and they refuse to send buses to the area for said schools as your kid is the furthest away. How could they enforce it then?

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not entirely sure how they'd enforce a homeschooling ban though, as unlike lockdowns where they can just "arrest/fine people on the street" much like gun control it'd take too much manpower and effort to go to every single non-compliance. Plus there's the whole thing about what defines schooling/teaching (if I show a kid how to tie a shoe for example, would that violate it too?), creating a lot of weird loopholes.

IamM 7 points ago +7 / -0

Does that mean mario is gay due to his insistence on jumping ass-first onto mushroom shaped enemies and his weird obsession with them as a whole?

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, this entire thing sounds extremely fake. That "let's close the door and buttfuck eachother" line sounds like something you'd hear from one of those 1980s stranger danger PSA's, or in my case at work when we'd sarcastically say it to celebrate gay pride month alongside wearing cotton sweaters to celebrate black history month.

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

One of my buddies was playing this and apparently the biggest issue aside from the lack of optimization and physics not working as intended is the unoriginality. If you've ever played the game "Astroneer" then you've played this.

IamM 35 points ago +35 / -0

You have to think that'd be a great excuse for other stuff too. "Hey, there was a reason I mentioned I was super positive and not that I had HIV. If I told you that it'd undermine the confidence in you getting into bed with me."

IamM 9 points ago +9 / -0

Her chest and her face. I swear there are less wrinkles on my balls than there are under her eyes.

by folx
IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean it's a tranny. I'm pretty sure they'd have them regardless so they can round up and "re-educate" another victim.

by folx
IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

See, I'm confused as to how it could be taken down in the first place while not having any tears or holes. If it was taken down, it was probably in no small part thanks to the worst tape-job this side of lady gaga's balls.

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

While I do think there was fishy stuff during that election, him cheating would be the least odd thing about it. Canada was going through a giant heat wave that pushed through september that year (we do our federal ones 2 months before the american one), with the west coast in particular averaging 22C for the month. Not only were places ill-equipped to handle the massive amount of people without the weather, but the added part of people feinting in the parking lots while waiting added a bit of chaos to it. When I went to vote I had 4 cases of water in the back of my corolla and people were literally trying to hand me $20s for some of it because it was that bad outside.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, this isn't even the biggest story involving onlyfans-related stuff. There was a big WWE wrestler, 407 days as champion and one of the best villains they've had in a while (imagine 80s "sex symbol" with a giant ego). Out of the blue she dropped her championship to someone who was only in the company for 6 months and, while they did show flashes of brilliance, wasn't considered someone who could carry the brand.

It was later found out that the reason this happened and she was subsequently fired was due to her doing some side-gig onlyfans stuff, something that is currently making her close to $2m a month, or about 10x more than the wrestling.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have to think that'd be one of the worst tattoos to have while in prison. The guy's face would be covered in more seed than the front row of a gallagher show.

IamM 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think either side really wants the war to end though. In russia's case the longer it goes the more territory they can claim before negotiations, in the left's case the longer it goes the more money they can milk from world governments to fund it.

Look at it this way: they spent 20 years in the middle east when the war was "over" within 3, and kept making excuses as to why (they have nuclear weapons hidden somewhere, us being there keeps everyone safe but just ignore 9/11 happening in the middle of that). This is effectively a repeat, only that there's more people milking that teet.

IamM 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think you're kinda missing the big issue though where for a lot of companies they want to drive in newer players so they're doing risky shit to make their product seem good. While they aren't crashing in revenue, that stems more from whales willing to shell out more than actual player growth (if I remember right blizzard's playerbase was actually down 20%, prior to the whole china fiasco).

I can understand why they'd want to do something like this, with the elusive "female" gaming market being the next china/indian gaming one. That being said riot did a similar thing where they said they'd crack down on toxicity and encouraged people to report that kind of behavior, only for their system to crater after close to 110M reports were filed in the following month. With toxicity not really being defined and more just "I see stuff I don't like", I could see them getting a lot of things where it's someone not responding to DM's or not giving all of the kills to said player.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I remember right greg hardy identified as a woman. After beating up his then-girlfriend, he wanted to make a career out of it in the UFC.

IamM 10 points ago +10 / -0

Fun fact: of the previous 10 mayors of toronto 8 have been caught in either a sex scandal or criminal wrongdoings.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also in his two most memorable matches he got "carried" by the other guy, I'm of course referring to mitb 2011 (aka "the most over a wrestler has ever been" ) and the firefly funhouse match.

IamM 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is saying you aren't homosexual a crime now?

Yes, at least in the nba. With how much petty drama and whining the players do, and with how often they fondle giant orange balls, there's very little seperating them from the average 2010 californian.

IamM 21 points ago +21 / -0

Oh, he won't be put in jail though. The cops will do another floyd thing, they'll burn down minneapolis again, and obama will do a speech at the guy's funeral making it seem as though they knew eachother for 30 years. "I remember walking through new york and seeing him, playing with his penis around children. He was a vibrant fellow, and is someone I used as inspiration for my syria strategy."

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean with how many kids anakin murdered you'd argue he's more into that stuff than luke. Which in a way makes his transition to vader make more sense. He didn't do it because he was significantly injured, he did it because he wanted to hide his identity and avoid a bunch of lawsuits.

IamM 1 point ago +2 / -1

I mean to most fat people they get the same result from seeing the pizza as they do the guy getting the blowjob.

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