I_Miss_Imp 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol I was scrolling down waiting to see this since it’s the first thing I thought while reading.

I_Miss_Imp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Orb: On The Movements of the Earth is actually really good if you like stuff like Vinland Saga.

I_Miss_Imp 4 points ago +4 / -0

That was before a time when every kid now has a video camera in their pocket. And an adult male beating up an adolescent male is most certainly not a good look.

I_Miss_Imp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even the book Rainbow 6 and video games have been turned. It used to be badass combat troops, now its literal rainbow danger hair femdom dykes.

I_Miss_Imp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nothing says hiring based on merit like “Skills First*” with a big ole asterisk on the DEI page of a company.

I_Miss_Imp 13 points ago +13 / -0

Are we sure it wasn’t Yasuke needing a new thrill after he conquered Japan?

I_Miss_Imp 11 points ago +11 / -0

Do people with Royal blood/Royalty deserve minority status and all the benefits as well?

I_Miss_Imp 2 points ago +2 / -0

They really don’t want to be seen as the first ones that got invaded again. They should have a buffer zone with their fence built back from border 50meters and then all sorts of warning signs up to the border line so when these smug pricks try ramming a stick through they are are on Polish territory and get the business. Quit wasting water and OC spray.

I_Miss_Imp 1 point ago +2 / -1

You’re not wrong. His biggest strength is you always know what you are going to get with him. So you extract and process the parts of his rants that hold the most merit/truth and ignore the parts that would extinct the human race.

I_Miss_Imp 2 points ago +2 / -0

The last clip I’ve seen from the game was African man chopping off the head of a Japanese woman. It felt weirdly disrespectful and real, almost like it’s in Europe or soon to be Japan.

I_Miss_Imp 6 points ago +11 / -5

Imp would have a field day with this one. Curse my username!!

I_Miss_Imp 13 points ago +13 / -0

I bet he’d like it there in India. He can just cut a hole in his wheel chair and take a shit going down the street and no one would mind. Maybe he should just stay and relinquish being a governor.

I_Miss_Imp 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first video on Zerohedge… guy starts screaming Allah Ahkbar after it happens. It didn’t sound celebratory or anything, but for fucks sake we can’t get immigrants out fast enough.

I_Miss_Imp 9 points ago +9 / -0

Can anyone explain what does this even mean? What are the tangibles here? What the hell is an India + Texas economic development mission?

I_Miss_Imp 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was once doing a racing course on a famous track IRL, and after doing several drills, laps with instructors, etc…for a day and at the end of doing the same thing on the 2nd day we finally had the first time to be able to run free for 30 min on our own and have the video recorded for us to take home(the age of DVDs) but there was one young(arrogant) girl in the class. And wouldn’t you know it, after we all get out on track and barely warmed up she flys off track 5 minutes into the 30 min and gets stuck in the sand so now everyone else gets yellow flagged to pull back into pits and wait for the truck to come and pull her out. So essentially all of our cockpit videos are all ruined and we maybe got 1 lap uninterrupted.

I_Miss_Imp 12 points ago +12 / -0

You could essentially call it 90% of Reddit. Even the anime subreddit for OnePiece is blocking X links. I saw some other obscure subreddits as well. And they also all say ‘No politics’ in the rules but let that go because we are fighting Nazis don’t you know!?!?

I_Miss_Imp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Without Remorse is the origin into one of the main characters in the Clancy universe origins. Without spoiling too much it is set towards the end of Vietnam War and a Navy seal is back in the U.S. and an issue develops with a group of black heroin/pimps dealers who wrong him and he gets revenge… without having remorse. It’s a good read. You could find the audiobook too. The Amazon movie is total blasphemy to the book and completely changes the entire story so don’t pay any attention to it.

I_Miss_Imp 3 points ago +3 / -0

These are re-reads but for me, I finished Without Remorse. And am almost done with Rainbow Six. Which has parallel elements to Covid and gain of function.

I_Miss_Imp 3 points ago +4 / -1

This was such a stupid move because Nippon Steel was going to spend a lot of money building state of the art manufacturing facilities on U.S. soil. So in the event they ever leave ,etc… it would all be stateside. Makes zero sense to block this deal when they were offering $55/share. Now you’ve got Nucor and CLF offering to buy for $35/share and there’s no way it would benefit in the same was Nippon was going to. The reason Biden blocked it is probably for the stupid reason that the name of the company is “U.S. Steel” being owned by a foreign company even though the actual Americans would be the winners here.

I_Miss_Imp 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s means they think Trump is a justice impacted individual right?

I_Miss_Imp 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was the same with John Oliver, but I think that might have been before covid. It was when his show was brand new and I thought, “oh nice, a show about trying to get to the truth of things no matter what.”….. then his bias unraveled at an accelerated pace and it became unwatchable.

I_Miss_Imp 7 points ago +7 / -0

You want to see somebody that responds to your house, your emergency that looks like you

The thing is, I agree with that. Not for the reason this dyke thinks. But if you apply that logic in any other domain in the U.S. it’s attacked by the leftist media. I don’t want Vajaraypunjabi, Tyrone, Pedro, or Xiachang anywhere near a governing or ruling class when I call on them in an emergency to protect the nation.

I_Miss_Imp 7 points ago +7 / -0

Toby and Dunst are the only Peter Parker and Mary Jane I’ll acknowledge. Pre-red head blackening replacement.

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