Supposedly they are steadily milking their whales who buy every expansion no questions asked.
Still, the whole "vaulting" content thing is such a shocking abuse of consumers I'm surprised it isn't talked about more.
an idea so stupid only academics could believe it.
My dad works every day from sun up to sundown, and never eats after 8pm. He might be a Mogwai.
Over-hydration can cause, wait for it... salt deficiency!
Yep. My dad has drowned every meal he's ever eaten in salt. He's 80 years old and even though he smoked for 50 of those years he's pretty healthy.
His argument always was "Don't try to regulate your salt intake, or your body will forget how to do it itself."
Consider how many millennials think they need to drink 18 glasses of water a day, and other shitty, stupid health advice.
Usury is when a lender demands more property in return than the loan itself. A house loan is not usury, because if you default on the loan you only lose the house, which is what the loan bought you. Usury is when you default on the loan and the lender demands the house and your car.
Usury is when companies engage in complicated financial schemes to take ownership of property without paying for it. This is what happened with Bethesda and Zenimax, for example. Most "intellectual property" is usurious, because a man can't sign away his labor forever, even willingly. That is slavery. If a company lends you money, and then starves out your business on purpose, and then takes your company when you default, that is usury.
End usury basically. Problem solved.
Globalism is about rendering all populations atomized and unable to organize. They'd rather have violent muslim enclaves than a united Christian front.
Muslims are a problem but they're not THE problem.
Reminder that after the Bataclan authorities raided mosques across France and every single one had a weapon cache.
When I met my wife she had no domestic skills at all. Like most boomers, her parents taught her that women doing household chores was a form of abuse.
Nevertheless, I have trained her into a good wife and mother, making three family meals a day and keeping a house. It was pretty much like potty training, but still doable. I did this because I wanted kids and a proper family, and I wasn't going to leave it up to chance.
But don't blame guys who refuse to bother. It sucks and it's hard work. Women are being squandered by society and filled with false premises of their aptitudes and values, and it's going to be generations to fix it.
Anti-natalism is a big problem today. Still, I can't blame any men who refuse to take a horrible deal. Calling them cowards is, in fact, cowardly.
It's deceptive. I am uninterested in the adventures of blackity blackity black black. Don't give a shit. I want the original character.
The funny thing is women won't play this and neither will blacks, since they're openly sexist and don't care two shits about muh gender diversity. Niggas love big titty bitches too, and they're not afraid to complain about it.
Nope. Fake nails are an equip slot, with many options. Only missing weaves.
Instant non-buy from me. Sad, Remedy.
Kind of a bummer when your failing rival uses their Rupees to just buy all the most popular franchises.
This is an important truth. Women would not get their way if it weren't for the "sneaky fucker," "men without chests" types aiding them.
Birth control pills contain andrgynes that have a masculinizing effect on women who take them since they were teens.
This is every politician. Not that that's any kind of excuse, but seriously, every single non-profit is a scam, every charity is a money laundering organization, ever NGO funnels government money, etc.
Even this measured statement is wrong. Women weren't even allowed to touch spears or arrows, let alone a "small minority."
Throughout most of human history a woman trying to take a man's role would get her a swift beating.
edit I'll add one exception: Spartan women were trained in combat and athletics on the belief that every able-bodied adult should defend the town when attacked, but they were highly unusual for this practice.
Feather-Indians had separate languages for genders, the squaws couldn't even talk about hunting, let alone participate. They weren't taught the words.
You see this all the way across the world with the Chakobsa hunting language of the Caucases, known only to men (shamelessly stolen by Dune).
Correct. I recall all my liberal buddies saying stuff like "Dissent is patriotism," "Bush is a traitor," etc. during the Bush years. But if you noticed the democrats who criticized Bush over the war always voted for it. The only senator who was anti-war form the start was Paul Wellstone, and he mysteriously died.
Then Obama wins, the script flips, and everyone shuts up about war. Barry was doing the same shit as Bush, still in Iraq, still in Afghanistan, still sending money hand over fist to globalists. I point it out and now I'm the traitor. Dissent is suddenly no longer patriotism, it's a crime.
I ask leftists, if it turned out the facts were wrong about, say, recycling, would you change your position? They never answer.
I heard "You will not replace us"
Another article from women about how men shouldn't have standards.
I hope you teach your sons to ignore this BS.
Judeo-Christianity may be one of the greatest propaganda terms of all time. Convincing people you despise they owe you some kind if inherent loyalty is just amazing.