Remember when Fallout76 came out and it was like “wow, what a rare miss”. Crazy how fast life comes at ya
Intimidated by their achievements is code for either scaring dudes off with “maybe my future husband should take my name” type shit in the talking phase or it’s that dudes they dated that weren’t fully submitting to their doctorly authority could only possibly have done so in some fit of illogical resentment.
To add, there have been a lot of podcasts, TikTok’s, and reels that have come up recently that almost exclusively revolve around overly dramatic aita or relationship posts. Those subs are almost exclusively larps and astroturfing at this point.
Haha that’s what’s hilarious about these articles. “Making” $500K in these scenarios isn’t take home, fellas. These poor women-“entrepreneurs” are doing terrible things and then just sitting on $250-$275K in the bank. That’s not a small amount of money, but it’s definitely not justifiable hooker money. Gotta be brutal when luckier chicks are doing 4 to 5 x that just dancing to the makeba song.
What’s really crazy is the biggest 5G theorists that i knew were black dudes. That’s online and off… also it was DEFINITELY pre Covid politization
Maybe outsourcing critical manufacturing to other countries has always been a dumb idea?
The real question is does this kill C#?
A bit revisionist. The MCU was at its peak at the time and the movie itself was decent. It’s literally finger wagging affluent/suburban/American minorities for pretending that the country’s ghettos somehow aren’t full of terrible and angry poor people. The movie holds up on its own if you don’t muddle it with the “I rooted for killmonger” cringe that swept like all of media.
“Mad about pronouns? How?! They’ve literally always been a part of the English language.”
Fuuuuuck this guy.
To be fair, that mug could be an amazing piece of environmental storytelling in the right context
I just don’t like ugly people in general, like in my media I mean. I’ll go outside and socialize if I wanna see regular looking people. Man or woman.
Campfire Cooking was shockingly good imo. I even took some cooking tips from it.
TLOU and druckmans meltdown into a petulant lib is one of the real tragedies of the culture war. I loved Tlou1 so much I forced myself to play TLOU2, and I still think the dudes an amazing storyteller. Like he honestly could have killed Joel and continued with raging gay Ellie if he had just toned it down a bit. Even taking like politics out of it the insane like over-representation is jarring and it legitimately degrades your suspension of disbelief. Sucks that it’s tainted the IP across mediums even.
86 was a really cool premise, and it was good enough that I saw it through, but I felt like it kinda got nonsensical as it went on. Like late season Tokyo ghoul unraveling.
Star AND showrunner!?!?
I’m entirely unfamiliar with the area… but more so than Houston?!
It was just on the nose enough to be corny without going far enough to be like oh shit this guy gets it.
“… and academia” is the scariest part. The like CIA will be able to make wild declarations, “academia” will use them as a source, and then ultimately the CIA and everyone else will insist the science is settled whenever anyone disagrees with the CIA. Haha I guess they’re doing that now but it sounds like it’ll get worse
Seconding Cool Hand Luke! Insane how well it holds up… it’s also a really good Christ allegory if you’re on the fence and weren’t aware.
If we’re really being honest, most of us were probably jealous of at least one teen/young adult we knew that were lucky enough to drive a like older truck with a badass lift kit on it too. Real hater shit.
My man would rather die alone than be seen fucking a fat chick.
Did you guys play the last MW? It was literally a plea for Syrian Ukrainian intervention. One level actually had you playing as a little foreign girl fleeing the Russian invaders.
The government is most definitely incentivizing Activision to do this stuff.
I get your point, but public marches are just masturbatory. “Action” would be something townhalls or distributing flyers in whatever regional corner of Wisconsin this is. Like the feds would prefer you larping outside in full nazi regalia as opposed to consolidating even a modicum of real political power.
do something productive.
Do you honestly believe swastika flags are productive at this point though?
Did where the sidewalk ends get banned?!?