GoofTroop186 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ooooh. I’m going to listen to this at work tomorrow

GoofTroop186 14 points ago +14 / -0

We already know Blizzard sold their souls to the CCP. Sounds like the OWL was a part of the transaction

GoofTroop186 13 points ago +13 / -0

What’s hilarious is a like an actually well done watchmen-esque, morally grey arc with a realistically compelling villain would kill it right now. Instead we get “SafeSpace and Snowflake”or whatever they were called .

GoofTroop186 1 point ago +2 / -1

I still use Reddit occasionally for regional Sports subs

GoofTroop186 7 points ago +7 / -0

The same reason they were ambassadors for a fried chicken sandwich, they’re paid by advertising agencies to do it.

GoofTroop186 29 points ago +29 / -0

“Stop Asian Hate” just 3 or 4 tweets deep.

Every publicly traded company in America is openly planning on breaking in to China. They have to maintain the illusion of “growth” so their stock doesn’t tank and doing business in the 2nd biggest economy in the world is one of the most obvious pathways to do it. Problem is, all their BLM PRIDE-day bullshit bit em in the ass when the Chinese internment camps started trending. This isn’t a larp, boys. We’re currently amidst the biggest psyop in the history of the world and all of the big tech-bubble firms like Twitter are 100% in on it.

by xleb2
GoofTroop186 6 points ago +6 / -0

Agreed. The videos are all way too aesthetic imo.

GoofTroop186 6 points ago +6 / -0

Actually it sounds like even more American jobs will be outsourced to Asia once this is all said and done

GoofTroop186 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know nobody likes him here but Jimmy Dore said it’s a matter of time since the Space Force was founded and started to work on funding.

GoofTroop186 1 point ago +1 / -0

Six Days in Fallujah is the most concrete evidence I can imagine of how full circle the Culture War has come. I consider it a vindication of my choices so far.

Well said

GoofTroop186 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I know the lady that got ejected was essentially female Obama. Lotta hope and change promised and never delivered.

GoofTroop186 14 points ago +14 / -0

It’s superior to the original but still not the best movie. New steppenwolf is like objectively superior as like an axe wielding triceratops man but the Amazon’s were too ham fisted and it was cringe. I actually even liked Cyborgs arc and the Joker exchange but just knowing how terribly every other character was bungled going forward from this movie kind of killed any excitement for me.

GoofTroop186 30 points ago +30 / -0

It’s more than that. As we’re coming out of lockdown the realities of de-centralized manufacturing and the literal-tyranny of the CCP are inching close to the mainstream. This whole Asian thing is quite literally a corporate marketing campaign so they can reposition any criticism of China as racist. Every publicly traded company on earth is desperate to crack that nut and they’re trying to make sure they’re not canceled for it.

GoofTroop186 3 points ago +3 / -0

The series will see everyday people from across the United States become Captain America,

Starting with fake controversy to generate buzz around the project I bet . Don’t bite, the industry has been fizzling out entirely on its own for a few years now.

Expect a trillion articles about all the “hate” they’ve received from all the usual sites maybe even with convenient instructions on where and when people can buy this stunning and brave series

GoofTroop186 2 points ago +4 / -2

Ehhhh. Evil Dead 2 was played straight but his character was essentially spooky Mr. Bean. Army of Darkness was a comedy all the way down though. You’re forgetting the like 3-stooges bit with the miniature guys or

GoofTroop186 12 points ago +12 / -0

We need a term for this like woke money laundering that’s starting to become more and more common.

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