no contact with any LGBTQ+ person
How does that work? If he starts a business does have to put up a "no LGBTQ+ customers" sign? State mandated homophobia?
Any kind of actual explosives would have turned that truck inside out. The windows are in tact because there was no pressure wave because there were no high explosives involved. I cannot believe the state of news media.
You'll be able to tell by the dead vs wounded numbers. Blacks can't aim and are bullet resistant.
The pagers exploded with lethal effect because they had commercial grade high explosives planted inside them at the factory, which israel controlled. Lithium batteries can over heat, burst, and and produce significant flames, but it's nothing compared to real explosives. There is security footage of some of the pagers detonating and you can compare them to lithium battery explosions that occur in vapes and cell phones on occasion.
If you had the power to hack EVs, the most dangerous thing you could do would probably be to disable them all during rushour. Every single road in the country would be blocked simultaneously with many secondary effects and likely mass panic.
However, it is unlikely that israel would do this. While they do have a penchant for false flag attacks, the enemies they wish to blame are not technologically sophisticated so a mass cyber attack would not be believable. Further, the response to a mass cyber attack would probably be more isolationism, rooting out saboteurs, security audits of everything - not something israel wants their hosts to do.
One death (the driver) and minor injuries reported.
My assessment of this footage is that the effect is well beyond what a battery failure would do and well below what real explosives would do. Probably an amateur Wile-E-Coyote pile of fireworks and other explode-y looking things that the perp thought would add up to a real bomb.
I really dislike it when people include gross bodily functions in their videos. I do not want to see anyone spit phlegm, belch, fart, piss and shit themselves or even eat.
I played that demo and yeah, that was annoying. In general there's a plague of games with shit writing that don't even need stories to exist. If you have never written something that other people want to read, you're probably a shit writer and putting your writing into a video game isn't going to magically make it better.
Also, more importantly, I felt the mechanics and design of the game started to wear thin even before completing the demo.
It's in this Fanatical Bundle -but there's so much absolute shit in this bundle that I don't want to give my support to even if it's just a few cents each. "Eggwife" and "squirrel stapler" are more of that neon ironic dogshit that I blame on cruelty squad. "Sticky business" is just some sticker game but the entire trailer is LGBTQ flags. I'm kind of interested in Between Horizons but I think I'll just get it by itself - It's got quite a bit of diversity but it is a detective game where there are lots of character portraits that you have to distinguish so there's hope.
It'd be nice if white people could learn that every other race on the planet is a tribe, values their own tribe over others, and doesn't consider cheating and lying to other tribes to be immoral.
You should be banned for stepping on the joke. The OP, Paylatsu, was already doing a good job.
Would that even be illegal if a human did it? It only seems like a crime if you assume the AI was acting in loco parentis.
Russia is part of the warzone and Azerbaijan borders Russia. The range of the S400 system is ~250 miles, which would cover almost the entire country of Azerbaijan. If you wanted to completely avoid being in range of the warzone, you would have to stop all flights to or from Azerbaijan.
Here's a little map showing current flights, I added a red X where they are reporting a drone engagement and the red circle showing the approximate rage of an S400 missile:
It took me 8 tries to win, how'd you do?
I'm not trying to spread racial hatred here, but a lot of people just don't understand the state of the Indian subcontinent. The entire top surface is the consistency of a landfill. Mass importing this culture is dangerous.
I actually like Elon generally when he's not being retarded. I think he should have fought Zuck, would have learned a lot.
Who would win:
The great part is you'd be writing shit that nobody reads. Clock in, prompt chatGPT, nod through a few zoom calls, clock out.
The average temperature in Antarctica is well below zero year round even in the warmest parts. You would need global warming of >10C to lose Antarctic ice. I've never heard anyone worry about Antarctica, usually it's glaciers in greenland, permafrost in canada, polar bears, etc. In fact, I've consistently heard that you should expect Antarctic ice to increase due to increased precipitation, even from full koolaid anti-human types.
Vampires refuse to celebrate the sunrise, film at 11
This reads like actual not-the-fun-kind of autism.
Every charity is a scam. If you think there's a good charity you just haven't looked at it closely enough. There might be true believers on the ground but at the top it's always a gold goblin.
Onlyfans, instagram et al will probably be exempt.
I'm afraid I've become a total-advertiser-death accelerationist. It's scams all the way down and I don't care if the whole thing collapses and is replaced with nothing.
This thing is naked spyware. If they scammed the channels that shilled this shit, good.
There's a system to monitor driver attention and it will eventually pull over and stop if you fall asleep (or die of a self inflicted GSW). You would have to modify the the software to make a driverless delivery reliable and I feel like anyone capable of that level of execution would also be capable of putting together a real bomb.
I don't consider vehicle born IEDs in self driving cars to be a significant threat, because you can already accomplish the same thing by hiring a driver. Self driving introduces the possibility of mass simultaneous deployment, but acquiring large amounts of high explosives is not easy.