GEB_SEER 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thing about me is that I am schizophrenic, I didn't know for a very long time. I struggled for a long time, I was a violent unmedicated hermit for about a decade and came from a very abused, violent, and malnourished upbringing. I don't think I am very relatable as a result of my circumstances, whenever I talk about certain things I lose people. I've done things that people run away from me when they hear about it. I can water crops with my tears. I've had to build myself up from the dirt just to get kicked over again, then gutted by the world. Seems when I get it together I lose it all over again.

I don't know what I put off to attract certain types of women, I tend to get dates on merit of being very well-respected in my field. They start off the way you describe and all is pretty well, the fall off is where I probably share too much or it's something else like - she's actually already married, or she wasn't actually looking for anything serious and it moved too fast, was stringing along two other guys and I found out, etc.

If we're talking women I've been around, male "feelings" are a curiousity, but I don't think they know what that entails, or just how bleak this world is towards men - you are dispensible, you are the corporate bitch, you will NOT be appreciated or remembered and to actually FEEL it comes off as uncertainty, no woman wants uncertainty or to be around indecisiveness, but that's what you get with tears. They're looking for something else usually. On some superficial level the more liberal girls allege wanting to see their boyfriend cry because they think males are repressed, but they don't actually want it.

I genuinely think there is a pipeline between pity and just losing people, regardless of my own specific circumstances and a man should be as decisive as possible with vulnerability at the furthest seat in the back of the bus, aiming towards being a lot more reserved, as some things are respected more at a distance and I believe male emotions are like this. Especially if you're like me and one peep turns you into an uncertain prospect, gotta hold onto certain cards, especially if we're speaking two different languages.

GEB_SEER 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prior I was never the way I resigned myself to be currently and my life is much easier for it. So far so good.

It doesn't mean not showing reciprocation of these very jungian ideations of anima and animus in other ways - I simply don't do it in a way that threatens stability or the bigger picture.

There are some burdens a man should absolutely bare alone, sure a good woman wants to be your partner in crime but I don't think women are nearly as interested in male feelings as they say they are.

Once that's on the table, if that interest is misplaced, you're a "high-maintenance" male.

GEB_SEER 8 points ago +8 / -0

I said that you should strive to not be, which is an impossible task if you intend to live with someone, you're going to break atleast once.

I'll let you in on a personal detail, I've had my heart eviscerated thinking I could just trust a woman's words at face value, thinking I could just open up about my feelings, my ails, my past - then that relationship became eroded by uncertainty; respect was replaced by pity, pity was replaced by resentment. It didn't happen overnight, I wasn't even lost in self-pity, but I made a serious mistake in breaking infront of her.

I lost everything because I opened up and broke down. So no, it's not "obvious". You don't have a single fucking clue as to what it took to rebuild myself or the realizations that followed. Every interaction I ever had behind closed doors, what women say, what they do, it began to make sense that within each is "janus" - operating on two entirely different planes of thought, it's never directly conjured or consulted at surface level, but what they say, what they mean, and what they do don't tend to align. They speak an entirely different language and this isn't a singular experience - most are like this to some greater or lesser degree. This was manifest in every relationship platonic and romantic. In a snap, life around women became easy.

Therefore I keep it in mind to keep my mouth fucking SHUT about my feelings unless it is important. I don't ever want to be pitied again, nor go through another two year death spiral because I thought I could have a vulnerable moment.

I don't think it is necessarily a negative realization.

GEB_SEER 13 points ago +13 / -0

Do elaborate, this isn't reddit.

GEB_SEER 1 point ago +2 / -1

As for the man, you shouldn't lament having to not be a loser. Hardwork isn't just part of being a man, conceptually it is a PART of the man himself. Only within strength of character can love and affection be matured. "Success" is all you, plenty of people are "successful" doing diddly squat, what's more important is being a provider aswell as having self-assuredness.

There is also no such thing as "deserve" as a man beyond its transactional meaning. You don't have a nesting role and it'll just hold you back. A man is free from "deserve", as he instead builds his future - the world is pregnatable and he is a potent force therein.

GEB_SEER 15 points ago +15 / -0

Endeavor to never show actual vulnerability to a woman. It's surface level tripe and she will lose respect for you.

Women tend to say one thing and mean another, think they want one thing but it's something else entirely.

"He doesn't cry" is womanese for "The drama part of my brain itches and I have a short list of things to complain about" or "I need something to chew at while conversing with my friend here", which isn't an invitation to talk about your feelings. "Do men even have feelings" is an acknowledgement of a masculine difference in a coat of feminine self-aggrandizement.

GEB_SEER 8 points ago +8 / -0

These are the very moral people telling you what's right and what's wrong, and what you should relinquish to them. This is exactly how they think and how they operate and they don't give a shit about anyone. These are the exact people you are entrusting "democratic socialism" to, and the dude who wrote this article is a smallfry.

No I will not drink the corn syrup, no you cannot have my guns, and yes, I hate the antichrist.

GEB_SEER 11 points ago +11 / -0

Those men are broken due to a long list of disenchantments, but it starts with the village. They've taken that away from us, dissolved the nuclear home, made us perfect strangers to our peers and our countrymen. There is no national identity, no accountability.

The kids have no scaffolding, no ideation of what it means to be a strong or good man. Our schools are incapable of teaching this, they are impersonal and only reflective of the metropolitan liberal doctrines that are meant to shape them into impotent allegria creatures to be milked dry by every corporate angle and institution. We let them raise our kids, we speak an entirely different language from our sons and daughters even though we share the same common tongue. Words are more alive than you know and within language is in everything and all things with language.

So, it starts from the ground up. Feminism, marxism, the institutional left as a whole needs to be pulled off and burned like a tick, but we need to look to and coordinate with ourselves and take responsibility. Weak men who were too middling with their value structure not knowing its worth created this situation, we were then quietly subverted and had decisions made on their behalf. Look at the left and their #solidarity. We shit on them, make fun of how retarded and backwards they are, but they're playing with prison rules - we still think we get to be in the middle and don't know what the fuck is going on while they control the fucking words that come out of our mouths, bad enough, they have a monopoly on your balls too. Get wise. Pick up your nuts and be a good rolemodel, if you can, homeschool, instill virtues of brotherhood, hold eachother accountable and think with your generations in mind.

We have to be our father's reclaimer and our brother's keeper.

Can't afford to be anything else.

GEB_SEER 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not really. But any criticism of thots should be paired with criticism of the men who enable them.

Indeed. I have no illusions about the things men enable. You get what you tolerate, and we are a culture that has lost its ability to identify and compartmentalize what it truly values - these things shape us. Laws shape us. Thoughts, words, actions shape us.

We need to reassess ourselves and find ordinance in what we value collectively, pruning them like a bonzai tree of the soul.

GEB_SEER 40 points ago +41 / -1

Anything that might require heart, soul, genuine effort and talent is basically tertiary to a pair of some woman's feet on twitch.

Not saying this isn't the way of things, you can't fight nature. But women absolutely have it easier. They don't even need real tits.

GEB_SEER 19 points ago +19 / -0

That's an interesting little political strategy, since a lot of the community is pidgeonholed into that one small forum - where in order to participate you are forced to either reciprocate their political dogma or stay silent, pacifying those who are undecided and radicalizing those who agree, all the while barring out those who disagree.

Thus, by the filter of reddit you have essentially poltically conditioned a large portion of a fanbase of a franchise you don't even own.

GEB_SEER 2 points ago +2 / -0

SpotemGottem: Ayooo gimme that Hawaiian-punch shieeet

Barber: I gotchu fam

GEB_SEER 9 points ago +9 / -0

I feel tempted to do that annoying thing that liberals do when proselytizing their woke bullshit at unnecessary moments, the one where they mimic their sociology teacher's "profound" inflection and whisper "everything is political~" when called out.

GEB_SEER 33 points ago +33 / -0

There are several unrelated things going on at once here, but I'll be first to say it.

Tranny Trejo.

GEB_SEER 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is what happens when beatings don't make their proper rounds. You grow up without getting your ass kicked and you think you can incessantly run your mouth like nothing is going to happen.

I sincerely hope he decides to go there and make faces until someone finally gets tired of it, walks up, and beats the faggot out of him.

GEB_SEER 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it is easily reposted by suggesting not moving to a red state, "duh." They will morally collectivize as they see fit. But of course the leftists higher up the foodchain don't like this because not only does an appendage of their favorite money-laundering scheme die, they can't philanthropically pay left leaning people to flood into your counties to make pawns of your local government - the moral scaffolding is then too rigid for Californians to come swarming in on that Soros buck to ruin it. Of course they won't ever fund moving people OUT of these states for the sake of "abortion rights".

This becoming a matter of states rights was one of the worst things that could have happened to the left; so they lie and try to pretend that this is an attack on the very concept of abortion - which by itself is less morally and pragmatically tennable than simply having some prudence.

by folx
GEB_SEER 64 points ago +64 / -0

"haha I groom children! take that, dad!"

Here's a funny joke, touch my kid and I'll give you free bottom surgery with a complimentary lead dilator. You see, it's all just silly hypotheticals until it isn't.

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