FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's behind the Neural Link, and has talked about using it to control behavior (make people less fat). He has pump and dumped crypto.

FrostedCricketFlakes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mastercard has the Doconomy Black card that stops you from spending more money if you exceeded your carbon limit. In the countries they offer it, you can use an online calculator to determine your limit if you use any Mastercard.

Mastercard and PayPal have also been the companies that limit what stores are able to sell. Patreon has it's own issues, but it also had to kick creators because of Mastercard. If a credit card company bans your use, it can cause you to be banned from using other credit cards, like what happened after Majit Nawaz was listed as an Islamaphobe by the SPLC, resulting in him being banned by banking services.

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

It allows them to track every transaction. It allows them to log the location and time of the transaction, if not everywhere a person travels through the app. It allows them to limit where money is spent. It allows them to freeze anyone's monetary capacity completely. It allows them to add or remove from anyone's account (this has been talked about by the UK government). It allows them to enforce carbon limits. It allows them to do anything for any reason with money. They can easily hook this into a general digital ID, which would track everything.

Rome is currently using a "Smart Citizen Wallet" which tracks behavior to reward with discounts or free activities. This is dystopian.

FrostedCricketFlakes 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sneaking comes with some potential long term penalties, like future barred entry to the US, but there are also rules like as long as you pay state (not federal) income tax for two years, you can get a driver's license as an illegal. US is weird with illegal entry.

FrostedCricketFlakes 7 points ago +7 / -0

There's a vaccine requirement for entry into the US. It was land border only, but I think it includes air now. There may be an exemption for air travel from Canada and Mexico, but you can't take a plane from Canada without the pass.

There may be an unofficial exemption if the land border guard doesn't check it, for however long that lasts. Trudeau's built a biometrics system "for covid," and Truckers have mentioned their injection status is already determined before they even talk to the guard.

If the US drops the border requirement, then he can drive through without issue. It might happen after mid-terms, or the 2024 election.

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the boat mRNA-pass restriction is only for boats with 12 or more people. I don't know if the plane requirement exempts private planes, but it might. If the US eventually drops the land border vaccine mandate, you may be able to drive or take a bus down. Also check exemptions if you have dual citizenship.

Check the visa rules of the country you're traveling to, including the rules based on your port of entry (sea, air, land), including the state's rules. Entry visa rules and residence or working visa rules are different. There may be a injection requirement for long-term stay, or citizenship in the US.

Some countries, like Mexico will provide residency if you show you meet the income requirement over the last six months, or have a certain amount in your bank account. You may have to return to Canada before you're accepted, so check out the rules before you leave.

FrostedCricketFlakes 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you look at the ESG of Stakeholder Capitalism, if you look at the SDG of UN's Agenda 2030, they believe it's for the public good. They're narcissists who believe that only if they're in complete control, the world will be a better place.

FrostedCricketFlakes 47 points ago +47 / -0

fascism. They're defending fascism. The merger of state and corporation. Making all rights the state's, and the only freedom is in serving the state.

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

He blamed the Daily Beast for trying to get him killed last month. They created a hit piece about him and contacted the Ukrainian government.

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

BLM has an actual school curriculum kindergarten to college. You can download the 2020 & 2021 version.

FrostedCricketFlakes 12 points ago +12 / -0

To Kill a Mockingbird was banned by the left recently. Wikipedia and Silicon Valley tech are all about book burning, but digitally.

FrostedCricketFlakes 19 points ago +19 / -0

There is a "not in my backyard" hypocrisy among the left. Pushing for illegals, but not in LA, because it's already too full, or not in their gated community.

The federal Dems have "home" districts, but they obviously don't care about them. There's a chance they would actually care if it happens in their real home in Washington, or if enough Washington-based government workers complain.

There are other things Texas is trying to do, like making a deal with a Mexican governor to police the border. There's only so much a state can do when borders are a federal issue. The same feds that are flying and driving illegals to red states.

FrostedCricketFlakes 20 points ago +20 / -0

He's also a communist, so he gets offended about many things the community he's inserted himself in thinks. He's too far into the leftist echo chamber to listen to what people in the community are actual saying.

FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the second account I know of doing this on .win, both with similar names. The first posted to Donald, here, and consume. Half of it's posts have been removed, and it might have been banned across the network since it hasn't posted for 4 days, when the Dom here said he'd bring it up with the site admins. This second account has only posted here.

I can't search this network for urls, and I don't go to consume, where the first posted, so I don't know if there are more similar bots on other parts of the network.

FrostedCricketFlakes 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's the same bot again. Reposted articles with tracking links inserted to "clickbank.net"

FrostedCricketFlakes 36 points ago +36 / -0

Many colleges require students of all majors to go through a sociology class now. It's part of how they can propagandize everyone.

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

UK’s BBC - Leader of the ‘Trusted’ News Initiative actually hired a Ukraine PR agency to write their “news”

Got a link to some info on that?

FrostedCricketFlakes 28 points ago +28 / -0

The first black person on the Supreme Court. Ignore the one they want dead.

FrostedCricketFlakes 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was bought by a marketing company, but the guy who created it says it's still anonymous. If you search "techlore startpage" on youtube or odysee you'll find an interview the guy did, and can determine for yourself if you believe him.

It does have some nice features like not including the search terms in the url, and including a proxy link beside the search results.

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