But there are no guns in sweden
Almost makes you wonder what it was that motivated Trump to sign an EO saying treason gets the death penalty. Guarantee you it wasnt for stuff like this...
The British deserve everything they get.
I just got a comment removed for suggesting we would be better off for nuking the UK cuz Dom is an irredeemable niggerfaggot.
Ur mother sucks off dogs faggot
All the good and noble British blood was expended during WW1&2 and the only thing left are the decendents of deserters, retards/cripples, and the cowards who hid in the back. I genuinly beleive the white race would only benefit if we nuked the UK and removed their modern genetic marker from our racial propagation efforts.
Here comes the the plague rider
This only ends 2 ways, subjugation or violence.
He’s plenty quick to ban me
Doms a groid himself, of course hes gonna run interference
Do you understand the magnitude of good you could do for the world and humanity by detonating a bomb in the middle of a UN meeting?
Because in order to suffer, they must exist.
Yall certainly won't be the cause ofdeath
The Arab mind craves opression
I think UK currently holds that title but Canada is catching up
Akumetsu if you wanna watch a guy fuck over corrupt government officials