The real issue I have with the entire notion is the retarded name that was picked for this nonsense.
Like yes, obviously there's a lot of things in life that can get in the way of being able to do x or y properly due to short-term circumstances. And sometimes it's totally worth bitching about at least a little. But using the word "disability" in the name is off the walls stupid, insane, and probably pretty damned insulting to people with actual disabilities.
Life wasn't "rough" on him. He brought it upon himself. By being a lazy retard who stuffed his face and refused to exercise and take care of his physical health. And then by choosing to follow in path of the tranny degenerate brigade.
And beyond that, I never found his commentary even remotely insightful. Even in his early days.
Easiest approach is to find a distro that has solid and reliable support for Proton, I think. Mesa is another factor to possibly to check on too.
There's a bunch of other details I'm coming across in a couple of reddit threads. It wouldn't be very sensible to try and cover everything mentioned in my own comment.
Worth noting that on a cursory glance at recent opinions, it does indeed seem like AMD typically more widely reliable on Linux than nVidia.
Pretty sure the Borderlands 1 remaster was solid. Mostly just updated some graphics and added more unique weapons afaik. Might've introduced a few new bugs here and there, but I guess compared to most remasters that's hardly egregious.
Bioshock 1 and 2 remasters are solid too as far as I'm aware.
Metro series enhanced editions have some mixed opinions from fans, but I thought they were pretty well done. Admittedly, I didn't play enough of the originals to know what some of the gameplay changes done with guns and other equipment.
As much of a mess as Skyrim Special Edition was early on, it made absolute sense to release an updated version to support 64-bit. The Anniversary edition however was an absolutely retarded cash cow that no even wanted.
Biology might be able to have some interaction with parts of the brain commonly involved in language processing. Which invariably could have secondary effects on how individuals, and maybe even a culture communicates and develops language.
Beyond that though you might be reaching a bit. And I don't think you're necessarily accounting for how distinctly different language rules can be, which can affect how strict or how flexible grammar, syntax, etc etc.
Not only that, but I think the military's been dumping a lot of funding on overbloated, fancy, new, and "high tech" equipment for the last couple of decades, especially in the Navy and Air Force.
Unsurprisingly, this does not end up being especially cost effective compared to what a bunch of persistent 3rd worlder pirates are going to throw into the mix.
What boggles my mind is why we haven't bothered to at least maintain a tiny little combat group with the flexibility and cost effectiveness to properly deal with enemy combatants using more (or less?) conventional means.
Pretty sure guided missiles require more expensive (and expendable) resources than most ballistics alternatives.
Not only do you have the fuel and payload, but also the circuitry, computer bits, sensors/guidance systems, communications, etc etc.
Especially when considering the ranges that naval vessels are usually firing from compared to say, tanks or infantry. Likely has to reach a moderately higher quality threshold than your average computer-controlled setup.
Honestly, I've heard a few other Republicans spouting this same idea, so I don't think it's just a loose thought. I think they're seriously considering it as yet another fallback position to an issue they don't think they can "win".
Problem is, anyone paying any attention to Canada already knows what a fucking stupid idea this is.
Depends on the AI/LLM model.
Encyclopedic training data is not as commonly used in some of the open-source ones afaik, but I know there's work being done on a few specialized ones (like medical knowledge-based), likely without government or corporate backing.
But I'm not sure about which ones train on broader encyclopedic knowledge. It's not something I've specifically checked into. If I had to guess though, only larger LLM's might bother with a solid coverage of knowledge-based information. IE 70b or 8x7b. used to be a pretty solid place for some info. Bios/UEFI versions and updates can get pretty messy and convoluted at times, and some of the info I got off there probably saved my bacon. Can't vouch for interactions, but definitely had some top tier enthusiast research.
Taking a glance right now, it's possible that activity's been dropping off a fair bit. Not totally dead but might be lingering now. Could have something to do with with the weird forum UI-redesign. That's really off-putting.
It's about DEI optics. I just did a quick search and came across multiple articles trying to peddle DEI to Christian churches about the so-called benefits of adopting DEI. It's no different from what financially failing companies have been doing for the last decade or so as well.
One of the most telling signs that this is what's occurring is specifically when such businesses and organizations keep making odd PR obsessed choices that have absolutely zero practical and make almost no rational sense.
Like sadly, it only just recently dawned on me how a good majority of commercials and ads are in-fact NOT about selling the product to the consumer, but instead about making their company look more appealing to investors.
Which I'll admit, in some small ways, this would seem to make sense in business, but given how much advertising is regularly spammed everywhere we go, it's remarkably depressing, disgusting, and frankly insulting in a way, because of how much of a nuisance it is for consumers who are just trying to watch something or use a website.
Yup, they and at least a few other holy orders (mainly of the militant sort) made so much money that they expanded and evolved into substantial businesses and banking consortiums, more or less.
In many respects it's not too dissimilar to the occasional modern case of some veterans going into business for themselves as private military contractors and setting up companies that feed off of the military industrial complex gravytrain.
There's good reason for a lot of people to be a bit "bi-polar" when it comes to Trump.
Not just because of him specifically but because of how often politicians from any party might talk a good talk and then change their tune and do the exact opposite of what they were advocating. Usually on their first day on the job.
It's fucking tiresome.
Searching reddit, in spite of what a libtard, shill/bot-filled tranny hive it is can still yield some information of that kind.
Search engine-wise, Yandex can sometimes yield non-pozzed results, but really depends on what you're searching for. In a lot of cases, I find you really have to do a lot more of the leg-work and research on your own.
Basically almost like total boomer-era, pre-Internet, only a lot more gay since a lot of so-called experts and professionals now are plugged into the "approved information" machine as their sole source of information and analysis.
The sheer stupidity of it is that leftists actually do ban books, often at the publishing and distribution levels.
And even further, they're extending and shoving censorship onto web hosts, domain names, and infrastructure.
Indeed. I'd add that reality shows are another fine example of how some of this crap evolved. Create made up narratives and inject fake drama, capitalize on absolute cringe and "normalize" it.
And before that there was soap opera nonsense, but at least those took specific time slots and didn't cause nearly as much mayhem.
You can gatekeep just fine while still being open source. Just be restrictive in who you allow to actually work on the project, what you allow to pass through, etc etc. There's generally fuck all invading trannies can do if they're not given any power or influence.
Granted, there might still be a few avenues they could take to cause plenty of headache, but generally that shouldn't be too difficult to safeguard against so long as a project lead doesn't get lax.