overselling of the Cochrane study
Easiest read ever to know this article is completely full of shit.
For context, Cochrane studies are meta analyses of other studies to determine their merit. So ofc the MSM is trying to declare it as heresy.
She made Mr Grey absurdly wealthy. Like so wealthy it's impossible. He's still quite young, has however much money is needed for the story, and still spends significant amounts of time not working.
This is but one of the most basic flaws in those books where the language and grammar use barely makes it past high-school quality.
Also pc patches years down the line that either update a company launcher or relate to console changes, both of which don't actually add anything to the pc version but will still find a way to break it after years of working well enough.
His anti natalist position is quite well known however it's probably his third most common attribute after "womanman bad" and "Charlie ConPro are in the trees!" in the same sort of magnitude that the USA has the 3rd largest population after China and India.
Combined China and India have almost 3 billion people. The USA has something like 350 million.
It's actually 50, the comment you're replying to here being the 48th.
When someone else pointed this out recently the defense attempt was "I post to other sites/forums/Wins", inadvertently drawing attention to the fact it's likely higher than that number because depending on how someone checks they might be only counting the activity on KiA2, as I've just done to reach that 50 count.
statistically, take out entire planets of life when through chance all their farmers and doctors poof
And pilots, as shown when a helicopter crashes at the end of Infinity War. Both Spider-Man and the Black Widow movies show when the Snap was undone people reappeared where they vanished. So that helicopter pilot appears dozens of feet up in the air.
Now consider anyone on a commercial plane. Or driving something on a road. Or operating industrial scale machinary.
There was a TV show some years back where the entire world "blacks out" for a few minutes and visions of the future are seen. Those couple of minutes would be more than enough for many people to crash, damage, and outright destroy what they were doing in many cases and this holds true in the MCU, again as shown by the helicopter - as well as all the other cars that crash.
Then there is the social cost. Suicides will have happened. Does undoing the Snap undo those as well?
Leonardina, Raphaela, Donatina, Michaelangela!
Originally they used Venus [de Milo] for a female TMNT character back in 1997 since the naming convention for the 4 guys were artists while Venus was the actual art piece.
So if they really wanted to remain consistent with that names like Mona Lisa, which was painted by Leonardo, would actually work.
The Venus de Milo wasn't even a piece by any of the 4 artists the TMNT are named for, however as with the above example for Leonardo and the Mona Lisa there were many pieces created by Donatello, Michaelanglo, and Raphael with the name Madonna/Mary, such as the Madonna and Child, Madonna della Pietà/La Pietà, and the Sistine Madonna, respective to the aforementioned artists. However having both Mona and Madonna/Mary would likely mean too many names beginning with M.
Lisa would likely fit however but then this line of thought is pointless in the first place because woke remakes are garbage for multiple reasons, let alone the replacement of historical characters.
Assuming this is referring to Gamora in Infinity War and Black Widow in Endgame, seeing as how they both died on Vormir.
Except Gamora was thrown off the mountain by Thanos because he wanted the Soul Stone, whilst BW jumped off because the Avengers needed the Soul Stone.
But sure, remove BW's agency and act of self sacrifice because the only other option was her closest friend who is a husband and father of 3, or 4 can't remember which.
It's not like men sacrifice themselves all the time so having a woman do the same would be some degree of equality. No, instead the Woke whine about 2 women dying in the same place, to the same cause [gravity], despite the fact one was murdered by her genocidal adoptive father whilst the other sacrificed herself for not only her friends and family, but also on the chance to bring back half of all live life in the galaxy.
Someone find that post made here some time ago where the [motivational] deaths of MCU characters was tallied by sex to highlight it's still men dying far more than women. Not that such facts matter to these bloggers.
Standing there. Menacingly!