I like the idea of friendly monsters as much as the next guy. Honestly, probably more than the next guy. But the thing is, reformed monsters are interesting is because the nature of a monster is to be evil. That makes it inspiring when you see one rise up and defy their nature to be better.
It's almost like there's some kind of applicability to real life or something....
And people wonder why I refuse to get the vaccine....
Same thing happens to me. I'll make a typo, try to fix it, and it doesn't keep unless I wait several minutes before submitting it.
I'm a rather proficient pixel artist. I'd be glad to work on a game like this. However, I've gotta agree with acp. I can't tell you how many projects I've got piles of art assets for, but little to no coding done.
Take my upvote and get out!
Tragically true....
To be fair, I know a lot of people who are smart, but dumb. It's unfortunately a state of being for a lot of nerds.
That being said, I've only known a handful of "Sheldons." And even my fellow nerds have a hard time putting up with them.
So what you're saying is there's a market here waiting to be tapped?
Smash is heading down this road at full tilt.
Crossovers are only fun if the crossovered characters are actually interacting and bouncing off each other and their settings, instead of just being mere references.
That ain't a woman.
It's not even the tallest thing around. That's genuinely impressive.
You can tell he's fake because he actually said something nice about a woman.
Won't work. You can only demand accommodations from the accommodating.
They are mere snowflakes taking credit for an avalanche.
It's eternally fascinating to me how so many people can look at diametrically opposed cultures and ideologies, and somehow think they can all be accepted simultaneously with no issue.
That language is armed and loaded.
It's funny how teaching kids right from wrong has become "Indoctrination" these days. Especially when it's being done by parents and family members and not the media doing it.
It's surreal, seeing the PHB not being the stupidest person in the room.
I remember reading about that too. It's incredible that nobody talks about these things, even though it's public record. Literally, it strains the limits of credibility.
I'd have to do some digging, I read it in a book... probably over a decade ago now. But apparantly a lot of his research involved molesting the children of willing parents as test subjects and reporting their obvious discomfort and pain as "orgasm" and the like, since they were too young to speak. The description stuck with me, for how depraved it was, and how people were happy to go along with it, since it supported their presuppositions about sexuality. But, again, I read the source for this years ago, so don't take my word as gospel.
A good chunk of this sexual liberation nonsense started with madmen like Kinsey and Money performing literal sexual experiments on children and infants. Anyone with eyes to see could have seen this coming.
Plus the movie was almost completely re-worked due to the backlash. Very few movies come out even just "okay" after such an overhaul. The fact they were able to reach a 6 or 7/10 from a place of -3 is an accomplishment in of itself. I'm genuinely excited to see what they can do having people like Hesse on board from the start, instead of bringing them in to clean up their messes.
Tell that to Hellboy.