Cyberguy64 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thing is, virtue signalers don't usually care about the virtues themselves. There are always Ananias and Saphira types who seek the illusion of virtue over actually doing good.

Cyberguy64 1 point ago +1 / -0

Salesfagging is the go-to defense for people who can't argue quality.

Cyberguy64 4 points ago +4 / -0

What is it going to take for executives to realize that they're actively killing off their fifty year old franchises that literally print money? I know that "The Message" is being pushed by active saboteurs, but surely there are some old-fashioned execs in it for the money who can put two and two together.

...Then again, considering the intelligence and critical thinking skills of your average executive....

Cyberguy64 8 points ago +8 / -0

The biggest sin to me is taking a movie called Super Mario Bros, and splitting the bros apart for the majority of the runtime.

Nobody can convince me that a series all about saving the princess should start with the princess saving a hero. You can't subvert something if there's no initial expectations set up to subvert. It's all meaningless!

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

I always feel dirty when I get matched with much lower level players and end up pubstomping. I can't understand the mindset of someone who actively seeks out the weak to prove their superiority. The only word is bullying.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cries in MegaMan

Cyberguy64 21 points ago +21 / -0

Important note. Yoko wears a full head mask of one of his characters, a spherical, grinning skull. Not a maskoid mask. Important difference in brands of crazy

Cyberguy64 12 points ago +12 / -0

I love how China, by breaking all the rules, reveals that most modern "issues" are just smoke and mirrors to shield our evil governments while they cement their power.

Granted, China is still an awful place that's worse in a lot of ways, but credit where its due.

Cyberguy64 12 points ago +12 / -0

The major evidence people had was that the ozone hole, which is a periodic phenomenon over antarctica that opens up and then refills as a natural cycle, was a bit wider for a few years before closing back up as usual. They spun that into "We're destroying our protection from the sun and now we're all gonna die!" and leveraged the resulting panic into political power.

Sound familiar?

by folx
Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

"There's nothing offensive about genocide." -Cybershell

Cyberguy64 14 points ago +17 / -3

You need to recalibrate your sensors. Otherwise they're gonna go off every time you touch them.

Cyberguy64 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ehhhh.... Been watching E;R's review of Season 3, and I can't say I agree. Not that she wouldn't have ended up a swamp hermit eventually. But the path her life took to get there doesn't really ring true to her character in ATLA

But we're talking about non-canon "fan"fiction anyway. So in the end, it doesn't really matter one way or the other. ;D

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, it's a perfect example of an appropriated slur. Yankee Doodle was created to mock the colonists, and instead of being offended, they embraced it.

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm just talking about Korra in general.

Cyberguy64 22 points ago +23 / -1

I refuse to accept cultural vandalism just because it was signed by the creators. And you shouldn't either.

Cyberguy64 0 points ago +6 / -6

Great post, but I don't know what you're on about after that whole "gibs" bit. You start talking gibberish about some stuff that's clearly not canon. At all.

Cyberguy64 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm willing to forgive most of the show's gurl power bullcrap when they make it a point to actually have equality instead of just harping on the guys. Awesome heroes and villains of both sexes who all get time to shine. And instead of making Sokka constantly wrong compared to Katara, they balance each other out and have pros and cons depending on the situation.

Cyberguy64 18 points ago +18 / -0

If girls want to play sports together, that's all well and good. But they shouldn't be surprised when people aren't impressed enough by their performance to tune in and pay for it.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

I miss the 2012 TMNT show.... It mixed things up to be in its own continuity, but you could tell it was made with love for the entire franchise as a whole. You just don't get that kind of passion and genuine fandom anymore....

Cyberguy64 9 points ago +9 / -0

Considering that homosexuality is a minority's minority and the many, self admitted stories gays being "inducted" as youths, you end up with an even more disturbing picture.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

...yes. I'm living the default. That's the whole point. We live in a fallen world, but not everything is completely corrupt. There is still light.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +8 / -1

Your problem is literally the exact same problem as the feminists. You see a Matriarchy Monolith just like they see a Patriarchy Conspiracy. You focus on our warped culture overall and ignore the trees for the forest.

Every time you rant about how all women are the devil, I think of my sister who streams video games with me every Monday and trusts me to babysit my nephew for her. I think of my mom who pulls me out of depressive episodes and has long talks with me. I think of my cousin-in-law, who appreciates my company even after I sperged out and insulted her tastes.

I think of all the wonderful women in my life, and everything you say starts to ring hollow, even with the bits of truth you've latched onto rattling around inside.

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