Wiki is suspiciously quiet on his early life but Seth is a Hebrew name despite his last name sounding Irish. I've never heard of a non - semite being named Seth. He officially sports atheism but the sheer volume of projects he's launched means someone likes him.
To be fair, at the time if Sega could do it, anyone could. Even Nokia tried to get a niche market going. Microshaft had Zune coming and Windows wasn't the poison it is now. At the time, it made sense.
Pretty sure the intended audience is themselves. Like just about every other libtard outlet, these writers have become an echo chamber unto themselves and think there are a lot more people like themselves than there actually are. ANY criticism is brushed off as chudspeak and they continue to walk around thinking they're setting the record straight about what is and should be.
Probably planning on claiming all of Europe as a Jewish territory once all the current residents are purged.
They could cast Chris Hemsworth and still get less jawline than Bella Ramsey has.
Boom Shakalaka
Behold the mystery
Of my disappearing ham!
Oh shit! PREBUNKED! Master stroke! Nothing to see here!
As an Algerian born Na'vi warrior of color and vibrancy, what can I expect?
Irish citizen resident of 20 years.
If I book an apartment in Israel, does that mean I'm accepted as Israeli after a few years?
There was Street fighter X Tekken but we don't speak of Capcom's dark period anymore.
My favorite was Tekken 3. Tekken Force was great and Bryan still resembled Roy Batty from Blade Runner.
I was on the fence about Tekken 8 coming up. It looks solid but they haven't changed much over the past several decades. I might support it now, though.
I'll agree.
Girl rock is strange and hard to gauge, especially the early stuff.
Did you know that if you open a bar and don't want the place to become a hangout for rough crowds or troublemakers, mixing female rock into your playlist will discourage that? It's subliminal but somehow diluting the music with it sucks the testosterone out of the venue's vibe.
Blondie was more disco pop and some people credit her with creating the rap genre by accident with Rapture. I'd give the title to Joan Jett with no problem though.
They have more faith in it than the studio does. Jan-Feb releases are typically movies with less potential being marched out to die during the theaters' slow months. See also: Quantumania (2/17/2023)
I'm 48. I started on Atari 2600. Still have the ET cartridge.
Played NES all the way through its lifespan and it was age appropriate. Swapped games with the other kids all the way through elementary school. Same with Genesis and SNES. Mall arcades. Emulators. Worked at Gamestop for years, played everything they had.
Never stopped. Played almost every major title since, with exceptions. The current state of the industry is pure decline and I think I've seen the best years of it come and go.
It's hard to estimate a number I've played or finished. Four figures, definitely.
Patton Oswalt. Guaranteed shit show.
If not for the lips she could pass for white in this pic but she's still considered a strong, committed example of blackness.
Step 1. Get money
Step 2. Become white
It'll be interesting to see what Canada considers a "livable" income considering how completely removed from reality their officials are. Watch it be like $200 a month plus some equally insane $5500 a month per child you claim.
"We shouldn't bend towards a party that insurrects and hates, we should do the opposite."
:Bends to the party that insurrects sphincters and hates soft tissue:
"Nobody believed her because she needed to lose about 60 pounds before any wolves would begin to notice her. Still, she insisted the wolves were the problem."
"I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace."
This is literally what you did and why people are angry at you, you retard. Why not also throw "I'd never fuck a same-sex coworker in the ass in the capital building" into your useless statement?
Phase 2 is complaining about how the aisles and toilet doors are too narrow. Phase 3 is removing a row of seats to provide a delicious buffet.
Is this on smaller flights too? They used to ask your weight on some planes and of course you'd always see some XXXL fat fuck say something like 140, then someone else with sense would be forced to take one for the team and say they were 460 to compensate.
Has this changed? Will they proudly give an accurate estimate now or will they keep bullshitting everybody?
They'll still complain.