Not slapping the shit out of kids anymore when they said/did dumb shit was a mistake.
Not really that ridiculous when you consider most if not all of the devs are either cucks or feminists.
The best part about them is they are big enough to not give a shit if a company tries to bullshit them or force them to change their mind (pull sponsors, blacklist em, etc).
The point where people get to self-sufficiency is when they usually you start seeing if they're full of shit or not and so far they've stuck to their guns.
I'm holding off on ASUS stuff until they prove they've changed after they got called out by reviewers like gamersnexus, they made lotta promises after that and supposedly changed some stuff with how they handle problems and RMAs so just need time to see if they stick to it or not.
Not sure if a AI wrote that article or the person writing it is just retarded, probably both given their 'profession'.
They used to be, went from 'how can we make this fun' to 'how can we make this harder' and that has escalated to bosses turning into literal meatgrinders or spamming big aoe's anymore.
The world design is still top notch but man do I hate seeing a boss door anymore and first thing that comes to mind is 'what bullshit will this one have'.
Instead it just beats you over the head with bosses that are just disguised beyblades with how much those fuckers fly around and blender right into you.
Pick your Peanut Butter, Chunky or Extra Chunky.
Hey thats me!
To be fair, even a 95% is a near-certain miss in XCOM.
If I remember right that is the plot of the original Fallout 3, aka Van Buren.
Sucks will never get to play out that one, you can at least find & read about the plotline and area and such as that was all done.
Standards have really gone into the shitter if you think they're hot, i'd go with mid.
You say that but you still don't hate them enough.
Seeing as they are meant to be literal meatshields for who they are protecting (or failing at it as seems this case), being big + fit is a necessary factor.
Trump rushed off stage by Secret Service as bangs heard at Pennsylvania rally
From a ABC News Article, being disingenuous as usual. If this happened to Biden it would 100% be labeled as a assassination attempt.
You made a statement (No proof of racial animus) and then referred to police/media as the source so while you didn't explicitly state it you sure as hell implied it.
That could have been worded better to accurately reflect that you weren't agreeing with more than just reiterating what they said such as 'according to media there is no proof of racial animus' or similar to make it a point that they are saying it, not you..
according to the police and media
because those retards are reliable
faggot flag
Nobody likes a Flaggit
Most of the rules are retarded tbh.
I know this isn't a real problem
I would disagree, I feel that teams should represent their respective areas (nation, state, city, etc) and see things like this as nothing more than more 'diversity' pandering that throws away their identity in favor of 'inclusion' (which is just a bullshit term to exclude whoever you hate).
denuvo doesn't make a difference
pirated copy runs better
Happens every time, the cope on normie retards is incredible.
Just pick your puppeteer, be it jew, illuminati, WEF, etc
You're just repeating yourself.
I had the fun of working down in Portland for about a year maybe 15 years ago, thankfully graveyard shift so both going to/from were when traffic was almost non-existent and could go 120 down the highway so could get home faster to get some sleep between 12hr shifts.
Place was a shithole then for sure but it wasn't nearly as blatantly obvious as it is now.
I'm happy with my Hyperx core 2 wireless headset far as for gaming goes, they have another wireless option with some absurd battery life too if that is your thing.
If you just want to chill and listen to music/movies/etc i'd look into speakers such as a pair of powered bookshelf ones (personally have been using the Edifier R1280T's for about 5 years now of heavy use and still kicking and sound great).