CatoTheElder 1 point ago +4 / -3

Keep attacking Whites, rabbi. Your nature is shown for all to see.

Or, just stop using the enemy's language.

CatoTheElder -3 points ago +6 / -9

Calling someone WASP is like calling someone Chud. It reveals you for what you are. Keep posting rabbi, you will only make people hate you more.

CatoTheElder 17 points ago +17 / -0

That stops working as soon as the chinks show up. They get their clan alliances to mass report people that they don't like. Games that implement report flagging like that inevitably end up with only Chinese cheaters playing.

I politely told a chink teammate to stop camping and move up in Warthunder and got a chat ban for my efforts.

CatoTheElder 9 points ago +11 / -2

No. Burn Hollywood to the ground. Do not give them ANYTHING ever.

CatoTheElder 4 points ago +4 / -0

And the one recording. They are working together and than means there is a disparity of force.

CatoTheElder -3 points ago +3 / -6

It's in trouble because it's full of Poles.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +3 / -0

Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me


There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; there is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force.

I know which one I'm choosing.

CatoTheElder 6 points ago +6 / -0

On January 18, 1991, Randy Weaver was arraigned on the charges that he made an possessed illegal firearms. At that time, the court set February 19, 1991, as the trial date. Several weeks later the court clerk sent a notice to the parties informing them that the trial date had been changed from February 19 to February 20. Two days later, U.S. Probation Officer Karl Richins sent a letter to Weaver in which he erroneously referred to the trial date as March 20, 1991.


It is clear from Weaver's comments to the Griders that he received the Richins letter. These comments, which were relayed to the marshals, indicated that Weaver was suspicious of what he viewed as inconsistent messages from the government and his own counsel, and that this inconsistency enforced his belief that the government was conspiring against him.

Randy was correct. Just look at all the times a government employee lied or withheld information during the lead up to the standoff. Especially look at the lies told by the ATF, such as Randy was a member of the Aryan Nation, or Randy was a Green Beret (and as such very dangerous), or that Randy had sent terroristic threats to Regan. All of which were provably false, but the ATF and NYT and even his own lawyer at trial repeated the bullshit.

CatoTheElder 9 points ago +9 / -0

He's just an advertiser for ubishit and the other big companies. Ever since he started getting access to the suits he's been pretty damn pozzed. I noticed it about the time Watchdogs 2 came out.

CatoTheElder 16 points ago +16 / -0

He was cringe even back then. The only thing good on the Escapist was Zero Punctuation and maybe Miracle of Sound. The MoS showed himself as the sellout he was.

by Lethn
CatoTheElder 4 points ago +4 / -0

How much Spanish language media do you consume from IP's based in the US? It's not get out the vote anymore, it's conseguir más votos.

CatoTheElder 11 points ago +11 / -0

For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset. . Maybe if you fucking communists actually paid people they would be willing to work in shit jobs. There is no reason in the world a code monkey sitting in an airconditioned office should be paid more than a janitor scrubbing tranny shit off the walls. There is no reason a cop or a teacher should be paid more than someone breaking their back picking tomatoes.

There is a correction coming where the shit jobs will skyrocket in wages. They cannot keep those jobs wages depressed forever by infinite population growth because every environment has a maximum carrying capacity. And when that population stops growing, whether by zeroing immigration or by massive famine because that carrying capacity was reached, there will be incredible inflation as the market corrects and raises wages for jobs that MUST get done. All the useless eaters that participate in the services circle jerk will have to do real labor for once in their lives. The superwealthy will have to spend their wealth on the only thing that costs them money: wages

CatoTheElder 51 points ago +51 / -0

Import the third world, become the third world.

CatoTheElder 25 points ago +25 / -0

All the feds have to do to win is maintain the current course for two more generations. Just 30 or so years and they will win forever. They already have less than 50% whites under 18 in almost all (probably all) white nations.* In 30 years there will be no more whites to ever challenge their rule. They will have their brown underclass slaves, their slightly less brown asian technical class, and themselves ruling over it in their thousand year Tinkum Olam. No more innovation to disrupt their economy with uncontrolled bubbles, no new frontiers to fuel rapid unexpected growth, no new lands to have to buy out, just a forever stasis, a slow decay until white's technology stops working due to running out of energy.

The reason acceleration is needed is because there is almost no overlap between the people with the motivation, and the people with the means. The people with the motivation have already lost, they have nothing, and are never going to have anything. Their bloodlines have ended. The genocide is complete for them, they are just waiting for the reaper. That, of course, is their motivation but they have no means. It's the people with a house, a car, a wife and 2.5 kids that need to feel the pain until they sell off the bass boat and buy a .50 to end the people behind mass migration. If the pain comes slowly they will just give ground a step at a time and find out at the end they have no power to oppose the people who did it to them. They will be reduced to same level as the people with the motivation right now, and like them, they will have nothing at that point. The goal of acceleration is to give them motivation before it is too late. To give them motivation while they still have the means to fight.

Without acceleration the people that have the money to buy guns and vehicles will just slowly have their wealth chipped away without being able to point to any one event and say that is where everything went to shit. Just a long slide of incrementalism, first emissions standards making their vehicles illegal, then forcing them to buy 60 mile range light electric vehicles that are only allowed to be charged on the weekend, then making accessories for guns illegal, then making ammunition require background checks, then red flag laws with ever expanding definitions of who prohibited persons are. All the while their other possessions slowly becoming illegal, like their lightbulbs, toilets, microwaves, refrigerators. Each replaced appliance is less effective and just plain crappier than the last. Each replacement costs more and has a shorter lifespan further depleting wealth and thus power. Their properties will be condemned or eminent domained to make way for more apartments for invaders. Their children will be brainwashed to hate their race and to "voluntarily" end their bloodlines by becoming faggots, furries or trannies or to "protect" the environment and such messages will only be in English exempting the invaders who are encouraged to have many children that the state then pays for. Each generation becomes used to what would be intolerable just 20 years before.

The feds win by maintaining the status quo. They just need to keep the system together a little longer and their long march will be over with a total victory. Acceleration is the last thing they want.

*In the southeast US the 5th of May is celebrated more than the 4th of July. The schools send messages out in Spanish instead of English. It's only a matter of time until we see Español como lengua secundaria classes instead of ESL classes.

CatoTheElder 8 points ago +8 / -0

I though the left loves diversity. This is how diversity gets formed, a physical barrier separating populations until they can evolutionarily diverge.

CatoTheElder 11 points ago +12 / -1

Correct. The sooner the right realizes this the sooner they will start winning.

by Lethn
CatoTheElder 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cato the Elder bragged that he had destroyed more towns in Hispania than he had spent days in that country. I am no where near as extreme as my namesake.

by Lethn
CatoTheElder 1 point ago +3 / -2

Eye for an Eye. They enjoy hurting other people, they should get hurt in turn. If one of them ruins 50k rounds with a successful cheat at 15 minutes a round, that's 85 years equivalent lost. So take 85 years off of their life.

by Lethn
deleted 11 points ago +12 / -1
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