He can't do that, because he IS accepting money from glowies.
They are all shit. AssCreed is the best of the lot, I actually finished two of those games, but they long since died of Ubishit. Armored Core is just shitty japMecha with supposedly multiple ton machines skating everywhere, and that retarded jap grading system. I think I got through about 4 levels before I went back to Mechwarrior 4 mods. Ace combat is 2 minutes of crappy flying followed by 10 minutes of emo whining. I think I got about halfway through the one with the Arkbird, which ever one that was. And Animal crossing is for disease filled furries that need to be put into work camps.
So no, no one knows which one you are referring to.
Flux has entered the image creation market
Flux is overrated. It is a huge model, at least compared to Stable Diffusion, which does allow it to produce "better" images. That is as long as you like very narrow depth of field and blurry images. It also does not have a negative prompt, which is what allowed Stable Diffusion based models to be so competitive with stuff like midjourney while being able to be run on something like a 3060.
There is also this huge double sided push to get AI off of consumer hardware, and into the cloud. On the video card side, Nvidia isn't making cards with more VRAM, and on the other side the AI companies are making their models just large enough that you cannot run them on consumer gpus and thus have to pay them for tokens. The price difference between a 4090 (24 gb for <$2000) (which CAN actually run flux and LLAMA 13B) and a business class gpu (RTX A6000 48 gb, for $5000-$6000k, or a A100 80 gb for ~$15000 which can run LLAMA 65B) is insane.
So why did you take money from glowies?
I couldn't even find a strip of highway that didn't have a building in sight, let alone one that didn't have trash around. It's mind boggling. The only undeveloped areas in India are the flood plains, and that is only occasionally undeveloped.
Archives are easily taken down (the thing that this whole post is about), at least screenshots are hosted local to .win. Furthermore, X doesn't show shit if you don't have a account, so archives and direct links are useless, and Nitter doesn't exist on days ending in "y".
I guarantee they would not let an "undocumented" white from, say, Germany or Scotland go. It's racial. Shitskin cop will always side with shitskins.
If you start from the same assumptions, you are gonna end up in the same place. Tabula Rasa + NAP = communism, every time.
If you believe that all people are created equal, and then observe that they do not end up equal, you are half way to communism. It must then be some violation of the NAP that has occurred to induce this inequality. Thus your libertarians are just communist.
Compare that to the other alternatives: If the Tabula Rasa is invalid, then who cares if there is inequality? If the NAP is invalid, then who cares if people end up unequal, might makes right.
But no pictures of the Muhamed that did it.
I have 7, 8, and 9 installed with a mod that allows you to move between the campaigns with one party.
Remember how he blamed the Bush administration for the first large gap in his writing?
VG: Might and Magic There will be a new Might and Magic
You got me excited there, but it's just another HoMM, which has nothing to do with the real Might and Magic.
Lolberts, if they aren't attacked enough to become fascists, always revert to being liberals.
It turns out, most people have no understanding of probability. A 5% chance to miss is the same as rolling a nat 1 in DnD. If you have a group of 12 aliens/monsters and each one takes around 2 hits to kill, then you are going to have a 70% chance of 1 or more misses.
It's the same thing with Rimworld. A horde of Mechanoids firing at your pawns, even with a <1% chance to hit, will hit that pawn simply due to the law of large numbers.
A gamer's goal is to ALWAYS reduce the randomness, so that the fewest rolls necessary take place.
There is also Xenonauts, which is a more recent (than the originals) Xcom that plays like the originals, but with a different name.
This is not Weimar level of degeneracy yet. It's getting there, and the club and every who attends it needs to be eradicated, but it's not Weimar level of degeneracy yet.
This is Weimar Germany, from The Europeans pg. 75 by Luigi Barzini Jr.:
In 1931, Berlin surely was the artistic capital of Europe, full of brilliant theaters, cabarets, avant-garde art shows, trail-blazing films, experiments of all kinds. The Kurfiirstendamm, the famous tree-lined boulevard, a pretentious imitation of the Avenue des Champs Elysees, was filled with characters dreamed up by de Sade, Havelock Ellis, Sacher-Masoch, Krafft-Ebing, and Sigmund Freud. There were men dressed as women, women dressed as men or little schoolgirls, women in boots with whips (boots and whips in different colors, shapes, and sizes, promising different passive or active divertissements). I saw legless veterans on crutches, culs-de-jatte, armless or blind veterans wearing iron crosses, and the hungry unshaven unemployed, all of them begging. I saw pimps offering anything to anybody, little boys, little girls, robust young men, libidinous women, or (I suppose) animals. (The story went around that a male goose of which one cut the neck at the ecstatic moment would give you the most delicious, economical, and timesaving frisson of all, as it allowed you to enjoy sodomy, bestiality, homosexuality, necrophilia, and sadism at one stroke. Gastronomy, too, as one could eat the goose afterward.)
WTF drugs are you on? White males who are not nutritionally deprived (aka they actually have red meat in their diet growing up) very much average 5'10'' today.
Anyone claiming that the average men are less than 5'10" are including non-whites and thus their opinion is invalid.
It has to do with hispanics. They are universally short, and they make up 30%+ of the population now.
They rebranded DIE with BRIDGE, and you call that a victory. We have to import our games from China, replacing one source of communist propaganda with another, and you call that a victory. They are funding outlets with unlimited funny money, while inflating your currency to nothing, and you call that a victory
It's only a victory for those that hate white straight males.
They basically won. They are still writing, and all the games are shit. Only a few of those outlets went under.
They ARE the Bilderbergs. There is something like 80% overlap between them. Just look at the list of attendees: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Bilderberg_Conference
Inb4 someone screeching about archives.
It's something DoM could have wrote.
Don't be a fucking retard.
The bullies have members of the groups of "criminals, jocks and niggers".
You're just looking for an excuse because I mentioned jews.
Don't worry bout it, it was an edit. I just thought i would add some more context to the current ML hardware side.