BidenIsAGroomer 14 points ago +14 / -0

The uncensored video shows she arguably contributed to his death - he could have run away if not for protecting her…

BidenIsAGroomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have a monopoly- so every push they make into another sector should be illegal.

Youtube/gmail etc etc.

This legislation is from when standard oil used its train monopoly to create refining monopolies or something like that.

However google is in bed with the democrats :

“we are the best defense against another trump situation” - google exec undercover to project veritas

BidenIsAGroomer 11 points ago +11 / -0

not the adl, but one of the israeli NGOs ferrying africans to europe:


"Push for mass immigration into their lands"

"Call them racists when they defend themselves"

BidenIsAGroomer 29 points ago +30 / -1

All these “american citizens” that are missing are likely dual israeli citizens doing military service.

BidenIsAGroomer 17 points ago +17 / -0

no scenario absurd enough that they won't take it 100% seriously if you can slip it through the friend/enemy filter.

I wanted to persuade reddit that ilhan omar should be the first incest supporting congressperson. But it would require too many NSFW fetish posts to get past the sincerity filter.

BidenIsAGroomer 15 points ago +15 / -0

Reddit has banned almost all discussion on the israel/palestine conflict

BidenIsAGroomer 5 points ago +5 / -0

AI generated race baiting that’s analyzing you to learn maximum engagement?

BidenIsAGroomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was looking at factorio after getting bored of rimworld.

BidenIsAGroomer 11 points ago +11 / -0

He is the least “conservative” leader the conservatives have ever had.

The UK is being invaded by illegals - and this will create generations of terrorism/racism(these people have EXTREME racism - they don’t even accept their daughters marrying outside of the family)

This is their future for poor kids in the UK : https://x.com/1jbirdx/status/1710280993750253975

He has ignored decades of the UK police spending 90% of their time policing tweets online.

Hopefully the conservatives lose so badly their party is scattered to the winds and replaced with a party that protects its citizens.

BidenIsAGroomer 13 points ago +13 / -0

Russia giving up their claims on the breakaway regions in Ukraine.

And leave Ukraine to attack the russian speaking people in those regions?

BidenIsAGroomer 12 points ago +12 / -0

People who employed her have 2 choices:

“sorry fans - we will employ someone based off talent and merit to really showcase our games!”


“This stunning and brave woman was attacked by ultra-alt-right ‘gizortnik’ who made her feel unsafe by recommending she ‘change gears’. We have reported his threats to the wawambulance and thought-police”

BidenIsAGroomer 51 points ago +51 / -0

As someone said on twitter:

The Progressive Left owns the public universities.

They own the liberal arts colleges.

They own 90% of private colleges.

They own K-12 schools.

They own pre-schools.

They own the mainstream media.

They own the entertainment media.

And it's the "right" that's brainwashed?

edit : more importantly- EVERY trust and safety censorship team is run by a team of transgenders. AI censorship and thought control is the biggest threat to humanity.

And this 80 year old woman who can’t send an email without assistance is pushing to control it.

BidenIsAGroomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes - the only way to do this would be to move to a micro country and gain political power.

BidenIsAGroomer 13 points ago +13 / -0

Where in the constitution does it say the deep state can be used to punish enemies of the democrat party? (there was never a law passed that congress said we should investigate Elon Musk)

And why do republicans never disband/utilize it when they are in power?

BidenIsAGroomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their true goal is not the environment (or they would push for nuclear power)

Their true goal is to demographically replace you so they have democrat control forever. (and eventually communist control)

BidenIsAGroomer 15 points ago +15 / -0

RIP man.

regarding the question that triggered the feminazis- falsely being accused of rape would mean you would get anally raped in prison. so far worse. trivial question.

Just create a new account.

Also fuck twitter. Its censored every european politician who isn’t pro white genocide/replacement

edit: or move to nostr

BidenIsAGroomer 17 points ago +17 / -0

Apple TV is pretty woke with endless race swaps to remove white characters with black lesbians (see foundation)

BidenIsAGroomer 15 points ago +15 / -0

Inciting female ungratefulness should be a crime.

Its so easy to trigger them despite them doing a tiny fraction of the work of men and living much longer

BidenIsAGroomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

it makes zero sense.

unless the real goal is genocide and climate hysteria is just a tool to facilitate it.

BidenIsAGroomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only women police other women’s clothing.

They love slut shaming and keeping women in line.

BidenIsAGroomer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fun fact - they produce almost zero carbon in Africa.

But if you bring them to the US they release tons of CO2

BidenIsAGroomer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can’t believe nobody else has pointed this out.

If you are sent to jail with a false accusation of child abuse or some kind of rape- you will also get raped. Often.

And by a man who has a much higher chance of aids or other stds.

BidenIsAGroomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you are in prison for 10yrs and the prisoners think you are in there because you were falsely accused of being a rapist…

The men in the prison will ALL try to rape or kill you. Every day. For 10 years.

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