Arkana 8 points ago +9 / -1

I'm just saying that mistakes have been made in the past, and the people alive now must live with it. We must do our best to try and correct them, especially against a system that wants to resist correcting mistakes and lies by saying these mistakes were actually the best things to happen.

The reason this happened in the first place is because people were not vigilant enough. That vigilance must be learned one way or another.

by Deadlaw
Arkana 19 points ago +19 / -0

It's not about who wants one, it's about if people will stand up for who they are. If white people will not stand up and believe that they should exist and have places explicitly for them, then they will lose either way. The fastest way to lose a war is to deny that the war is even taking place.

by Deadlaw
Arkana 27 points ago +27 / -0

I believe there needs to be a clear push towards being openly pro-white. Not just "right wing" or "non-racist" but white people firmly in favour of the race they are. Anything else is essentially being suicidal. I don't think Trump is going to make that push, but the people after him have to.

I would once again suggest people check out the videos by Asha Logos as well.

Arkana 34 points ago +34 / -0

Largely correct. The US, and by extension the whole Western world, has been in a civil war for a while now. You can see this as a "war on racism" which is effectively a war on pro-white sentiment as well as a "war on sexism" which is against pro-male sentiment. Essentially trying to strip the majority of "political revolutionaries" of their will to fight.

This is due to the people who have a stranglehold over the media, education, and government, not wanting to give up power and hand things over to who they think are their enemies.

Arkana 18 points ago +18 / -0

That usually happens before or during the injection though, this was supposed to be 10 mins after. Still it's just one case and people do faint from needles all the time. I don't expect any of these televised injections to be that dangerous, because the reason they do them at all is supposed to be installing confidence for people to get it.

Arkana 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah for some people they'd rather just stop the suffering instead of go to war with their own country and basically all of the western world. I suspect as more people learn and come to terms with what's going on that will change though.

Arkana 15 points ago +15 / -0

Probably didn't want to admit that the institution he worked for, and largely all of society, is anti-white and wanted him to suffer and die.

Arkana 17 points ago +17 / -0

It was 5 guys but the only notable one I remember was Nathan Grayson at Kotaku, the others may have been in the games industry but I don't think they were journalists.

Arkana 21 points ago +22 / -1

This image is a decent summary. The only thing is that it was one guy she slept with in the games media and he wasn't "reviewing" the game, but giving it positive press on Kotaku.

Basically the "gaming news" has hated people who like games since at least 2012 and it culminated in a scandal where indie devs had intimate relationships with people in the media and it was totally undisclosed. Instead of admitting that they did something wrong, they doubled down and said gamers are horrible bigots that need to be ignored and silenced.

Deepfreeze also has some good articles, even if they're a bit out of date at this point.

Arkana 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I'll support everything that's there. Just that if there's some categories that don't get many entries, or if there's an obvious winner and barely anything else, then those are fine for removal too.

Arkana 7 points ago +7 / -0

All of those categories would be good as long as they can have around 4+ entries. Anything less than that is probably fine being dropped.

Arkana 8 points ago +8 / -0

"I don't care what people call me when I'm not in the conversation"

Arkana 7 points ago +7 / -0

Then the next step is to turn every "Rhodesia" into Zimbabwe.

Arkana 35 points ago +35 / -0

It does have some text which makes a joke about the FBI crime stats. That's definitely less than the main storyline of course. I decided to go on the high seas and "demo" the game instead of buying it and I feel like that was a good decision.

Arkana 6 points ago +7 / -1

It's not about being "lazy" it simply does not work if every single person wants to give orders. It's not "lazy" for a child to listen to his father or teacher or boss.

Being loyal to people is not the same as being mindless. It's not "letting other people think for you" to trust others with your life. If they don't actually care about your life then it's a mistake, but if they do it can be a very powerful bond.

Arkana 35 points ago +35 / -0

You can see that happening in Britain too. The police will investigate and pursue people who make jokes on the internet, but allow entire ethnic minority groups to self-police and do whatever they want for themselves.

There very much is a new caste system being put in place.

Arkana 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes, because not everybody can be in command at once. Human society needs people at the top and others to follow orders. At a family level, a village level, a city level, and a country level. The higher up you go the less decision makers and more followers. That's just how things work.

Organized civilization by necessity cannot have everybody want to be in full control at the same time.

Arkana 15 points ago +16 / -1

Humans are inherently social creatures, and they will not risk tipping the balance of power when they are not sure they can succeed. It's worse to have 4 drivers in a car than to have 1 driver and 3 passengers. As a passenger who wants the driver to be different all you can do is convince them to pull over and swap off, or try to push them out and take the wheel yourself. Most people would rather choose the path of least resistance.

Even if the driver is leading you down a dangerous path, trying to wrestle the wheel from them isn't necessarily a safer thing to do. It could just cause the car to crash faster. At least, right up until they deliberately arrive at the edge of a cliff in which case it's usually too late to do anything.

Arkana 14 points ago +16 / -2

Alexa is run by Amazon, headed by Jeff Bezos. Me Too was definitely a "movement" to remove men in power who would not bow to certain pressures. Women were used as the attack vector, just like race is used as the attack vector in other areas.

Who has ran the Federal Reserve and just about every other major banking institution for at least 100 years? I don't see many women in those kinds of positions pre-WW1. The problem of society disintegrating has existed since then.

Who is funneling money towards BLM and giving it major time on the news? Just because women are "news anchors" (script readers) does not mean they get to decide what is talked about in the public narrative.

Arkana 11 points ago +14 / -3

I don't think it's the feminists who own all the major media companies, banking institutions, and are the ones pushing for heavy "multiculturalism" like Islam to come to the country en masse.

The whole US political system certainly is under control though.

by lkw657
Arkana 17 points ago +17 / -0

One part of it is extortion, they will complain about anything if it gets their foot in the door to "fix" things. It starts with "Just change this one poster" and then they take a mile.

The answer they may give is that it makes fun of or objectifies trans people I suppose. It doesn't matter the reasons they say, they're upset that the devs would try and make something like that without being "approved" first.

Arkana 13 points ago +13 / -0

I never played the games but many people definitely resonated with the "father daughter" story. Neil Druckmann deliberately wanted to destroy that story, this video by American Krogan and the addendum video he made go over that quite well.

Arkana 26 points ago +26 / -0

Yeah they are REALLY pushing Last of Us 2. It's an absolute farce.

Arkana 39 points ago +39 / -0

They're voted by the "officials" who are staff members. It's literally all just a big advertisement and propaganda.

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