Surprisingly Based Canada?
It's the Libertarians+chamber of commerce+Koch Bros business alliance. The idea that any human should be free to move wherever they want... and a businessman should be free to hire whomever he wants, even for slave wages. Ignore all negative consequences.
NYT op-ed: "I wish I had been killed and eaten by an old white man instead of a Haitian."
I've never heard of it. I think Drake is the guy from Canada though. That's all I know.
Only faggot commies would complain about that. He could never do enough for them.
Yes, even as a kid I remember news alternating between showing him as a mean right-wing Republican who hates poor people, and a doddering old fool. It wasn't nearly as bad as with Trump, and the neolib establishment has softened on him now. Leftists (communists) still hate him. I remember talking with a lefty younger co-worker about how Reagan's legacy looks better now and he said "no he was still a shitty president with trickle down economics."
Second one should read "Character based on woman", but yeah that's right.
They shit on the streets in their own countries too.
The comments are even better.
Why do they have such an urge to be the hero, or even just "good guys"? I don't care if people think I'm a good person. That's between me and God. Leftists are obsessed with being on the right side. There must be some deep psych issues.
against Muslims
Why, yes. What you showed her is a good reason to be against them.
intertemporal jewish race war
What does that mean?
Pretty stupid thing to do, land in France
It's all so sudden. :(
Jerry Springer and Maury Povich sometimes had on their shows fat black chicks who dressed like skanky whores even though they were 300 pounds with a dozen rolls of fat sticking out everywhere. They liked to strut and say "IF YOU GOT IT FLAUNT IT!"
Same energy.
Gay orgies with the Starfield devs?
They'll come to the conclusion "if only we had more diversity this wouldn't have happened!"
I don't see how that's a problem. The government is way too big. They don't need any more money. It's not "fair" but everyone needs to avoid paying taxes as best you can.
They also love to call people dumb. You'll see the most ghetto looking negros scream "dayum that nigga dumb as sheeiit".
Instagram is for women to share pics of their travels, bodies, food, cats, and other expressions of NPD. There's zero reason for a man to use it unless he's a professional photographer or trying to win one of those contests where you have to post on Instagram.
Your example is not merely showing intent. That's explicit wishing of death.* Intent is not discernible through text, even by omniscient mods.
(*but wishing someone die from disease or medical malpractice isn't endorsement of violence either)
You can't vote your way out of communism or islam.
It's a particular lie that hoplophobes are fine with politicians employing, or using themselves if it leads to their imagined gun free world. When you get to know them, it's easy to get them to admit their pleas for common sense gun laws are bullshit meant to disarm the public because it's for our own good.