AmericanFellah 3 points ago +4 / -1

And the dude wonders why he gets down voted so hard sometimes. lol

AmericanFellah 27 points ago +27 / -0

I know things were off to a bad start when Penny fell for the "oh you were in the Marines? Well shucks I was in the Marines too!" stuff.

AmericanFellah 19 points ago +19 / -0

kek at those photos looking up at Fuentes

"The weak should fear the strong"

AmericanFellah 6 points ago +6 / -0

The number of immigrants directly from Spain to the US is miniscule. To suggest that their descendants are causing such significant shifts in US census data is ludicrous.

But when the overwhelming majority of immigrants over the past 50 years come from countries whose racial demographics look like this...




(TLDR: Most Central and South Americans are mostly American Indians with small to moderate amounts of European and African ancestry).

...thinking that the the people identifying as "Hispanic" are anything but various flavors of mystery meat mestizos is laughable, even for you.

because there is no such thing as an ethnicity that stretches across two continents and two hemispheres.

That's a new one. According to who? Lol

Whether there is a "Hispanic ethnicity" is irrelevant. It's an identification overwhelmingly used by the above described people, who are overwhelmingly not white, and have changed the demographics of the US.

Best part of your argument is that I bet you didn't even think it up on your own. Probably had it handed to you by some know-nothing social media person you follow, right?

Just take the L and move on.

AmericanFellah 5 points ago +8 / -3

kek at that youtube channel

Of course you would watch that kind of slop, OP

AmericanFellah 15 points ago +15 / -0

Does ANYONE prefer video "essays" to an actual written article?

Yes, someone, somewhere on the Internet prefers one over the other. I was trying to put effort into being a decent OP and provide options.

AmericanFellah 8 points ago +10 / -2

Every time I post a direct link here there's some weenie in the comments bitching about posting an archive instead.

AmericanFellah 13 points ago +13 / -0

The bodies terminology likely comes from Michel Foucaul. He used the term extensively. For example, look up Discipline and Punish

AmericanFellah 7 points ago +8 / -1

Footage of gopower2024 emerging from his foreskin storage facility to once again defend the chosen people

has a real job, unlike you

Well, my company does pay me a decent salary for maybe 2-3 hours of work a day while I shit post online the rest of it from the comfort of my couch, so you might be right that isn't a "real job". Lol

AmericanFellah 19 points ago +20 / -1

Speaking of JIDF shills, I haven't seen Gizortnik around here in some time. I wonder what he's up to?

AmericanFellah 5 points ago +5 / -0

People don’t tend to do something for thousands of years if it has no effect.

Magic is about changing minds.

I wasn't disagreeing with you with my earlier post, merely attempting a joke.

AmericanFellah 18 points ago +18 / -0

Is it because language is a form of magic and they're casting spells on us?

I mean Kaballah magic must be real, because they would call someone "anti-semite" and poof! they would disappear. But their magical power seems to be waning as of late...

On a more serious note, what you're describing is pretty consistent with general Jewish strategy of marking themselves from everyone else, e.g "Chosen People" status, circumcision, different sets of rules for Jews vs Gentiles, etc. I wonder if Kevin MacDonald wrote anything specifically on your topic?

AmericanFellah 22 points ago +22 / -0

The Brits voted in the Tories for more than a decade, and received far more immigrants under the "conservative" party than they did under Labour.

The Italians voted in a "far right" party under Meloni, and she oversaw an increase in illegal immigration and made it easier for migrants to arrive legally.

I'm not going to pretend to know the particulars of Irish national politics but in general there's a bigger problem here than getting people to not vote for the left.

AmericanFellah 11 points ago +11 / -0

the Irish voted for the idiots who are for mass immigration at first place

Bold of you to assume they wouldn't have gotten mass immigration no matter who they voted for.

AmericanFellah 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't "bring up the Bronze Age" the Bronze Age era was already in question since we're talking about ancient Greece, which starts in the Bronze Age.

Greeks have always had higher admixture with Anatolians and other Arabic peoples. Like this pca shows

I already stated they have MENA admixture. This was never denied. Why are you stating my OWN argument at me like its a "gotcha"?

And Anatolians aren't an Arab people. Anatolian in that study doesn't mean what you think it means.That PCA chart is showing the ancient genetic lineage of modern Greeks and their distance from those ancestors. In actual fact, Ii doesn't mean what YOU think it means. Again, nothing to do with Arabs in this case.

I will restate your own argument verbatim:

the reality that they modern Greeks don’t have much genetically in common with ancient Greeks

In actual reality, stated plain as day:

Modern Greeks resemble the Mycenaeans, but with some additional dilution of the early Neolithic ancestry

QED. Take the L and move on. I'm done with you.

AmericanFellah 3 points ago +3 / -0

Re-posting part of reply to address this

just because a certain people invade another doesn't mean they wipe out the native population or even change it much (although sometime they do). Rome for example left almost no genetic legacy in Britain despite ruling it for centuries

Also at least some of the Sea Peoples like the Achaeans/Ekwesh were themselves a Greek people

AmericanFellah 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all, Islam doesn't arrive anywhere in Greece until nearly two thousand years after the Bronze Age ends, so you might as well describe that as a "post Cambrian Period invasion" if you're going to be that off in time.

And the MENA admixture was already addressed. That's why on the PCA chart I linked to Greeks are slightly closer in genetic distance to modern MENA populations now compared to other European peoples.

On that note, just because a certain people invade another doesn't mean they wipe out the native population or even change it much (although sometime they do). Rome for example left almost no genetic legacy in Britain despite ruling it for centuries.

Again, modern Greeks are indeed significantly like their ancient ancestors.

AmericanFellah 7 points ago +7 / -0


Hardly " meh" when you made this argument that, and I quote

modern Greeks don’t have much genetically in common with ancient Greeks

when we can demonstrate that in fact modern Greeks do have quite a bit with in common with ancient Greeks. Not my fault you made too strong of a statement and are being corrected on it.

nor does it account for the post Bronze Age invasion

I'm not sure what your argument is here. The Greek civilization that succeeded the Mycenaeans are largely their genetic descendants. What post Bronze Age invasion are you referring to?

AmericanFellah 19 points ago +19 / -0

Not quite what you're talking but still in the neighborhood of Greco-Roman history is the whole Septimius Severus thing and and the black Romans stuff the BBC was pushing a few years ago

So I guess in other words just give it time and we'll see an argument for Helen being black or brown or whatever

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