AlfredicEnglishRules 6 points ago +6 / -0

I genuinely hope every law he passes will be used against him to the fullest extent he used against his enemies. Then, I hope all of Canada gives up the weird pretense of being their own thing and either join the USA or go back to Mum to suck their thumbs.

AlfredicEnglishRules 10 points ago +10 / -0

Have the archive of the Thread reader


I get really sick of people thinking Shakespeare represent English from the medieval period. He was renaissance, we count it as early modern in fact, and even then it was flowery. The prints were for reading and thus more poetic than his actual performances.

It would be awesome to see an old English epic RPG.

AlfredicEnglishRules 11 points ago +11 / -0

At no point do they ask if they're the baddies

AlfredicEnglishRules 12 points ago +12 / -0

This is something I really want to get into. It still takes work, but a single person can make an entire movie with a computer.

AlfredicEnglishRules 24 points ago +24 / -0

It was always a lie.

AlfredicEnglishRules 8 points ago +8 / -0

The ability to catch back up isn't even considered. I have a foster kid who can catch up, but the system wants the money from his being stupid. If he catches up, it's from outside work.

AlfredicEnglishRules 6 points ago +6 / -0

Where there's cheese, there's mice.

AlfredicEnglishRules 7 points ago +7 / -0

Some of this is just European politeness. You keep people at bay at your castle walls, and then show your true self beyond those walls. The biggest question I get from a newly moved in German to America is why everyone is smiling all the time. I have to explain it's American politeness, and is just as strong as European walls.

On the other hand, Sweden is full of people who are obsessed with being better than everyone else. It's why they went socialist, because they were told it's better. It's why they're assholes, because they think they're better. I have good friends who are swedish, and they admit this is a big problem.

AlfredicEnglishRules 15 points ago +15 / -0

I've met adults like this. The system was designed for students to drop out and get a job they can handle. Now that all jobs require a highschool or even university degree, the schools just try to get rid of them.

It takes a lot of work to help students catch up, and faculty at schools don't want to spend their money doing this. Each student with known problems has a plan and dedicated workers to help them. However, I've seen schools try to pretend the money doesn't exist, or it's the parents fault, or anything else to explain where the money went. There's a lot of pressure to just move them on.

The grade system is at fault. If Timmy has a problem with reading, he needs help reading. If Jenny can't do math, then she needs help on that. The school lumps both together and demands everything work like it did 80 years ago.

AlfredicEnglishRules 9 points ago +9 / -0

Who texts during a movie!? You paid for this big experience and then ignore it!? That woman needs to find solace in her stupidity.

AlfredicEnglishRules 4 points ago +4 / -0

Languages are weird. Dialects alone are annoying. There are 3-4 ways to say High Five in Spanish, and a person will only know one of them. I genuinely thought one of them was Portuguese.

There are jokes in England entirely based on the accent. What did the smart skouse get on his report card? Eyyy eyyyy

That level of nuance will be lost. It's not the language, it's the culture. The only way to learn is spend time with the people.

However, if the story is told right, you don't need the translation. Zhang Yimou can make a film so well that the visuals and acting explain what is being said. I have seen anime that did the same.

The people trying to control the narrative have proven they don't care about either.

AlfredicEnglishRules 2 points ago +2 / -0

And now I am seeing life before the garden hose as well.

AlfredicEnglishRules 2 points ago +2 / -0

There have been attempts to do that with the stock market, and none of them have worked.

AlfredicEnglishRules 3 points ago +3 / -0

Since most fast food places are owned by the same company, and work the same way, having several restaurants in one small area makes sense.

AlfredicEnglishRules 4 points ago +4 / -0

It could, but I doubt they would invest in that. You need a specialized database for that.

AlfredicEnglishRules 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most artsy markets have two types. The first get million dollar contracts to smell their own farts. The lefty crazies own that like a pirate ship. The art workers tend to be mixed, but I can't say there isn't a large lefty streak. The art workers tend to prove themselves through hard work and rewards. The fart smellers go to award shows where no one like each other.

I suspect the art world will die, and survive at the same time.

AlfredicEnglishRules 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's another step that's being talked about, but isn't publicly known. Every single company wants and has an expectation for an automated place. One guy fixes problems and maintains equipment and that's it. The initial cost is steep, but once you enter all the workers not being there it evens out and becomes a profit in a few years.

But if we can automate the food, do we need the restaurant? Do we need the chain? What comes after? That's what they're really scared of as they charge forward to their own Doom.

AlfredicEnglishRules 1 point ago +1 / -0

Slightly less Genocidey? There were no Jews left in the USSR. Being German was a reason to be punished on both sides of the wall. The east side got it worse.

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