Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

I had forgotten the keybinding one.

It was really such a telling thing about him, that he could take something arguably agreeable and discussable (some people are overtly obsessed with keybinding to an unreasonable level) and make everyone come together to shit on him for trying to treat it like an epic dab about his superiority moment.

Adamrises 8 points ago +9 / -1

the worst of the producers is superior to the best of the critics.

And no one would be a critic if it wasn't constantly pushed in our face despite the clear lack of anyone wanting to be involved with it. Such as his regular essay posts about how he discovered basic game mechanics and the philosophy behind them, and how this was going to make his product the greatest thing ever.

Or do you turn off ad block to make sure to support Producers of Product at all times?

Arrogance may be off-putting, but then again, so is being stubborn as a mule, don't you think?

Calling it "arrogance" is to call the Woke "a little racist towards whites." He claimed to be an expert on all topics that ever came up, which is a far more annoying personality than a random guy with an ego.

Also the entire reason anyone even remembered his name to become "a thing" was because he spent the first months here going "this is why I hate the Right and think they are worse than the Left." Its something he dropped later likely because of how often people mocked him for it. But it was also a while ago.

Sounds like the Imp, but I've witnessed that firsthand.

I did double take writing it because I thought I might be confusing the two, but the two just have a weirdly large amount of similarities. If Imp was capable of containing his spaghetti whatsoever I'd even suspect it was an alt.

Adamrises 9 points ago +10 / -1

I'm going to ascribe to the theory that he did it after Dom finally unstickied his self-fellating post about his video game (that he once described as the thing that will save the industry) after years of literally no one giving a shit about it and him posting updates to nobody.

I'll never forget the one and only time he responded to me shit talking him to his face was to call me toxic. Made me feel special.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

He was an expert in every topic that existed, and made sure to open with it.

Talking about planes? He spent 190000 hours in Microsoft Flight Sim and knew everything needed. Video games? He was developing one that was going to save the industry (thanks Dom for feeding his ego by stickying it for years). Politics? Only his enlightened "The Right Wing is worse than the Left because they annoy me more" take was allowed.

He was also a big believer in that a different .win community (ConPro I think) was going around and downvoting/trolling him anytime he got disagreement. Because only that could be the reason anyone disagreed with him on anything.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Momentum and a lot of paying "talent/media agencies" to prop him up.

He literally spent all his money buying mounts in WoW (because he is a shutin neet, he had a lot of disposable income). Then paid for his "mount offs!" to go viral, and through a series of lucky timings made him WoW's top streamer. Which allowed him to pay those agencies to shove his face and name on every media site, to a point where Youtube recommendations had at least 1 of his "clip" channels on every video you watched no matter what for at least a year or so.

And once you become that big, the zoomers will watch you just because you are the big thing (see the Pauls, Beast, etc.) and they will talk about you endlessly to keep you growing regardless of any actual contributions. Its kinda like Hasan in that way, that no amount of controversy can really shake the constant influx of new idiots and the algorithm forcing him onto people.

Otherwise, his streams are just him getting carried by people while he argues with his chat and chugs soda. There is a reason why no one talks about them besides these rare clippable "takes" on politics.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Elon Derangement Syndrome, similar to TDS, will have people shamelessly own up to and claim things they've been burying for decades just to try and Own the Chud.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

He will stand firm on any stance that comes from his chat or other randos, in fact he will usually take a contrarian opinion against them just because he hates them that much (this is why he usually ends up saying "based" things).

He will collapse immediately the moment any of his "friends" (aka other, more established streamers) say anything to him. Literally will fold like wet paper.

If you notice, this means that any "authority" has immediate and instant control over his opinions while any "peasants" he will enjoy mocking and dabbing on for daring to speak to him. Its a literal power trip from a guy who grew up as white trash and still can't shake that insecurity.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

using them regularly required problem solving skills that imposed a minimum IQ limit on computer and therefore internet use

Or having a family member who "was good with computers" that was guilted into constantly fixing it.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

You are missing the 6 hour stream with Hasan where he lowered his head and changed this opinion, and then the tweets after where he walked all of this back.

All the "Based Asmon" persona loves to show the moment he gets uppity like this and then puts the "he cucked out and reversed after his 'friends' educated him" on Page 7.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

Especially the part where after mild pushback from a single person, he cucked out of this opinion and reversed completely. That's a great sign!

This is the most retarded defense of him people use every time. Its never panned out in the slightest to anything, no one has ever broken out of the "Asmon sphere" and gone on to do anything. And all his "friends" are breadtuber leftists who push him right back on the path the moment he thinks, along with all the normies who worship everything he says.

All Asmon proves is that if your IQ is low enough, the nuances of the Left's contradictions are hard to keep up with.

Adamrises 34 points ago +36 / -2

Being pro-cop was always just knee jerk "the Left hates it so I must love it!"

There is no reason to support cops until they support us first. Until they stop being a willing arm of the Political Tyranny, they will always be our enemy and should be considered as such.

Individuals might be fine, but as a whole.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because they all know that even if they were inclined to not be a coward, they would be sold down the river by the politicians above them for daring to do anything and bringing negative attention to it.

Like a lot of things right now, we can only "win" if everyone stands up. Singular people popping up just get swatted down with nothing gained or accomplished beyond destroying their family and life.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gonna be honest, I don't think most of the people in a town like Aurora have guns. And any guys with said guns who tried to roll in and save them would likely be attacked by those people if they tried.

Its like seeing a girl fighting her boyfriend in public. Being a hero just means getting double teamed.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because for a long time it would literally destroy you, same with sexist/misogynist. You would get completely ostracized and often times outright attacked.

I moved out of the South in high school to a more "progressive" area and the thought that I was racist because I had that accent was enough to get my ass kicked a few times despite me not saying anything and there being no niggers around to even be racist toward to begin with (which I wouldn't have been as my hatred of them hadn't formulated yet).

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The two Ori games are Metroidvanias, and also quite old by this point so they probably run just fine.

Their current big game is No Rest for the Wicked, which is in Early Access and still needs to be there to shed some bad elements from a genuinely good action game.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Stephen King would be literally nothing without Hollywood adapting all his "best" works into better versions of themself.

Every thing he writes is bogged down with nonsense and his own garbage writing style, despite a lot of it being good premises and stories under it.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes sense and sounds like the type of nonsense thinking and actions they would take.

And I can see it working on minor day to day life situations pretty consistently, but this is absolutely not that.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

The assumption with it, based on what made it into the games themselves, is that its all just Yokai shit (as always) with the demon named crossed out and a Pokemon put in. So its almost certainly that.

Double so because they are all written like ancient parable stories, and not saucy rape fantasies.

Also the Octillery one was clearly popular because the Lapras one is literally the same story with the names exchanged.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Two of the specific Pokemon named were Octillery and Typhlosion, not the ones you'd expect. Typhlosion literally kidnapped a woman and raped her for years to have his children.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are a lot of them, seemingly written over a period of time. All by the same woman too.

So its less that they discarded them for being bad ideas and more like the office horny goblin kept writing her own smut and kept it on company computers.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not all of them. A lot of counties across the nation either appoint one or, in very small rural areas, just give it to the most fitting person.

But most do (in theory, the fact that very few ever lose re-election and the political power they wield means the election is mostly a farce), so the point was that he is still a politician and thereby anything attributed to his personality is suspect as is any statements he makes.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

The only wrench in the story is the "fake" VIP/press passes he had on him.

Which, if they exist at all, do look quite suspicious in any form going to one of these events that armed.

Everything else though points elsewhere, so I want to still lean on the sheriff being a loser but that's not a piece of evidence you can discount entirely.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

His statements on being an Oath Keeper are contradictory and basically nonsense. He got caught on their mailing list after a big hack and then gave multiple different reasons for why. But by his own words, he just read their website, never went to any meetings, and seemed to only like them for being "Pro-Cop."

Same with his anti-lockdown. He is part of a group saying that local sheriffs have authority over state and federal law and that its his job to prevent tyranny from it. While admirable on its face, it seems to be entirely self-serving to grant himself more power.

Cali Sheriffs are elected, so most of this seems to be a generic sheriff power tripping to make himself The Law but still being electable in Cali. And the development of this story really pushes me further into thinking he blew all this up for his own political clout.

Adamrises 21 points ago +21 / -0

Only the sheriff who caught him (an extremely woke BLM guy) is calling it assassination, while the Trump team themselves is saying it wasn't one and that a guy was just arrested nearby without issue for having guns in his car. Which considering its Cali doesn't say much, but would fit with the easy release on bail after if that's all they had him on.

Everyone combing his internet presence is showing its mountains of Boomer level very pro-Trump stuff and a bit of schizo nonsense that is still pro-Trump. Which doesn't add up with any of these actions in the slightest.

So either the Feds set up an actual long spanning backstory for one of their guys (and forgot to actually train him for the event itself), or this more than just "another one tried!" I'm already leaning towards it being a politics minded sheriff trying to either get famous or start a "conversation" about how awesome Cali's gun control laws are by preventing this.

Adamrises 15 points ago +15 / -0

That article feels like it was written by two different people. The entire thing is surprisingly reasonable and logical about how "accusing the president of a crime might not go over well after he already threatened to credibly sue you once" and "people act like we are already living under a dictator and quiver in fear." Even acknowledging how its a completely worthless movie that only has appeal to anti-Trump people to begin with, who won't care about something that doesn't paint him as Mega Hitler.

And then the final paragraph completely contradicts that and says he is Ultra Hitler already in power of his authoritarian regime scaring good people into cowardice. You can see the shift almost happen like a light switch where it goes from "reasonable anti-Trump perspective" to full blown TDS.

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