Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

What keeps sticking out to me is the lack of "X: dialogue" name attached to the subtitle. That's a very basic feature that almost every game has because its basic accessibility that comes at very little loss or complaint from anyone.

That and the fuzzy background where the characters don't even look like they actually exist within it due to poor framing really makes everything look like a bunch of unrelated parts all put together on a "stage" to milk outrage.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just in case mom comes around, you stay strapped.

Or, you don't open your door to begin with trying to have "good intentions" on the offchance that you are capable of repelling a violent threat.

Which was my entire original post, don't put your hand into the mud or else you might get pulled down into it (and everyone around you too). You took offense to the racial aspect and then demanded that was the only relevant bit to it, when that point can in fact be a-racial and still be completely valid as I said.

I ain't reading the rest of your post, pendejo, and will continue to pick and choose at my leisure since that's all you seem interested in doing after trying to put a dozen accusations and words in my mouth like a prissy bitch throughout the day.

Sorry to hold you to your own standard, as I'm sure you'll consider that <debate club nonsense> meaning you win. Because all you seem to be interested in, winning philosophical jerkoffs.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's to not believe?

Anything that confirms to my bias without sufficient proof, especially in an attempt to motivate me to action.

This isn't saying "this is impossible to be true" it is saying that I need more that says it is actually from the game you are telling me it is for me to believe what you are saying.

Holding everything to higher standards instead of just swallowing everything the way it is sold to me.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

My point isn't that its impossible to believe, its that the proof presented is insufficient to do so.

To use your example, it had Trunks and Vegeta, two characters we know are in the game, having a direct interaction that makes sense*, meaning it feels like a game script instead of a collection of buzzwords, within the noticeable graphic style of the game they are in, linking it to that specific game.

This has a random black guy with no name, in a generic style with no details, saying a clumsy line that hardly feels like it would pass Voice Acting that we are just being told is from the game.

It could be what it says it is completely, but its not strong enough on its own to just believe it.

*Also while I get why people hate it, that line is 120% fitting with Kid Trunks both in how he talks and his insufferable personality. If he was written now instead of in the 80s he would say shit like "no cap fr fr" and it feels out of place because he hasn't aged in 40 years of the IP existing.

Adamrises 26 points ago +26 / -0

That's the case for almost all "socialized" medicine countries.

They get all their medical research done for them by the US, saving billions there, and then the rich just fly over to us our doctors anyway.

Like most things in the rest of the West, they can only have such "nice things" because big daddy USA is keeping them afloat in the background while they whine like the teenage girls they are about how much they hate us.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

It does, because it removes a crucial element of your statement.

an equivalently dangerous thing because there is no reasonable case where you won't be murdered and that it was irresponsible of them to have been so blind to such a likely murder that it's really their own fault

A kid that age being given to foster care is almost certainly being seized from an extremely dangerous and bad home, likely due to an arrest or worse. This means the parent is an extremely risky person that you have now intertwined your family with. Its pure naivety to think they won't react to having their child "stole" in their mindset.

So yes, it completely undermines your point. But you've already moved to a new goalpost anyway.

Being a victim doesn't absolve you of all your actions that were taken that lead to you being victimized. In fact, its positions like yours that lead people into ignorance of the world that creates more victims. Someone doesn't cease to be a victim nor deserving of sympathy because they share some amount of blame for getting themselves into that situation. Its only if you live under Leftist mindsets and their extremities that you would think otherwise.

Including the learned helplessness Lefties love to teach us to prevent us from ever learning how to protect ourselves in this world by acknowledging "hey don't do X and you can reduce your risk of getting Y's."

But I guess its better to run around crying that "no woman deserves to be raped" when someone points out "don't get black out drunk with strangers though." Better to just never say that because someone might call us EVIL!

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

The fact that you keep using adoption in a story about fostering to try and make your position reveals how poorly thought out it is. These two things are not even close to the same and involve entirely different stories and processes.

Come back when you calm down enough to not make such basic fucking mistakes before you want to try and soapbox me, nigga.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

And you should not be making that choice for someone else, especially one who depends entirely on you for protection.

If it was that simple of killing yourself and everyone around you in misguided compassion with "lol well heaven awaits" then you should be in Africa right now with your own family helping the tribes.

Clearly though, its a little more nuanced than that.

Adamrises 5 points ago +6 / -1

I don't know KCD well enough to say one way or another personally, but if the post title said "screenshot from new Asscreed" I'd not be able to say it isn't. Because its a generic "modern graphics" NPC without anything tying it to any game.

Not even a character name, which sticks out even more because almost no game forgoes accessibility options of not having "who is speaking" attached to subtitles.

Adamrises 3 points ago +4 / -1

And yet if we "give them a chance" they will both destroy Western Civilization and give birth to everything but white babies.

That's why its not an easy black/white decision to decide upon, and anyone saying otherwise is thinking on pure emotion.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

There is a reason why even among the most devoted of the Woke, they don't always go full Black or Gay for the main character. Because you can hide that if its a side character, even a member of the main party (as Chinese Star Wars showed with black dude).

But if its your main playable character, then it has to be front and center on every piece of material you put out. Every single time you talk about the game, you have to reignite the controversy.

Adamrises 31 points ago +33 / -2

A single unaffiliated screenshot of a generic character saying a couple lines so fucking specifically meant to outrage us through exact phrases and buzzwords that don't really flow well or feel written for in-game conversation is far too good to be true.

This feels like believing random AITA posts on reddit that get crossposted to gender war subs. Its always too good to be true.

If it turns out to be real, I won't be shocked, but you need more proof than that to start a cancel mob, nigga.

Adamrises 8 points ago +9 / -1

When the screenshot first arrived on 4chan it was also posted to Steam and the Steam thread called it out as only linking back to the same 4chan post.

So while that doesn't confirm its not real it certainly pushes the dial hard towards a gayop.

Adamrises 6 points ago +7 / -1

Well yes, that's what makes it a real test. That its not an easy thing to side on.

We both know that the majority of these girls would have grown up to support this, and destroy you for daring to oppose it. The only reason they don't is because they get literally broken by the trauma of this, and that's not even a guarantee if you talk to most rape victims.

No one is guilty of a crime they didn't commit, yet at the same time Pattern Recognition isn't just for "noticing" Jews. And waiting to hope they take a "chance" to not destroy our culture, people, and future isn't an easy hope.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women would always have waited for a fighter - even if some other woman married him first.

For marriage sure, but they weren't sitting around celibate either for the entire war. There were plenty of men who had to stay behind to operate essential tasks or just straight dodged/deserted who were banging everyone's "girl" back home.

Heck I wouldn't doubt a significant portion of the White Feather women were literally just trying to get their man out of country so they could do so.

Adamrises 23 points ago +24 / -1

Its women like this that make it hard not to let grooming gangs just do their thing.

Because its clear women are just asking for it, they are doing everything in their power to both create it and protect it. The only hitch is that the ones being groomed and attacked are too young to be guilty of those crimes, but then they all seem to grow up and just do so anyway.

Its a real test on morals.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

I still can't tell if Harry is supposed to also be female or not.

But good job turning the bully, main villain, and future villain all black. I'm sure that'll go over well.

Because we know they won't get far enough to adapt Flash into his good guy phase.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oof, you got me with more things I didn't say and you even compared me to a feminist! Going right for those manipulation tactics by associating me with my nemesis, classic move. Stole it right out of my own playbook talking to Imp.

Its also really funny that you can't argue against the main point (goodness of intentions overriding basic logic for your safety) and instead focus on the nignog portion. Because that could be irrelevant if this wasn't so common among their ilk.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is no reward worth taking if the sacrifice means putting your own innocent child through such trials and suffering for the rest of their life.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

The thing is, they probably could have elevated that child. Maybe not to super high standards but leaps and bounds ahead of where it was going otherwise.

But in doing so, they had to entangle themselves with a truly wild animal, which was the mother and her "accomplices" (one probably could have been the baby daddy), and by associating with that they put themselves in a trajectory for horror.

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