AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn't fishing at all, though that seems to be projection on your part. This very post being a really good example of that.

No, I was actually talking to you. Engaging with you while trying to pin down why you behave the way that you do. Maybe you're an elaborate troll, but you truly do seem pretty miserable and most of it seems self-inflicted (at least relating to you here on the site). While I might think you're a cunt, it's also possible to care enough about a stranger to try and get them to better themself through serious introspection. But you think this is all meant to be some attack on you. It's so foreign that anyone you might disagree with would want you to better yourself for yourself.

And again, maybe this is an elaborate troll, and in which case, you're still just going through these motions. But if it's not, you have all the power to help yourself, and yet you're wasting it here getting angrier and angrier and angrier. Do you think the people here are getting as angry as you are? Some might get angry, but as angry as you? Because I can pretty easily state that you're not doing that to them. They're laughing at you. It's already getting to dismissing you. And eventually it will get to just ignoring you. And you'll get just as frustrated with that as you get angry with this.

Because on your current path, you're going to get worse and worse and worse, and the vast majority of it will solely be based upon being a reactionary to the kinds of people here. And, again presuming this isn't a troll, you'll be miserable. And you don't need to be.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

So your stance is that your bad faith behaviour is entirely based upon a reactionary standpoint? I just want to make sure that's accurate first and foremost?

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Proper grammar would help if you wanted to seem intelligent. Using a more complex vernacular makes you seem like a dumb person trying to sound smart (like you've admitted), because you inevitably end up using a term in a forced manner (like you did).

So far you've not convinced anyone that you're not here in bad faith, and you've not convinced anyone that you have any intelligence. Take the L.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0


I don't think you know what that word means, because it doesn't really fit within the context. Unless you're suggesting I'm here to make either you or the community more comfortable.

But let's presume you did mean that: And you're just here to antagonise people. In this situation, which one should really leave?

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Could be Gem? He seems to have a stiffy for hating Steam, and since it was mentioned I suspect he would.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

So instead of taking measures to try and be taken more seriously, you take steps to ensure you're never taken seriously ever again? Again, your treatment is entirely self-inflicted. Maybe if you tried engaging in good faith instead of antagonisms, you might get a little more leeway.

But then again, I suspect you don't want to be taken seriously.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Aaand the rule will hold true: Never expect a modern AAA game to be good unless explicitly proven otherwise.

A few years ago I would have limited that to "modern western AAA game", but with localisers you can't trust that.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Here is Kaarous' original comments in full:

Hey look , literally the one thing I'm a subject matter expert in besides eating pussy.

I've helped design modern solar fins for spacecraft. To put it mildly, every single part of this meme is wrong, and whoever wrote it should contact their high school about getting their money back.


I really can't get into because I don't want to accidentally disclose classified information. Anything to do with spacecraft is classified left and right seemingly at random. There's a reason I don't work for the feds anymore.

That said I'll say this. Terrestrial solar systems don't work in the cold for entirely different reasons. Comparing them to this is like asking why a paper airplane doesn't work when it gets wet but a jumbo jet does.

Here are the relevant parts:

I've helped design modern solar fins for spacecraft.


I don't want to accidentally disclose classified information. Anything to do with spacecraft is classified left and right seemingly at random. There's a reason I don't work for the feds anymore.

And here's a very specific part of the above that's the key information with bolding for emphasis:

Anything to do with spacecraft is classified left and right seemingly at random

Now that you've been walked through this, I would like to ask you to please point out where Kaarous has said that the panels on the ISS are classified information? Because what he said is that what is and isn't classified is often arbitrary and he doesn't want to risk being liable for saying something he shouldn't. It's actually a bit vague, which is funny that you would then try and pin a rather specific claim on him.

Gonna go out on a limb here and say that maybe you've got a chip on your shoulder and you're trying to prove Kaarous wrong before actually reading and responding to what was said. Almost like this is just you having a rather childish spat.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, if you push them they will eventually admit that an individual can better their circumstances through their own efforts.

I didn't say leftists say you can't better themselves, but that they hate the idea of it. They know people can better themselves, but they hate it when people do that because it removes the necessity of the collective.

I remember a study celebrating and advocating for a new method of teaching math to achieve greater equity, but when you dug down into its body you found that it hadn't improved the performance of the low achievers, rather it had dramatically reduced the performance of the high and normal achievers.

This has also been the case with linguistics. It's been a while, but IF I remember correctly it was phonetics vs whole word, where one (I THINK phonetics) was better for both men and women but showed a greater benefit for men while the other would be worse for both but more equal. Guess which one was adopted as part of the curriculum

And I wouldn't be surprised if that new "math" method was Common Core.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why the left love the welfare state. It requires you to constantly be under their control and always need them. It keeps them in power.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +8 / -0

This vapid bitch: I'm not a fan of wedding traditions!

Also this vapid bitch: What do you mean you're not paying for my wedding? It's traditional that parents pay for the wedding!?

AccountWasFree 17 points ago +17 / -0

Logic is supposedly also a white supremacist thing, but it should also be very HEAVILY noted that if education is a white supremacist thing, what is a lack of education?

SocJus, political correctness, woke, collectivism, etc, etc, etc all hate the idea of betterment, especially of the self. Self betterment suggest that you, the individual, are a capable human being, and that your failures are your own to deal with. Collectivists hate this because it means that you don't need the collective to solve your problems, and therefore the collective isn't needed at all.

Self betterment of any kind, be it educational, physically, spiritually, etc is pretty much reviled by these freaks. Because it says that you don't need them.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +14 / -0

I truly wish people knew more about the LGBT movement in the prior to the 90s, like how there were very real and rather strong ties to NAMbLA until they severed ties to further gain social acceptance (which definitely helped in that effort, since normal people rightfully despise paedophiles).

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

All unions are sellouts, and has been for ever. Unions exist solely to make jobs for the useless and scam money from their members.

There's a reason so many unions fight to make it mandatory to be a part of the union, or tie their wages one level so that wage negotiations are collective rather than based on personal performance.

But other than that, unions are to thank for the entire safety industry, and industry that exists NOT to keep workers safe, but to protect companies by blaming the workers so long as the company does the bare minimum.

Unions exist to EXPLOIT the worker. No exceptions.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Tone travels poorly over text.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +8 / -1

We can run everything on wind and solar

You dropped this

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

You don't get it. They do believe the science. The part that you're not getting is that the scientists are the science, not the practice.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

Prior studies have already shown that there is a far greater sentencing disparity on the basis of sex than that of race, to the point that on average a white man will receive a longer sentence than a black woman for the same crime and when taking priors into consideration.

So even when there are racial disparities, something which is meant to be an example of racism against racial minorities, most people ignore or outright excuse sex disparities despite the far greater divide there is in said disparity. Some will even suggest that it's actually sexism against women that men receive harsher punishment than women, which is just a testament to how ingrained such dogma really is.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

God, I wish they were a form of vigilante justice. The only thing stopping people from hunting actual, undeniable criminals (murderers, rapists, pedophiles, etc) for sport is the state.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's a blast from the past. I thought the name sounded familiar.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +14 / -0

You'd think they'd learn at some point that they're not going to get these gotcha moments. Sure, they had them in years gone past, and still occasionally get them with some establishment Republicans (re: part of the one party system), but the new generation of Republicans are either smarter like Vivek, or they know to simply avoid these stupid gotcha attempts since it gets them so very little.

I'm done supporting any politician these days. The system cannot be reformed. But only a retard could look at the current state of affairs and not see the state of the media at large, and how much BETTER the right is at handling a hostile "host". Shocking how decades of such treatment resulted in people being better attuned to how to defend themselves against such tactics. Inversely, the left are just incapable of dealing with even mild disagreement, and resort to simply shutting it all down. If they can't win the fight, they'll just try to subvert elsewhere to get them taken down. Because that's what statists and leftists do: they subvert.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seems awfully weird that you whine like a girl that you don't get taken seriously and then double down to ensure you don't get taken seriously.

Your treatment around here is entirely caused by your own antagonisms. Maybe if you could behave like a normal person, people wouldn't treat you like this.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the two months you've been here, you have had exactly 1 post gain any sort of traction. You treat this place as a personal blog as you continue down your main character syndrome. You are universally disliked here.

AccountWasFree 21 points ago +21 / -0

As per usual, what business is it of the state as to how a private company conducts their business?

You will not vote out this kind of over-reach. This over-reach will not be repealed. Voooooting harder will not change this. The state is not your friend, and never will be your friend.

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