1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's this meme but some guy in a MAGA hat saying "Hey man, how's work been?"

1776ReasonsWhy 31 points ago +31 / -0

I agree 100% with your guess. He's doing the extremely typical subversive thing of arguing for the thin end of the wedge of a belief system, pretending he doesn't know anything about the rest of the belief system for which he is arguing, then trying to convince the opponent that it won't be as bad as they're making it out to be if you just give in. If that isn't what has been done to the western world for decades I don't know what it is.

We just want gay marriage you guys

This will make us like the West, which is fighting with that belief system right now

What belief system, I don't know what you're talking about, I've never heard of that. This idea I want is completely isolated and will never lead to any other similar belief systems sprouting up, nor will you become like the other countries currently fighting it. You don't want to be like [Group of Bad Countries] do you? :^)

1776ReasonsWhy 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's strange to live in a time period where me dying in multiplayer games is very likely to actually be because the other guy cheated, not because I'm just not good enough to beat him.

1776ReasonsWhy 10 points ago +10 / -0

I had no idea Mad Catz made computer mice, but after googling that name I am completely unsurprised by what I see. That thing looks like a Transformer got shot mid-transform, then shoved into a trash compactor. What in the fuck, man.

1776ReasonsWhy 13 points ago +13 / -0

Heroes come from all walks of life. No one is ever born a hero. Even the most common, ordinary, and plain person can rise to the highest heights and change the world. All we ever need is the right push and the right drive.

1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

Trans flag wants kids to look at porn

Sasuga, tranny-kun.

1776ReasonsWhy 7 points ago +7 / -0

That name is so JP-to-EN it sounds like it belongs in one of those videogame isekais. I'll check them all out once I can skip around and see everyone at once. Fauna is the closest thing to an oshi I have, and I'm really not sure why. I've tried to enjoy many others, including JP ones, but since my JP is terrible I can't understand anything they're saying in the first place.

I need one that plays the space mercenary/pilot simulator games I enjoy so I can find new ones to try.

1776ReasonsWhy 12 points ago +12 / -0

Given the username and the spat of straight-up bot spam for imdb we've been having, is this a hilariously ironic posting location for a Kotaku job offer, or is this for us to laugh at?

1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

That is supposed to be her name. It may come as no surprise to any of us here, but her name means "power" in whatever dumb African language her parents originally spoke.

1776ReasonsWhy 30 points ago +30 / -0

That Covid bump for gaming really seems to have tricked the big gaming companies into thinking that we have tons and tons of disposable income that we're simply too selfish or stupid to spend on them, and they've been desperately trying to convince us to do it again. I wonder how powerfully this will affect their contraction in the future. The article mentions that many companies over-budgeted based on those very profitable years but were then surprised afterward that the line didn't keep going up for them. It wasn't an untapped market, it was simply captive for the time being; a brief blip of benefit and then back to normal. That's without even mentioning how badly FJB's inflation has ruined our ability to acquire and spend extra cash in the first place.

I look forward to seeing many of these places collapse and shutter from this hubris. They're already recoiling from the unreal "consultation fees" that SBI and their ilk are extorting from them, and they (SBI, et al.) aren't likely to restrain themselves as they smell blood in the water and will simply demand more and more control and money in exchange for their mark of approval. Just look at how angry they're getting with that Black Myth Wukong dev turning down their $7mil extortion bomb. There are going to be so so so many Suicide Squads on the horizon and I don't see how or when they're going to learn their lesson and about-face. How big does a game company have to be before the government steps in to bail them out?

1776ReasonsWhy 8 points ago +8 / -0

I found Beavis & Butthead Do the Universe to be decent quality, and that's very new. There's a scene where B&B sit in on a college course about White privilege and they start walking around being assholes and saying "sorry, it's cause we're White lol, we can't help it." I laff'd. If it's still Mike Judge at the helm I'd trust it enough to watch it through.

1776ReasonsWhy 20 points ago +20 / -0

Which do you think more women would support; no Draft, but the 19th gets repealed, or Draft and they can keep voting like they have been since the 19th was added? My money is on them keeping the Draft and voting, not because they would vote more intelligently and avoid conflicts that would result in wars, but because they can just keep getting out of it by getting pregnant. Forced abortions and mandatory contraceptives would have to be instated for all servicewomen. The Progressives couldn't possibly disagree with that, right?

1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

I feel like these guys are making terrible assumptions about the playerbase of modern Diablo games. They write in the article, near the end, that a 16-year-old in the D2 days is now pushing 40, and thinking that's still the playerbase of D4. Why is it not possible that their audience is is just the modern day zoomer who expects epic items very quickly, and rejects this "old school" grind? How likely is it that their core audience is made up of those 40-year-olds still?

Does D4 even play as well as D2 does/did? I finally quit WoW after nearly 14 years because the BfA expansion made every class I touched feel so terrible to play. I liked hitting my buttons and when they ruined that I felt there was nothing left for me to enjoy. If D4 feels awful to play, D2 vets wouldn't stick around and would just go back to D2, leaving a younger generation trained on paying MTX fees to skip timesinks.

1776ReasonsWhy 9 points ago +9 / -0

If it's a company doing business in America with American companies, is that not jurisdiction to investigate their operation in our country?

1776ReasonsWhy 24 points ago +24 / -0

Leftists HATE God, but then turn around and utilize vastly technologically and evolutionarily superior beings in the exact same way they would mock someone else using God to say "my side is right." Disgusting hypocrisy as usual. Is there no way to fight it except with violence and suppression?

1776ReasonsWhy 8 points ago +8 / -0

I had a sort of moment of euphoria and shock when I first read Uncle Ted's Industrial Society and its Future and Atlas Shrugged. They were both such bullseye descriptions of the "Progressive" movement that it felt like it was targeted directly at me to believe without hesitation. I now view everyone who complains about Rand's books being bad as guilty Leftists who felt called out by them.

1776ReasonsWhy 31 points ago +31 / -0

I love how she defaults to the usual woman behavior of whining that no one helped her. How drunk is she, she nearly falls over in the first few seconds of yelling, then has trouble balancing all throughout.

1776ReasonsWhy 18 points ago +18 / -0

"Hate the game, not the player" (I've only heard this from nigger culture) has always struck me as a deplorable abdication of personal responsibility. It's the same mentality Progressives use to claim that poverty and "socio-economic factors" are what drive crime, instead of bad human beings exploiting vulnerable people around them. It says, "My circumstances are beyond my control, therefore I have no reason to behave myself." I hate it.

1776ReasonsWhy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I definitely see it, too. Diablo 2's Paladin was black, and more recently Last Epoch (diablo-like game) also has a black Paladin. I'm sure if I sat down and tried I could think of more, but those two sprung out at me immediately since I love the Paladin archetype, and get mad when I'm stuck playing someone I don't want to be.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Black character named "Rook." Did they just see the word "crook" and erase the C?

1776ReasonsWhy 12 points ago +12 / -0

Race is, in fact, such settled science that any manufacturer of new medication is required by law to test them on a whole bunch of different ages, races, and both men & women due to how incredibly varied the reaction to the medicine can be. Organ transplants are another 'race is real' subject. Neither of these are even that complex, yet here we are.

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

God bless Japan for giving me all the ammunition I need to go on lore-accurate rants about The Monetarists being at the heart of every ill that has befallen Eorzea and I'm completely safe from banning. Balmung will hear the Truth no matter what happens in the Quicksands!

1776ReasonsWhy 6 points ago +6 / -0

I hope I can come across a very detailed paper or blog post or something that gets into the nitty-gritty of this obsession with "relating" to characters. It's always so superficial and shallow, and never about something in-depth or personal.

"That person does not resemble me physically. That person does not have my same sexuality. That person does not repeat my personal political beliefs." What the fuck is this? I played the shit out of Spyro and Crash Bandicoot when I was a kid and I never had this "relatability" problem. Today I play 2B, dwarves, my FF14 Highlander lady, Saiyans, Warframes, Slime Rancher lady, and on and on. None of these people are copies of me, and yet I don't suffer this self-obsessed debilitating feeling of not being able to relaaaaaate to them.

1776ReasonsWhy 14 points ago +14 / -0

"If you shout 'this is MAGA country' loud enough we'll douse the flames. Honest."

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