1776ReasonsWhy 17 points ago +17 / -0

Buttercup became a real hero


1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

but if you don't put the disclaimer a few people are probably getting triggered and downvoting,

"I'm not a Trump supporter, but..." all over again.

1776ReasonsWhy 22 points ago +22 / -0

Eggs or empty egg cartons to highlight how inflation is driving up the price of eggs.

I don't think ugly, old, post-menopausal women holding up empty egg cartons is going to send the message they think it will.

1776ReasonsWhy 8 points ago +8 / -0

He really nailed that weird musical quality that Chinese accents have, and the exaggerated R's all over the place. IRRRndia!

1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Georgia was invaded by Russia in about 2008. It was a fairly brief conflict, but this person is tacking on 'Russia Bad' flags to their username for spite.

1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would i play as a character in a game or watch a movie/show where i want to strangle the character? Id rather see them fail.

I remember watching a compilation video of streamers playing The Last of Us 2 where they got to the section that you have to fight Ellie as Abby, and they just let Ellie kill them, said "oh nooo, how could this happen? I guess that's the end of the game" and turned it off to go play something else.

Trying to make me like someone I'm predisposed to hate will only make me more angry, and apparently everyone else, too. Yet more built-in psychology that is being attacked for malicious reasons.

1776ReasonsWhy 24 points ago +24 / -0

To my limited historical knowledge, "Official Languages" were usually only necessary decrees because there were so many disparate languages within a nation that identifying a singular one for communication was necessary for getting anything done coherently.

How often has it happened that a nation that already spoke a singular language was overrun with so many different foreigners that they had to redefine what the official language was, where it never needed to be agreed upon beforehand? Did Rome suffer this? Some ancient Chinese dynasty?

I well recall many Liberals in my youth saying "HAH! The US doesn't have an official language" as a defense against "why are there so many multi-lingual signs everywhere now? Why do I have to press a special button for English in my own country's phone trees?"

1776ReasonsWhy 13 points ago +13 / -0

I would LOVE for anyone to show me proof that any of these are WRONG, and I will correct the Record Book of what Trump did!

"Here is where those things are wrong."


I refuse to pretend to negotiate anymore.

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would be fascinated to hear if animals that come from long-lasting countries, like isolated Japan, have animals that prefer their country's music over a foreign one.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +6 / -1

You're using Leftist logic to try to make it sound hypocritical. If Jews are accused of lying all the time, we inherently know it would be for their benefit, not their detriment. If a Jew speaks up to say something negative instead, who would lie to cause themselves harm instead of benefit themselves?

When Thomas Sewell talks about problems in the black community with fatherlessness, crime, and anti-Whitism, even the most ardent Uncle Ruckus will point at him and say "see, he's trying to tell you what I would be called horrible for saying." It's not a double-standard, it's using an "inside source" that can't be so easily dismissed out of hand since it's assumed they would have no reason to lie just to hurt themselves.

1776ReasonsWhy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love how you can take the dramatic pauses that are supposed to be so meaningful and heartfelt, stick in canned laughter, and completely change the tone of the scene.

1776ReasonsWhy 26 points ago +26 / -0

I enjoyed his more fiery, 'you get what you fucking deserve,' father-lecturing-his-children tone in this video. I don't get to hear it much when he's trying to be professional on his podcast, or in his structured and scripted videos.

"And so I'm just letting you know you are heading for oblivion, and everyone will cheer when you are gone."

I was here. I was one of the pebbles of the landslide that will bury these people who thought to bring my civilization to heel and make it their own. I am engaged in a psychological and spiritual war against hatred, envy, spite, greed, and Evil itself, and I'm doing my part. :)

1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I need a real life augmented reality gadget that turns all black people speech into the Men In Black 2 beat-boxing noises. Maybe public transport will be a musical experience instead of a headache.

1776ReasonsWhy 6 points ago +6 / -0

You're right sir, I apologize most sincerely. Here is a full bottle of Hennessy, and a complimentary 5 gallon water cooler drum of grape drank.

1776ReasonsWhy 16 points ago +17 / -1

Even if it was revenge, I don't balk at the word or notion. I've long come to believe that the people warning against vengeance were just too soft to pursue it properly, or were the very people against whom someone would want revenge. I don't buy the eastern philosophy on it, either. I don't care about "first dig two graves."

I want to do to them what they tried to do to me. I want to hear them begging to be allowed back into work places and families. I want to know that their last living thoughts will be regret at having tried to rip the western world apart because they felt they were entitled to rule over it in whatever fashion they desired. I want to know that evil has been driven back in my lifetime, and that the men and women of a more civilized era a century hence will thank us for what we did for them, as we today thank the pioneers who set out across lonesome and untamed wilderness to beat civilization into shape amidst the chaos.

1776ReasonsWhy 23 points ago +23 / -0

Sources close to the president say he reached forward from the back seat to grab the wheel from the driver and is reported to have said "where's the VTec button? I want to shred this shit all over and sign my name with burnout tracks." Whether the President is responsible for 88 nooses hanging from roll-up garage doors at the track is still under investigation."

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think I'm too materialist to truly believe in God. I was raised Lutheran, but never really felt interested in the church. I tried to make myself enjoy it and believe it, but it didn't work. I stopped attending church and Sunday School in my later teens and never returned. I had my Atheist "phase" where the core of my stance was along the lines of "if God is there, he'll call me back." I don't think I have ever felt that call, but I became so disgusted with the anti-Theism of the people online that I stopped calling myself Atheist. I am a lost sheep with nowhere to call home.

I have extreme difficulty believing in things that I cannot see or touch. I want so desperately to believe in "magic" things like God, or ghosts, or the occult, but because I never see it with my own eyes, or experience it despite my disbelief, I cannot truly believe in it. I refuse to pretend for the sake of appearances, either, because I would know that I was lying to myself 100% of the time. I can lie to myself about doing my laundry or exercise later, but nothing so important as a core belief system.

I have enjoyed a large number of coincidences, synchronicities, and lucky breaks in my life, but they're otherwise so mundane that I think it would be insulting to try to attribute them to God's intervention. I love organ music, and have a fair few "religious" songs and outright hymns on my regular music playlist(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). I have memorized a couple prayers in Latin because I am an aspiring polyglot and being able to recite Latin prayers is a neat party trick (I do not attend parties, or any other social functions for that matter). The church has left an impact on me that is markedly more positive than negative, but I refuse to go through the motions with no soul behind them.

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