0pressinator 17 points ago +17 / -0

Generally I don't like who Trump is. He's a big ego blowhard real estate tv show actor schmoozer who loves his own scent. But the thing is we have seen Trump in situations no man under a microscope has been put under, and every step of the way he backs up his hype with being a legitimate American folk hero. George W hand an anxiety attack when someone he was bombing to the stone age tossed a shoe at him. Trump got shot and once the immediate shock subsided for a moment (People in shootings focus on weird things, like when JFK's wife thought she could put his brains back into his head) he put out a historic physical declaration of being unphased. He's in debates 3 on 1 against people trained to chop him down and he stood his ground in the ring. He's imperfect but he's a testament that you don't have to be perfect to be good.

0pressinator 5 points ago +5 / -0

"It didn't happen, it's good it happened, and I wish it happened more"

0pressinator 7 points ago +7 / -0

They will become doctors and lawyers. Not by being good or smart, but because Yale and Michigan will bend over backwards to fast track them into high paying jobs at critical junctures. They give White people black doctors to die to malpractice and incompetence, black judges releasing rapists and thugs to jail up granny who stayed sitting for the black anthem. Look at England, they're releasing people who brutalize White children to jail up people who looked threateningly at zogbots.

0pressinator 10 points ago +10 / -0

So he's being thrown in jail for ten gorillian years for his online hate posting too right? "He was warned to expect a substantial custodial sentence", I'll believe it when I see it, the judges who have been attacking the English for saying what's right are pedo protecting jews who only hate Englishmen and Europeans.

0pressinator 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't be ignorant about nature. Otters are predators in the non-nonce meaning of the word, carnivores with claws and teeth designed to hunt and kill. A pack of wild animals defending their den can and will fuck up an unarmed and unsuspecting person.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's nuspeak sheltering for "We castrate retards". Just like how "MAID" is nuspeak for euthanasia, "The PATRIOT Act" is nuspeak for when the US Government got to sneak in declaring war on American Citizens and "Abortion" is old nuspeak for child sacrifice.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meanwhile they bring up random internet schizoposts as "Trump is running on X".

0pressinator 12 points ago +12 / -0

To some extent, hiring illegals is a zero sum game. For menial tasks either you play by the rules that American jobs have been taken over by sub-minimum wage zombies, or else you get completely priced out and "buy american" neocons give you lipservice while supporting alien-propped up business practices. If every western company agreed to play by the rules established by westerners, the world would be much better. But if upholding values was easy it wouldn't be a White trait.

0pressinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Democracy, the way the intelligent Greeks originally devised it, was a brilliant idea. Allow the smart people of a close knit unified collective of one people to discuss and sway each other with reasonable discussion and have the best of a city-state establish rules and rulers through merit. American Democracy, however, is a system of bussing in as many rubes as possible, feeding them lies laced with gibs and appealing to womanly "My team over the good of people", and flood ballot boxes with no room for good and personal discussions of the direction of the way history will flow. And then once a certain team is elected, have the public face of a team pick and choose unelected paid off positions to establish rules that way to protect the interests of handlers.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

They say money is the root of all evil, and that is partially true. Money attracts evil people because it is a way to replace hard work with exploitation of goys and serfs. Rhodesians were defeated because dollar hoarders organized enough blockades and enough mercenaries and enough arms to prop up the opposing force. Likewise, an attempt to create a system free from global rootless tribal devil worshipers would be infiltrated subverted and perverted by uses of money (dollars, euros, gold, bullets).

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sad I never got to see the real Colorado before tax fleeing Californians colonized the state. It used to be a bastion of nature and red blooded outdoorsmen until the idea of making the areas around ski resorts pussified became the dream of certain people.

0pressinator 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wish I saved this comment I read about why trans identifying men are so dangerous. You take a natural born male, you remove his testosterone and replace it with hormones that make him emotional, and then you tell him he can do no wrong anymore. It's no wonder those castrated perverts are ticking time bombs.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Genuinely, I think he's scheduled to kick the bucket between now and November. He's gone in more than one way but he's going down with final hours of lucidity after his atrocious platform destabilized America and the western world.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

40 years ago he was a proud and strong politician, a judeo-christian left winger, but someone in control of himself. Since 2008 he's been: Used as a reputation sponge to propel a book writer into super stardom, told to sit down and stand back while the most unlikable harpie vaporizes his party, and then told that he can be handed 4 AM votes only if he promotes brown coochie as his VP and Supreme Court pick. He made deal after deal with the Devil and his exit is coming soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he was told he's scheduled to die as the October Surprise and he's enjoying his last few days before he has to answer to Saint Peter.

0pressinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Usually I hate diversity hires, but every now and then I'm really glad there are diversity hires.

0pressinator 10 points ago +10 / -0

I have my criticisms of how Trump was in the debate (And I hope he is a little more hinged in the next one). But he dictates where eyes go. 20,000 migrants flooding into a city and crashing into cars and staring at little girls went from fringe fact to normie knowledge because he shined a huge light on the issue. That's what he does, he isn't too proud to point out how clown world things have gotten (Or always were, God knows Mittens never pointed out black foolishness).

0pressinator 18 points ago +18 / -0

That's the defense I've been seeing. "Strangling a basically domestic animal in a park is the same as signing into a highly regulated and strictly controlled hunting licensing system because reasons"

Also at least one "Want some of muh poc bbq duck" poster exists. Leftists don't even like good food, they just fetishize darkies that have rudimentary mastery over fire and salt/sugar.

0pressinator 22 points ago +22 / -0

The worst part of the past 4/6/8/10 years has been my blackpilling of the average attention span and awareness of normies. I knew there were retards out there who could be enticed with a jingling bell, but the sheer number of people who fall for "Here's propaganda of a brown kid looking sad, dissolve your country because he's so sad" is staggering. It reminds me of the feeling I had when I first saw gamergate, that feeling of obviously noticing that gay women and gay womenly men were using a trillion dollar industry as a personal piggy bank and wondering why people were so easily swayed by obvious lies.

0pressinator 12 points ago +12 / -0

I don't even necessarily think Trump did "good" (He got suckered into a few personal jabs that he didn't need to, like the rally attendance comments that he didn't need to care about) so much as this was an all out attack on him. Kamala repeated on loop fictional attacks that have been played and debunked numerous times and it shows me just how desperate her camp is. Muh "Very fine people" and muh "tiki torches" and muh "Jan 6" and muh "I'm peach" party lines that they've tried to stick to him for years. Saying what has been said in patrolled and controlled waters to his face allowed him to effortlessly deflect and point out the faults in those attack ads.

0pressinator 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is my negative takeaway. Kamala spun her wheels on nothing but threw out bait that he should have let pass him by. He swung too often on her points without giving his own points back.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

My hope is that Whites unshackle themselves from such petty gradeschool girl taunts. Being called racist in the 21st century should be a point of pride, it means you are more powerful than the machine and there is nothing they can do to you besides what you do to yourself for them.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

AI is just Bugs on a large scale. And I don't mean buggy as in glitchy (even though it is), it's basically a chinaman made of 1's and 0's. It's only as useful as the jeet using it. It's a cause for concern in terms of shitting up the world but it can not create, its usage is soulless slop for soulless jews.

0pressinator 10 points ago +10 / -0

White Males are a resource that makes globohomo work. Imagine how great things would be without the ball and chain welded onto our legs.

0pressinator 18 points ago +18 / -0

The amount of pure Germans left in the world isn't a doccumented amount but it is probably a lower figure than anyone dares consider, honestly they might be extinct. Between the Romans raping them, the French raping them, the Mongols raping them, the French raping them again, and then the Soviets-Americans-Brits-French raping them, and then finally the Arabs raping them, there's probably more 100% German blood left in the central time zone of America than in Germany, like what happened with the Irish.

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