And some of the documents show that the only things the CIA wanted blacked out were mentions of Israel or Mossad. The connections to them were the only things they wanted to keep secret from the public at large.
It really does seem like Jewish interests were the primary reason why JFK was assassinated.
It Israel, our intelligence agencies and possibly the mob working together. Which shouldn't be shocking because mossad assassinated a dude for looking like another dude
(((Science))) like this is why when other (((studies))) are released that claim BS like fathers should be kept away from their daughters. Or single mothers are the best parenting arrangement, we should be suspicious.
There may be other instances where he talked about it, but this is one that I found getting discussed by Nick Fuentes. Not quite word for word identical.
Link is to a 2019 Shapiro speech at Stanford University. Go to 30:43.
Knowing who murdered a sitting American president is always relevant information, no matter who did it. Especially as the man who replaced him did massive sweeping societal changes through his presidential actions, which would lose a lot of legitimacy if say he was involved in the shooting or someone else who wanted him in charge was.
Knowing who murdered a sitting American president is always relevant information
In fact the longer it goes before being exposed, the more relevant it becomes, because that shows how deep and continuous the rot within your government is.
In other words “Who cares that Jews killed your president, it happened decades ago so it doesn’t matter. Let’s focus on the problems going on right now, problems that are directly related to the power grab jews made decades ago when they brazenly killed your president and faced no consequences afterward.”
Man, they sure are resourceful. Is there anything Jews can't do? Apparently not.
Let’s trade the Jews with mossad, would you say it’s very likely that mossad was involved?
What are the consequences you'd like to see for 'the Jews'?
We’re currently bombing the houthis for not killing any Americans, how much should we bomb Israel over an assassinated president and the USS Liberty? Why did Johnson declare it an accident when it was a clear false flag attack?
Let’s trade the Jews with mossad, would you say it’s very likely that mossad was involved?
Like the other people commenting, I don't know enough to say 'very likely'. There does seem to be some circumstantial evidence that Mosad or some pro-Israel elements in the CIA did.
We’re currently bombing the houthis for not killing any Americans
Look at you thinking that they care about killing Americans. They sure as hell didn't care when a fake country tortured to death an American journalist for voicing dissent.
Why did Johnson declare it an accident when it was a clear false flag attack?
Anything is possible when you're allowed to act as a cohesive group with strong in-group preference. The very thing that is actively being denied to whites to prevent "white supremacy".
The strawman makes a little more sense when you realize he's projecting. Nobody would accuse a random person but they would accuse HIM of protecting Israel. He was about to say that people are attacking the Jews without evidence but he cut that out because he's doesn't want to draw too much attention to it.
I've seen accusations of former CIA head George Bush Sr, who just happened to be in Dallas that day. Also, LBJ has been accused of being involved. Wouldn't be surprised if both were involved in a joint CIA-Mossad operation.
My point is, lil' Ben is acting like "if you won't talk about JFK it's because you, personally, were in on the assassination" is some standard line of attack from "conspiracy theorists," despite being an argument I've never heard.
I'm not saying there aren't theories as to who was involved, I'm saying it would be absurd if I said you, BeefyBelisarius, were obviously deeply involved in the scheme to murder JFK, because you just argued with me on this forum. You monster. It's obvious you killed JFK, due to how you're behaving!
Three questions: Who did Trump accuse? Was it to their face in wake of a question, like Shapiro is talking about? Most importantly...was what Trump said funny?
Remember when he had a weeb phase and he tried scrubbing that from the internet.
There's still some pictures of him in a black trenchcoat holding a katana of some kind and wearing those The Matrix inspired sunglasses floating around on the internet.
I'm not saying that to point and laugh, because hell, I had a weeb phase too.
I just find it funny what he deems safe to discuss and not safe to discuss.
He also casually dropped the fact that his wife was dry during sex. Which as you know, is also perfectly normal behavior. If you're an actor in the movie The Room.
No, no, no. You guys don't get it. Benjy is mocking our interest in the JFK assassination to keep us from looking deeper into the killings of McKinely and Garfield. Cause he knows THOSE guys were killed by the jews.
Well, McKinely was assassinated by a guy who had been recruited into anarchism by a Goldman. The other assassin was just a nutter. Dude joined a degenerate free love cult and later quit because he couldn't get laid. Later, he somehow ended up campaigning for Garfield and got really mad when he wasn't rewarded with a government job. Interestingly, he was partially responsible for the passage of the civil service reform laws so much of the deep state currently hides behind.
Keep files secret for 60 years, then attack critics that they don't have non-circumstantial evidence. Also, now that we've covered it up for so long, it's been too long and who cares? Get a life!
It was the jews, got it.
JFK was standing in the way of Israel getting nukes at the time, so they definitely had motive.
And some of the documents show that the only things the CIA wanted blacked out were mentions of Israel or Mossad. The connections to them were the only things they wanted to keep secret from the public at large.
It really does seem like Jewish interests were the primary reason why JFK was assassinated.
It Israel, our intelligence agencies and possibly the mob working together. Which shouldn't be shocking because mossad assassinated a dude for looking like another dude
Then can we forget about the 6 gorillion lampshades and soap bars.
oh no no no... you're forgetting the "transgenerational trauma" experienced by holocaust survivors and their children, and children's children.
(((Science))) like this is why when other (((studies))) are released that claim BS like fathers should be kept away from their daughters. Or single mothers are the best parenting arrangement, we should be suspicious.
I think we should be suspicious because those premises sound insane on their own. But the other stuff doesn’t help.
It's such a shame that you feel the need to deny what you would doubtless celebrate if you didn't have to pretend that it didn't happen.
This was his exact argument almost word for word about the USS Liberty too, btw
Oy vey!!!
There may be other instances where he talked about it, but this is one that I found getting discussed by Nick Fuentes. Not quite word for word identical.
Link is to a 2019 Shapiro speech at Stanford University.
Go to 30:43.
Knowing who murdered a sitting American president is always relevant information, no matter who did it. Especially as the man who replaced him did massive sweeping societal changes through his presidential actions, which would lose a lot of legitimacy if say he was involved in the shooting or someone else who wanted him in charge was.
In fact the longer it goes before being exposed, the more relevant it becomes, because that shows how deep and continuous the rot within your government is.
It somehow appears that all of the people thought to have killed JFK were involved. I guess vast conspiracies are indeed a thing
In other words “Who cares that Jews killed your president, it happened decades ago so it doesn’t matter. Let’s focus on the problems going on right now, problems that are directly related to the power grab jews made decades ago when they brazenly killed your president and faced no consequences afterward.”
Man, they sure are resourceful. Is there anything Jews can't do? Apparently not.
What are the consequences you'd like to see for 'the Jews'?
Let’s trade the Jews with mossad, would you say it’s very likely that mossad was involved?
We’re currently bombing the houthis for not killing any Americans, how much should we bomb Israel over an assassinated president and the USS Liberty? Why did Johnson declare it an accident when it was a clear false flag attack?
Like the other people commenting, I don't know enough to say 'very likely'. There does seem to be some circumstantial evidence that Mosad or some pro-Israel elements in the CIA did.
Look at you thinking that they care about killing Americans. They sure as hell didn't care when a fake country tortured to death an American journalist for voicing dissent.
If so, you should ask Johnson.
I love having you around this forum because you embody the problem beautifully for everyone on the fence to see.
Not everyone is going to agree with you that wanting evidence for beliefs is someone 'being a problem'.
Anything is possible when you're allowed to act as a cohesive group with strong in-group preference. The very thing that is actively being denied to whites to prevent "white supremacy".
What a fucking strawman. This is like perhaps the wildest, biggest strawman I've ever seen.
Has anyone, anyone, ever seen any accuse someone else of being in on the JFK assassination?
It's actually so wild...I'm wondering if Ben Shapiro personally killed JFK! He doth protest way too much, he's clearly in on it!
But for real...wiiiiiiild strawman.
The strawman makes a little more sense when you realize he's projecting. Nobody would accuse a random person but they would accuse HIM of protecting Israel. He was about to say that people are attacking the Jews without evidence but he cut that out because he's doesn't want to draw too much attention to it.
Yeah, projection certainly fits for that pattern.
"I have questions" "-You're a Nazi too aren't you!?" is a tale as old as time.
I've seen accusations of former CIA head George Bush Sr, who just happened to be in Dallas that day. Also, LBJ has been accused of being involved. Wouldn't be surprised if both were involved in a joint CIA-Mossad operation.
My point is, lil' Ben is acting like "if you won't talk about JFK it's because you, personally, were in on the assassination" is some standard line of attack from "conspiracy theorists," despite being an argument I've never heard.
I'm not saying there aren't theories as to who was involved, I'm saying it would be absurd if I said you, BeefyBelisarius, were obviously deeply involved in the scheme to murder JFK, because you just argued with me on this forum. You monster. It's obvious you killed JFK, due to how you're behaving!
That's what I meant was wild.
Ah, I see. I didn't watch much of the video, because little Benji's whiny voice is just too annoying.
Very, very understandable.
He seemed especially annoying here, too.
Other than Trump?
Three questions: Who did Trump accuse? Was it to their face in wake of a question, like Shapiro is talking about? Most importantly...was what Trump said funny?
"Do you have any evidence?"
That's what we are looking for..
Fuck this clown and his horseshit Hall of Cost propaganda
Remember when he had a weeb phase and he tried scrubbing that from the internet.
There's still some pictures of him in a black trenchcoat holding a katana of some kind and wearing those The Matrix inspired sunglasses floating around on the internet.
I'm not saying that to point and laugh, because hell, I had a weeb phase too.
I just find it funny what he deems safe to discuss and not safe to discuss.
He also casually dropped the fact that his wife was dry during sex. Which as you know, is also perfectly normal behavior. If you're an actor in the movie The Room.
"So anyway, how is your sex life?"
Lol, that was him? I thought it was just a random cringy edgy kid.
That's the one.
What a kike
Name checks out.
No, no, no. You guys don't get it. Benjy is mocking our interest in the JFK assassination to keep us from looking deeper into the killings of McKinely and Garfield. Cause he knows THOSE guys were killed by the jews.
Well, McKinely was assassinated by a guy who had been recruited into anarchism by a Goldman. The other assassin was just a nutter. Dude joined a degenerate free love cult and later quit because he couldn't get laid. Later, he somehow ended up campaigning for Garfield and got really mad when he wasn't rewarded with a government job. Interestingly, he was partially responsible for the passage of the civil service reform laws so much of the deep state currently hides behind.
Tell me without telling me...
White males who support the United States over all other nations.
You can only pick one. Choose wisely
he has such a gay voice
Keep files secret for 60 years, then attack critics that they don't have non-circumstantial evidence. Also, now that we've covered it up for so long, it's been too long and who cares? Get a life!