My point is, lil' Ben is acting like "if you won't talk about JFK it's because you, personally, were in on the assassination" is some standard line of attack from "conspiracy theorists," despite being an argument I've never heard.
I'm not saying there aren't theories as to who was involved, I'm saying it would be absurd if I said you, BeefyBelisarius, were obviously deeply involved in the scheme to murder JFK, because you just argued with me on this forum. You monster. It's obvious you killed JFK, due to how you're behaving!
My point is, lil' Ben is acting like "if you won't talk about JFK it's because you, personally, were in on the assassination" is some standard line of attack from "conspiracy theorists," despite being an argument I've never heard.
I'm not saying there aren't theories as to who was involved, I'm saying it would be absurd if I said you, BeefyBelisarius, were obviously deeply involved in the scheme to murder JFK, because you just argued with me on this forum. You monster. It's obvious you killed JFK, due to how you're behaving!
That's what I meant was wild.
Ah, I see. I didn't watch much of the video, because little Benji's whiny voice is just too annoying.
Very, very understandable.
He seemed especially annoying here, too.