Gen Z rejected trannyism, and it's going to reject Zionism too.
They already have. It was Gen-Z flooding tiktok with so much pro-palestine content that it almost got banned and started aggressively filtering out Palestine content.
They can still learn about the downsides of rubbing shoulders with violent, inbred goatfuckers too. But even if/when they do, no-one ever really goes back to "Israel is totally honest, our greatest ally, and never did anything wrong" once they look behind the curtain.
The ones who are against Zionism and are championing Islam are also the remnants still holding onto Millennial's Judeo-Marxism progressive faggotry.
The thing is it's the Gen Zers who are rejecting woke who also are asking the JQ, and they aren't aligning with Muslims, because those are all the woke.
The "free Palestine" crowd is almost entirely leftist. They would screech and attack you if you started talking about what jews have done to Western society. They only hate Israel because they think it's an American puppet that serves the interests of White people.
You are right that Judaism is going to obliterate the establishment right, but it won't even obliterate the MAGA right. MAGA is the people and their mass convictions, not the handful of influencers trying to keep reins on the movement. All leading indicators show they're trending away from Zionism and foreign intervention.
For example, Candace Owens put her career out to die on the hill of anti-Zionism, and she's more alive than ever. Her former employer Ben Shapiro is the one that's shriveling away in the podcast wilderness.
Joe Rogan just hosted Ian Carroll, the guy who's famous for ratioing Elon Musk with a 2000 word tweet about subversive Jewish influence, and then Daryl Cooper, the guy who's most famous for revisionist WWII history. Anyone think that's an accident?
A lot of people look at current viewership and influence when they should be looking at trends. The trends are all against Israel. Yes, the establishment is conducting a full court press to quash this, but that's obviously doomed. Has anyone in human history succeeding in putting the cat back in the bag?
It remains to be seen whether there's any viability to MAGA beyond Trump.
Outside of some mild pushback on Operation Warpspeed and the H1B visa endorsement (with Vivek and to a lesser degree Elon as scapegoats but with Trump’s full support), MAGA for the most part just mindlessly cheer whatever Trump supports whether its America First or not.
It's not really clear what happens to the cult of personality when Trump goes bye bye in 3 years.
So far there is no heir.
JD Vance can be polished. But he's already compromised by his CIA backers. And he's not even respected by his base as evidenced by the recent meme faceswapping campaign mocking him.
evidenced by the recent meme faceswapping campaign mocking him.
I think being able to meme about a guy and have him laugh along with you doing it is a sign of not just viability but also potential as a candidate in the future. Its one of the things that made Obama so beloved by the Left.
The Left wants to convince everyone that this meme is some big "everyone hates Vance" movement, but its been obvious since the outset that its clearly just people having a laugh with some extreme photoshop and has little malice to it.
I mean, most of them are so warped and distorted that I don't think it even remotely resembles his actual face anymore to make any judgement calls.
Like most organic memes, somebody had an unhinged idea that was really funny, and now everyone builds on it and pushes it further until it barely is in touch with reality. And then everyone wants to be in on the fun times and so they all make one until its everywhere.
There is some amount of psychology behind humor and what people laugh at, but I think the Left has shown many times that deep dive psychoanalysis on memes is also a losing action because of how rarely its truly reflecting reality.
Between alllllll these accounts they have >MILLIONS< of posts, and I can count the number of times they've even mentioned the single most influential lobbying group on one hand.
And Carlson may not tweet "AIPAC" much, but he is the guy that platformed Massie saying every congressperson has an AIPAC handler. In fact, that's the very interview you're dismissing. "It's just a timecode," but of course it's the timecode for AIPAC being explicitly called out as a powerful foreign interest lobby group whose interests do not align with America's. Kind of a lot to brush off.
I agree that some of these people are very imperfect, and I would even say a few of these people are downright useless. But I think your reducing the "are they good" check to a single search term that isn't even exhaustive for the one issue you're looking at is kind of retarded.
As for your last question, the only times I can think of is when the jews in power genocided the people they were ruling over. It's usually also combined with antisemitism laws and mass incarcerations of the people, or on the flip side, going full hedonistic libertarian paradise, to dull the populace with vice and sin, bread and circuses. Neither "solution" lasted very long, though.
Watching younger generations turn on trannyism faster than the older generations is something else. I know a guy who's maybe elder millennial or younger Gen X who's dating a Brazilian tranny (being 5' 2" is brutal but still). His Boomer mother is aghast at the degeneracy but his Silent Generation grandmother thinks it's perfectly acceptable.
you don't consider women sitting together and out-virtue-signaling each other. who gives a shit that the bloodline ends. as long as their daughters can whore around and they can parade around their oh so progressive and modern abuse-victims...ah sry, sons, they don't care.
islam is too kind towards women.
That has little to do with his comment. It's almost a complete non-sequitur. In fact, given that there are two women in the anecdote and they're politically at odds because one of them isn't accepting a degenerate, what he said contradicts your follow-up. It makes you come off like you can't read.
Gonna be honest, someone who is still alive from the fucking Silent Generation is difficult to believe as having adequate faculties to even necessarily understand what's going on in that situation.
Someone who is likely over 100 years old wouldn't have had problems with a phenomenon that could be considered literally unlawful in those days (if you're talking the sodomy aspect of the relationship), let alone the natural social stigma and disgust? I guess a silent generation woman growing up to be a hippie is possible, but it's unlikely, especially as you age.
My assumption is that she doesn't fully understand the situation.
Why do they let little children on the internet in your country? Little boys like you need to understand that this is a place for grown men. And I don't mean the grown men in your country that like to touch little boys like you. I mean normal grown men that understand how disgusting it is to want to touch little boys like you.
trannies were just a tactic in the toolbox of the distintegrationists
jews have been doing their subversion thing since rome conclusively proved they were inferior militarily in the 100s
you have to understand that we are just collateral damage in a war between two jewish factions - both of them agree on the end goal, a world where everything and everyone is owned by jews, they disagree on how to go about it
globalists/communists (left) - less zealous, more secular, are basically trying to make star trek happen. Believe that their utopia is right around the corner and the only thing standing in the way is Whites and Christians who stubbornly don't want to go extinct and care about "outdated" stuff like (non jewish) ethnic nations.
zionists/israel first nationalists (right) - more zealous, more religious, are looking to take decade of the 2000s global where Israel calls all of the shots behind the scenes in every significant country, and can sic their biggest minion, the US on the enemies of israel at a whim. Is fine with leaving a false veneer of national sovereignty as long as it is generally directed toward the interests of Israel.
Both use infiltration and subversion, both are against any kind of White ethnic identity (generational hatred against Rome).
Where they disagree is the zionists pretend to be pro "West" (not Christendom) because they want the west strong enough to fight israels its battles, the globalists work to weaken all White nations in favor of passing sovereignty to "international" organizations that they are effectively in charge of. Ironically the UN is one of the few that neither the jewish globalists nor zoinists are in charge of because of how muslim countries vote as a block.
Ah, you don't appear to be aware of the eight genders of the Talmud. Lazy Telia, you have ONE job, and you fuck it up on something this basic.
(1) Zachar (male), (2) Nekevah (female), (3) Androgynos (having both male and female characteristics), (4) Tumtum (lacking sexual characteristics), (5) Aylonit Hamah (identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics), (6) Aylonit Adam (identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention), (7) Saris hamah (identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics), and (8) Saris adam (identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention).
No other people in history have ever subscribed to this nonsense. Transgenderism is just another jewish invention (but is it actually practiced?) foisted on the stupid goy sheeple. So, where you see two different groups, destroying both the Right and the Wrong, I see just one. And I see how much better the world would be without it.
Well.. ive said it many times. The white christian demographic is in decline, the only demographics that give a damm about tiny hats. We are switching from religious fervor to just plain blackmail... but its kinda silly because the tiny hats blackmail people for being pedos. But pedos are being promoted as normal. If pedos is normal, that is one less major thing to blackmail elites for.
Unless... its the blackmailed people trying to find a way out of it.
Millennials were in their 20s at the youngest when that shit kicked off, and still cringing over their decade-ago emo phases on Myspace. Unless it was the work of aging pedo-groomers which is not outside possibility.
Are there true leftists pushing against tranny worship that remain within the Democrat sphere of influence?
Someone who isn't a "I've left the left" type?
There are the TERFs and the JK Rowling types, but they've been effectively demonized and cast out.
On the right, you have JQ types like Devon Stack, I, Hypocrite, Rebecca Hargraves, Vincent James, Pete Quinones, Jake Shields, Nick Fuentes, Keith Woods, etc.
Not big influencers, but all figures on the right to varying degrees whose main critiques of Trump are that he isn't America First enough, too Zionist and not recognizing white identitarianism.
Is there an equivalent gender-critical contingent on the left?
Yes but I can't name many. Bill Maher and James Carville come to mind. Thing is they're all old as fuck.
The problem is that to 99% of them, changes are not happening, it's all just made-up right-wing lies. They literally think Antifa is an actual fictional fabrication of the imagination, that not only are there not these disparate terror cells organized over the internet, but that even the acts of violence they committed never happened and are made-up. They think drag queens are just a funny thing from M.A.S.H. and faggotry is just two men having a perfectly normal 'straight' relationship where they court each other and date. They think abortions are just an item of last resort and are so traumatizing for the woman that they hate getting them.
The left had so much cultural control they built themselves a prison out of an echo chamber. By excising the right, the right was able to actually grow stronger, while the left just atrophied.
Bill Maher is a decent example that I didn't consider.
Although he's probably pretty close to the "I've left the left" precipice after his Rogan appearances, the right-leaning figures he has on his podcast like Matt Gaetz and walking out in the middle of his Pod Save America guest spot a few weeks ago.
Don't know much about Carville other than essentially being Skeletor.
Even "left the Left" types like Jimmy Dore whose audience is essentially MAGA at this point are still afraid to call out tranny degeneracy.
Although he's probably pretty close to the "I've left the left" precipice
He's been like that for a fucking decade though. It's an act of some sort but nobody's entirely sure which part of it is. Questioning faggotry might be the act, leaving the left might be the act, it's unclear.
Don't know much about Carville other than essentially being Skeletor.
I grew disinterested in ConPro since it's just an endless stream of the most disgusting dregs of humanity schizoposting copy-pasted platitudes in every single comment and shrieking about conspiracy theories...
... and I am not a fan of "conspiracy theories". I think they are a tremendous waste of everybody's time. It honestly isn't even about whether or not they are correct, it's about what you will ever be able to prove, whether you ever will be believed, and whether anything will change.
If the government came out right now and released all their footage of them faking the moon landing, does it fucking matter at all? The average person's reaction will be 'Oh wow that's fucked-up.' and then they scroll to the next video on their ticky-tockers. Are you going to dig up Neil Armstrong's corpse and put it in jail? Does it change modern space technology which we can directly interact with?
That's a pretty broad term, but there's two kinds of conspiracies, there's real conspiracy theory, and there's SCHIZO conspiracy theory, but delineating them is very subjective.
Real conspiracies are boring. ActBlue/USAID/etc. are real conspiracies. They're also fucking boring. Machines moving some digital numbers around. The media collaborating on stories that are favorable to their biases. Pharmaceutical companies lobbying for immunity for a prototype vaccine that they've failed to bring to market, but they now have an opportunity to recoup investment on.
Schizo conspiracies are exciting. They involve antenna arrays that can shoot hurricanes around the world, space lasers exploding entire cities, mind-control rays directing mass shooters to their targets, etc.
If a conspiracy theory is exciting it's probably fucking stupid and wrong. Look at the 2020 election steal conspiracies.
Schizo conspiracies was that Dominion voting machines were beaming digital vote counts around the world to a server array in Frankfurt, then moved to Rome, where the votes were altered. White Hats in the US Army Intelligence Office went in to the server array to seize the unadulterated votes and had a shootout with the CIA. In an attempt to cover their tracks, a man in an RV was mind-controlled to blow up a bomb in Nashville on Christmas Day to damage AT&T infrastructure because all the stolen votes went through there. At the same time, Rudy Giuliani held a press conference at "The Four Seasons" landscaping company, because across the street was a crematorium where all the real ballots were burned.
Everything I wrote is 100% serious shit serious people seriously believed that I learned entirely from just reading the front page of T_D after the election.
You know what the 'real' conspiracy probably was? Activists, with a decade of experience doing this, used their access to voter roll information (ERIC) to request thousands of absentee ballots. They are able to use Board of Elections information to know when batches of absentee ballots are sent out to nursing homes and they show up to 'help them vote'. Then they shove all these completely anonymous ballots into a mailbox.
Anyone talking about Dominion machines flipping votes is retarded, because the votes would be guaranteed to fail a recount. Stuffing ballot boxes is a tactic as old as voting has existed and it would always pass a recount and look completely legitimate.
But collecting ballots from old people isn't exciting. Shootouts with the CIA is exciting. So people believed the latter. And still do to this day.
On top of it all, when you look at the type of person who believes the 'exciting' conspiracies, they're all fucking stupid people. They're like pig farmers and shit. That isn't to say farming pigs isn't worthwhile, but it is to say that a bunch of shit-kicking rednecks who have never seen high-explosives detonate outside of a screen have literally zero right to voice an opinion on whether or not Harrison Deal's Jeep 'looks like it blew up from a bomb'. I did my time in Afghanistan and saw what bombs do to vehicles, and that was no bomb.
That got really long but what I'm saying is that places like ConPro became way too accepting of 'Anyone who asks the JQ'.
The JQ shit is like that bell curve meme. On the left is the grugs 'ITZ DA JOOOOZ'. On the right is the intellectuals 'It is the jews.'
The grugs on the left side of the bell curve bring a ton of other fucking baggage with them and it's mostly insane conspiracy shit that just distracts everyone.
Just because the Aryan Brotherhood wears thunderbolts doesn't mean they're allies. Aryan Brotherhood is a disgusting prison gang of drug-dealing murderers and they should / would be gassed.
Uh okay one final note, I legit believe that most of the 'exciting' conspiracies are intentionally seeded by the government as a way of keeping heavily-armed dissident anti-government White people pacified by making them so fucking paranoid they are incapable of functioning in a coherent manner.
Bottom line, if you are truly a nationalist, you CAN’T ignore the kosher patterns going on, since those patterns prove a certain group is inextricably linked to to our downfall as a society. Yes they have many shabbos goy helping them destroy us, but for this pattern to be so prevalent, it almost has to be organized crime driven by a specific ethnicity at the top.
You claim is based on a universal racial claim about jews. You could have chosen to stick to Zionism, but you didn't because you can't imagine that Judaism, Jews, and Zionism are different things.
They already have. It was Gen-Z flooding tiktok with so much pro-palestine content that it almost got banned and started aggressively filtering out Palestine content.
They can still learn about the downsides of rubbing shoulders with violent, inbred goatfuckers too. But even if/when they do, no-one ever really goes back to "Israel is totally honest, our greatest ally, and never did anything wrong" once they look behind the curtain.
Dont forget the planes flying into buildings and anthrax in the mail, oh...
Yeah, real antisemitism includes muzzies and jewz! Anything less is a psyop
The ones who are against Zionism and are championing Islam are also the remnants still holding onto Millennial's Judeo-Marxism progressive faggotry.
The thing is it's the Gen Zers who are rejecting woke who also are asking the JQ, and they aren't aligning with Muslims, because those are all the woke.
The "free Palestine" crowd is almost entirely leftist. They would screech and attack you if you started talking about what jews have done to Western society. They only hate Israel because they think it's an American puppet that serves the interests of White people.
You are right that Judaism is going to obliterate the establishment right, but it won't even obliterate the MAGA right. MAGA is the people and their mass convictions, not the handful of influencers trying to keep reins on the movement. All leading indicators show they're trending away from Zionism and foreign intervention.
For example, Candace Owens put her career out to die on the hill of anti-Zionism, and she's more alive than ever. Her former employer Ben Shapiro is the one that's shriveling away in the podcast wilderness.
Joe Rogan just hosted Ian Carroll, the guy who's famous for ratioing Elon Musk with a 2000 word tweet about subversive Jewish influence, and then Daryl Cooper, the guy who's most famous for revisionist WWII history. Anyone think that's an accident?
A lot of people look at current viewership and influence when they should be looking at trends. The trends are all against Israel. Yes, the establishment is conducting a full court press to quash this, but that's obviously doomed. Has anyone in human history succeeding in putting the cat back in the bag?
It remains to be seen whether there's any viability to MAGA beyond Trump.
Outside of some mild pushback on Operation Warpspeed and the H1B visa endorsement (with Vivek and to a lesser degree Elon as scapegoats but with Trump’s full support), MAGA for the most part just mindlessly cheer whatever Trump supports whether its America First or not.
It's not really clear what happens to the cult of personality when Trump goes bye bye in 3 years.
So far there is no heir.
JD Vance can be polished. But he's already compromised by his CIA backers. And he's not even respected by his base as evidenced by the recent meme faceswapping campaign mocking him.
I think being able to meme about a guy and have him laugh along with you doing it is a sign of not just viability but also potential as a candidate in the future. Its one of the things that made Obama so beloved by the Left.
The Left wants to convince everyone that this meme is some big "everyone hates Vance" movement, but its been obvious since the outset that its clearly just people having a laugh with some extreme photoshop and has little malice to it.
I don't think the recent Vance faceswapping memes mean that MAGA hates Vance.
But the content of the memes say something about his physiognomy and the fact that even his supporters don't fully respect him.
In general, Trump memes from the right are epic. They portray him as a badass, like a Chad, like a statesman, like a Caesar, like a hero.
I'm not sure what the entire deeper psychology behind the Vance memes are, but it mostly signals that he is seen even by his fans as a dumpy fat kid.
I mean, most of them are so warped and distorted that I don't think it even remotely resembles his actual face anymore to make any judgement calls.
Like most organic memes, somebody had an unhinged idea that was really funny, and now everyone builds on it and pushes it further until it barely is in touch with reality. And then everyone wants to be in on the fun times and so they all make one until its everywhere.
There is some amount of psychology behind humor and what people laugh at, but I think the Left has shown many times that deep dive psychoanalysis on memes is also a losing action because of how rarely its truly reflecting reality.
95% of the front page X posts on T_D all come from the same six fags, and all you have to do is search their name for AIPAC.
Here, I already did it for you in another post:
DC Draino:
Jack Posobiec:
Wall Street Apes:
Steven Crowder:
Patrick Bet-David:
Only once from Tucker Carlson, and it was just a timecode in an interview:
Catturd only twice, 6 years ago, but mentioned in passing:
LOTT (((unsurprising))):
Emerald Robinson:
Amuse only once, and it sounds like he's crying that they didn't give more to Republicans:
Between alllllll these accounts they have >MILLIONS< of posts, and I can count the number of times they've even mentioned the single most influential lobbying group on one hand.
Well, to be fair to Emerald Robinson....
And Carlson may not tweet "AIPAC" much, but he is the guy that platformed Massie saying every congressperson has an AIPAC handler. In fact, that's the very interview you're dismissing. "It's just a timecode," but of course it's the timecode for AIPAC being explicitly called out as a powerful foreign interest lobby group whose interests do not align with America's. Kind of a lot to brush off.
I agree that some of these people are very imperfect, and I would even say a few of these people are downright useless. But I think your reducing the "are they good" check to a single search term that isn't even exhaustive for the one issue you're looking at is kind of retarded.
As for your last question, the only times I can think of is when the jews in power genocided the people they were ruling over. It's usually also combined with antisemitism laws and mass incarcerations of the people, or on the flip side, going full hedonistic libertarian paradise, to dull the populace with vice and sin, bread and circuses. Neither "solution" lasted very long, though.
the same maga who is rallying behind the absolute cuckold that is trump who pulled a chair for netanyahu?
the same candace owens who is a black woman racemixer?
the same joe rogan that has 70% of his political guests be jews?
I don't really hold it against blacks for racemixing. I would do the same if my option was dating a black person....
Correct. But it brings down the other race. Zero sum game.
Watching younger generations turn on trannyism faster than the older generations is something else. I know a guy who's maybe elder millennial or younger Gen X who's dating a Brazilian tranny (being 5' 2" is brutal but still). His Boomer mother is aghast at the degeneracy but his Silent Generation grandmother thinks it's perfectly acceptable.
you don't consider women sitting together and out-virtue-signaling each other. who gives a shit that the bloodline ends. as long as their daughters can whore around and they can parade around their oh so progressive and modern abuse-victims...ah sry, sons, they don't care. islam is too kind towards women.
That has little to do with his comment. It's almost a complete non-sequitur. In fact, given that there are two women in the anecdote and they're politically at odds because one of them isn't accepting a degenerate, what he said contradicts your follow-up. It makes you come off like you can't read.
Gonna be honest, someone who is still alive from the fucking Silent Generation is difficult to believe as having adequate faculties to even necessarily understand what's going on in that situation.
Someone who is likely over 100 years old wouldn't have had problems with a phenomenon that could be considered literally unlawful in those days (if you're talking the sodomy aspect of the relationship), let alone the natural social stigma and disgust? I guess a silent generation woman growing up to be a hippie is possible, but it's unlikely, especially as you age.
My assumption is that she doesn't fully understand the situation.
Why do they let little children on the internet in your country? Little boys like you need to understand that this is a place for grown men. And I don't mean the grown men in your country that like to touch little boys like you. I mean normal grown men that understand how disgusting it is to want to touch little boys like you.
trannies were just a tactic in the toolbox of the distintegrationists
jews have been doing their subversion thing since rome conclusively proved they were inferior militarily in the 100s
you have to understand that we are just collateral damage in a war between two jewish factions - both of them agree on the end goal, a world where everything and everyone is owned by jews, they disagree on how to go about it
globalists/communists (left) - less zealous, more secular, are basically trying to make star trek happen. Believe that their utopia is right around the corner and the only thing standing in the way is Whites and Christians who stubbornly don't want to go extinct and care about "outdated" stuff like (non jewish) ethnic nations.
zionists/israel first nationalists (right) - more zealous, more religious, are looking to take decade of the 2000s global where Israel calls all of the shots behind the scenes in every significant country, and can sic their biggest minion, the US on the enemies of israel at a whim. Is fine with leaving a false veneer of national sovereignty as long as it is generally directed toward the interests of Israel.
Both use infiltration and subversion, both are against any kind of White ethnic identity (generational hatred against Rome).
Where they disagree is the zionists pretend to be pro "West" (not Christendom) because they want the west strong enough to fight israels its battles, the globalists work to weaken all White nations in favor of passing sovereignty to "international" organizations that they are effectively in charge of. Ironically the UN is one of the few that neither the jewish globalists nor zoinists are in charge of because of how muslim countries vote as a block.
Ah, you don't appear to be aware of the eight genders of the Talmud. Lazy Telia, you have ONE job, and you fuck it up on something this basic.
(1) Zachar (male), (2) Nekevah (female), (3) Androgynos (having both male and female characteristics), (4) Tumtum (lacking sexual characteristics), (5) Aylonit Hamah (identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics), (6) Aylonit Adam (identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention), (7) Saris hamah (identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics), and (8) Saris adam (identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention).
No other people in history have ever subscribed to this nonsense. Transgenderism is just another jewish invention (but is it actually practiced?) foisted on the stupid goy sheeple. So, where you see two different groups, destroying both the Right and the Wrong, I see just one. And I see how much better the world would be without it.
The crap described is just intersex bullshit and eunuchs.
Why are you talking to me , i didn't post this. And i know about the 8 genders in the talmud thing
No, that shit is for the goyim.
Not a lot of boomers are trannies. A few sicko freaks but far from the majority
Booms love their jews though.
Well.. ive said it many times. The white christian demographic is in decline, the only demographics that give a damm about tiny hats. We are switching from religious fervor to just plain blackmail... but its kinda silly because the tiny hats blackmail people for being pedos. But pedos are being promoted as normal. If pedos is normal, that is one less major thing to blackmail elites for.
Unless... its the blackmailed people trying to find a way out of it.
Let's hope so. Jews running all western institutions is the biggest problem in the world right now, above all other issues.
Zoomies were the ones who invented the Tumblr pronoun bullshit. It's Gen Alpha that are rejecting it.
They may have adopted it, but I'm putting the invention of it at the feet of Millenials.
Millennials were in their 20s at the youngest when that shit kicked off, and still cringing over their decade-ago emo phases on Myspace. Unless it was the work of aging pedo-groomers which is not outside possibility.
It was a coalition of the most hedonistic leftist boomers - who controlled our institutions - and their super degenerate millennial kids.
Jewish gender studies professors invented the pronuons, and a jew founded Tumblr.
Zoomers were too young for the Tumblr shit. Millennials were the vanguard of progressivism.
Older Zoomers still are communists but it was younger ones who flipped the election... and gen alpha can't vote yet.
Are there true leftists pushing against tranny worship that remain within the Democrat sphere of influence?
Someone who isn't a "I've left the left" type?
There are the TERFs and the JK Rowling types, but they've been effectively demonized and cast out.
On the right, you have JQ types like Devon Stack, I, Hypocrite, Rebecca Hargraves, Vincent James, Pete Quinones, Jake Shields, Nick Fuentes, Keith Woods, etc.
Not big influencers, but all figures on the right to varying degrees whose main critiques of Trump are that he isn't America First enough, too Zionist and not recognizing white identitarianism.
Is there an equivalent gender-critical contingent on the left?
Yes but I can't name many. Bill Maher and James Carville come to mind. Thing is they're all old as fuck.
The problem is that to 99% of them, changes are not happening, it's all just made-up right-wing lies. They literally think Antifa is an actual fictional fabrication of the imagination, that not only are there not these disparate terror cells organized over the internet, but that even the acts of violence they committed never happened and are made-up. They think drag queens are just a funny thing from M.A.S.H. and faggotry is just two men having a perfectly normal 'straight' relationship where they court each other and date. They think abortions are just an item of last resort and are so traumatizing for the woman that they hate getting them.
The left had so much cultural control they built themselves a prison out of an echo chamber. By excising the right, the right was able to actually grow stronger, while the left just atrophied.
Bill Maher is a decent example that I didn't consider.
Although he's probably pretty close to the "I've left the left" precipice after his Rogan appearances, the right-leaning figures he has on his podcast like Matt Gaetz and walking out in the middle of his Pod Save America guest spot a few weeks ago.
Don't know much about Carville other than essentially being Skeletor.
Even "left the Left" types like Jimmy Dore whose audience is essentially MAGA at this point are still afraid to call out tranny degeneracy.
He's been like that for a fucking decade though. It's an act of some sort but nobody's entirely sure which part of it is. Questioning faggotry might be the act, leaving the left might be the act, it's unclear.
He's got a few comments like this over the years.
There should be a warning on that clip that it contains 7 mins of Don Lemon
There is an insignificant entirely online presence of tankies, I suspect most of them fell over into natsoc including lots of mexicans
Just because I don’t like Jews doesn’t mean I love all their enemies.
I don’t like Islam, I don’t like anyone from the Middle East, I don’t like grifters, I don’t like Democrats, et Al.
This is what ruined ConPro. They’re all about an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Zero critical thinking.
I grew disinterested in ConPro since it's just an endless stream of the most disgusting dregs of humanity schizoposting copy-pasted platitudes in every single comment and shrieking about conspiracy theories...
... and I am not a fan of "conspiracy theories". I think they are a tremendous waste of everybody's time. It honestly isn't even about whether or not they are correct, it's about what you will ever be able to prove, whether you ever will be believed, and whether anything will change.
If the government came out right now and released all their footage of them faking the moon landing, does it fucking matter at all? The average person's reaction will be 'Oh wow that's fucked-up.' and then they scroll to the next video on their ticky-tockers. Are you going to dig up Neil Armstrong's corpse and put it in jail? Does it change modern space technology which we can directly interact with?
That's a pretty broad term, but there's two kinds of conspiracies, there's real conspiracy theory, and there's SCHIZO conspiracy theory, but delineating them is very subjective.
Real conspiracies are boring. ActBlue/USAID/etc. are real conspiracies. They're also fucking boring. Machines moving some digital numbers around. The media collaborating on stories that are favorable to their biases. Pharmaceutical companies lobbying for immunity for a prototype vaccine that they've failed to bring to market, but they now have an opportunity to recoup investment on.
Schizo conspiracies are exciting. They involve antenna arrays that can shoot hurricanes around the world, space lasers exploding entire cities, mind-control rays directing mass shooters to their targets, etc.
If a conspiracy theory is exciting it's probably fucking stupid and wrong. Look at the 2020 election steal conspiracies.
Schizo conspiracies was that Dominion voting machines were beaming digital vote counts around the world to a server array in Frankfurt, then moved to Rome, where the votes were altered. White Hats in the US Army Intelligence Office went in to the server array to seize the unadulterated votes and had a shootout with the CIA. In an attempt to cover their tracks, a man in an RV was mind-controlled to blow up a bomb in Nashville on Christmas Day to damage AT&T infrastructure because all the stolen votes went through there. At the same time, Rudy Giuliani held a press conference at "The Four Seasons" landscaping company, because across the street was a crematorium where all the real ballots were burned.
Everything I wrote is 100% serious shit serious people seriously believed that I learned entirely from just reading the front page of T_D after the election.
You know what the 'real' conspiracy probably was? Activists, with a decade of experience doing this, used their access to voter roll information (ERIC) to request thousands of absentee ballots. They are able to use Board of Elections information to know when batches of absentee ballots are sent out to nursing homes and they show up to 'help them vote'. Then they shove all these completely anonymous ballots into a mailbox.
Anyone talking about Dominion machines flipping votes is retarded, because the votes would be guaranteed to fail a recount. Stuffing ballot boxes is a tactic as old as voting has existed and it would always pass a recount and look completely legitimate.
But collecting ballots from old people isn't exciting. Shootouts with the CIA is exciting. So people believed the latter. And still do to this day.
On top of it all, when you look at the type of person who believes the 'exciting' conspiracies, they're all fucking stupid people. They're like pig farmers and shit. That isn't to say farming pigs isn't worthwhile, but it is to say that a bunch of shit-kicking rednecks who have never seen high-explosives detonate outside of a screen have literally zero right to voice an opinion on whether or not Harrison Deal's Jeep 'looks like it blew up from a bomb'. I did my time in Afghanistan and saw what bombs do to vehicles, and that was no bomb.
That got really long but what I'm saying is that places like ConPro became way too accepting of 'Anyone who asks the JQ'.
The JQ shit is like that bell curve meme. On the left is the grugs 'ITZ DA JOOOOZ'. On the right is the intellectuals 'It is the jews.'
The grugs on the left side of the bell curve bring a ton of other fucking baggage with them and it's mostly insane conspiracy shit that just distracts everyone.
Just because the Aryan Brotherhood wears thunderbolts doesn't mean they're allies. Aryan Brotherhood is a disgusting prison gang of drug-dealing murderers and they should / would be gassed.
Uh okay one final note, I legit believe that most of the 'exciting' conspiracies are intentionally seeded by the government as a way of keeping heavily-armed dissident anti-government White people pacified by making them so fucking paranoid they are incapable of functioning in a coherent manner.
I don't want islam in my country but I'm fine with them practicing it in their sandy craphole countries
And I'm not going to countersignal when they are attacking my other enemies, when that happens keep your mouth shut, stay out of it, let them fight
Bottom line, if you are truly a nationalist, you CAN’T ignore the kosher patterns going on, since those patterns prove a certain group is inextricably linked to to our downfall as a society. Yes they have many shabbos goy helping them destroy us, but for this pattern to be so prevalent, it almost has to be organized crime driven by a specific ethnicity at the top.
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You claim is based on a universal racial claim about jews. You could have chosen to stick to Zionism, but you didn't because you can't imagine that Judaism, Jews, and Zionism are different things.