We are the point where a person can sit down with a blank piece of paper and a pencil, then draw or write something and then be thrown in prison as a sex offender.
The bill explicitly includes "cartoon or animation", but refers to the existing definitions of obscene material when describing what depicted acts are banned. Essentially, any pornographic depiction of a minor, real or not, becomes a felony.
This is an explicit socalled loli/shota/pedo ban, but I don't see how it can ban anime.
OP probably thinks it would also include any fan service, but that would only be the case if the existing definitions include underwear advertisements as obscene.
Because it doesn't have to, it refers to another bill that defines what is obscene. You'll have to look at that bill before saying what it will or will not ban.
The deliberate ambiguity around the ages of many anime characters makes it into something of a gray area. I'm pretty firmly against any censorship unless a real child is being victimized, but as a fervent anime-hater, I think it might also be a good idea for anime fans to stop and think about why that ambiguity is so common, and what it says about the medium as a whole.
look man, i believe you. i don't think everyone on here is a pedophile. that shit's a hardcore accusation and there's not that many kiddie diddlers around, even on a fringe place like this.
but it's just plain weird how every time someone talks about how sexualized japanese cartoons are and how often the chicks in there look really young, you guys come straight out of the woodwork and yell "free speech, free speech, the puritans are banning my innocent cartoons". it's bizarre and off-putting how willing you are to snuggle right up to an industry known for selling softcore almost-child porn to lonely japs, even if you claim to only watch the stuff that's nothing like that.
these "you know it when you see it" obscenity laws aren't some plot by Big Puritan to get rid of your asian addiction, they're exactly what you'd expect: people trying to get rid of the 3000 year old dragons. there's no way to oppose them without looking strange. look at the twitter replies, man, it's people just posting half-naked chicks going "which one's a child, huh, huh?". it's deranged. it's not normal people behavior. that's why you face so much pushback, not because people are afraid of fucking cartoons.
It's just plain weird how every time we call you fucking fascists, Nazis, that you whine and complain and start wallering on about how those are frivolous claims, and even though there are definitely literal Nazis in your proximity, you say guilt by proximity and association is wrong.
Don't you see how weird that it is to normal people? You rightoids could literally just stop supporting Trump and conservative values and then we could stop calling you Nazis.
That's how fucking disingenuous and retarded you sound, btw. Goddamn nigger
A person takes a blank piece of paper and a pencil. They draw something. They are then arrested, convicted of a felony and then added to a sex offender register for life.
And you think this is a good idea? You celebrate this law?
A pedophile who exposes teenagers and children to EPI online takes a blank piece of paper and a pencil. They draw a naked anime child. They are then arrested, convicted of a felony and then added to a sex offender register for life. And you think this is a good idea? You celebrate this law?
They're already dead, I was surprised when it happened but when Sony took Crunchyroll, they stuck with THAT brand than Funimation, looks like the latter brand had MORE baggage than Crunchyroll?
No but with the mismanagement of the Korean shows (God of High-school, Nobalise) and that whole shit with that western cartoon they made, I didn't realise how much Crunchyroll was STILL rated better than Funimation till that happened!
Because mismanagement can be chalked up to incompetence or just a mistake but the kickvic thing revealed that the people working at funi actively hated their own customers.
Note that Texas is home to at least THREE anime English dub studios.
Crunchyroll, Sentai Filmworks, and Sound Cadence.
Of these, Sentai Filmworks is probably the best, since they continue to employ known Trump supporters like David Harbold instead of just blackballing them.
Sound Cadence is also run by Amber Lee Connors, who was DBZA's Android 18.
Probably by design as these lawmakers probably suffer from the same mental issue as leftists of being unable to seperate reality from fiction.
That and because western media is STILL so shit, people have been turning to Asia for entertainment.
This is the real pandemic.
Apparently this bill not only can be used to ban lolicon/shotacon shit but regular anime and manga.
Texas state legislature is really focusing on this instead of trying to prosecute real abuse of children by scumbags like Epstein
The boomers tradcons are at it again in Texas
Epstein is israel. Texas has laws banning criticism of israel.
Lolis will forever be the litmus test for whether you have principles or if you're a fucking subhuman animal governed solely by your emotions.
We are the point where a person can sit down with a blank piece of paper and a pencil, then draw or write something and then be thrown in prison as a sex offender.
ooooh nooooooo
Is your reading comprehension really below the level of “one complete sentence”?
He is governed by emotions rather than principles, yes.
oooooooh noooooooooooo
Doubling down on being a niggertard huh?
What's the matter, hollywood slop not getting enough sales anymore?
it's either pedophile A or pedophile B with you people, isn't it?
By the way, clock's ticking on you now. How will you break?
Listen, of you are against the sexualization of children, you are clearly FOR the sexualization of children!
Checkmate, Antis!
here is the bill page: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=89R&=&Bill=SB20
The bill explicitly includes "cartoon or animation", but refers to the existing definitions of obscene material when describing what depicted acts are banned. Essentially, any pornographic depiction of a minor, real or not, becomes a felony.
This is an explicit socalled loli/shota/pedo ban, but I don't see how it can ban anime.
OP probably thinks it would also include any fan service, but that would only be the case if the existing definitions include underwear advertisements as obscene.
This bill is similar to the Protect Act of 2003 which the Supreme Court of the U.S. struck down
It depends on what counts as obscene.
The bill doesn't clearly limit what is considered obscene
Because it doesn't have to, it refers to another bill that defines what is obscene. You'll have to look at that bill before saying what it will or will not ban.
Technically the SC didn't "strike down" the Protect Act, only parts of it. And their ruling basically said "go read Ashcroft v FSC".
The deliberate ambiguity around the ages of many anime characters makes it into something of a gray area. I'm pretty firmly against any censorship unless a real child is being victimized, but as a fervent anime-hater, I think it might also be a good idea for anime fans to stop and think about why that ambiguity is so common, and what it says about the medium as a whole.
take a guess, half the shit on the market has half-naked kids in it that people like OP love.
Disgusting slander
I am not a fan of lolicon or shotacon
look man, i believe you. i don't think everyone on here is a pedophile. that shit's a hardcore accusation and there's not that many kiddie diddlers around, even on a fringe place like this.
but it's just plain weird how every time someone talks about how sexualized japanese cartoons are and how often the chicks in there look really young, you guys come straight out of the woodwork and yell "free speech, free speech, the puritans are banning my innocent cartoons". it's bizarre and off-putting how willing you are to snuggle right up to an industry known for selling softcore almost-child porn to lonely japs, even if you claim to only watch the stuff that's nothing like that.
these "you know it when you see it" obscenity laws aren't some plot by Big Puritan to get rid of your asian addiction, they're exactly what you'd expect: people trying to get rid of the 3000 year old dragons. there's no way to oppose them without looking strange. look at the twitter replies, man, it's people just posting half-naked chicks going "which one's a child, huh, huh?". it's deranged. it's not normal people behavior. that's why you face so much pushback, not because people are afraid of fucking cartoons.
It's just plain weird how every time we call you fucking fascists, Nazis, that you whine and complain and start wallering on about how those are frivolous claims, and even though there are definitely literal Nazis in your proximity, you say guilt by proximity and association is wrong.
Don't you see how weird that it is to normal people? You rightoids could literally just stop supporting Trump and conservative values and then we could stop calling you Nazis.
That's how fucking disingenuous and retarded you sound, btw. Goddamn nigger
Don't forget, any bar that allows Nazis is Nazi Bar!
a very sensical comment, written by user SendMePornographyPlease.
So now tomboys are pornography?
Or do you just have porn brain and see everything as pornography?
people salivate over pictures of tanned boyish women all sweaty in sports outfits in 4chan threads because... like... they're just cool, or what?
you have to be honest to yourself to get anywhere in life, man. it's where leftists fail and it's where you're failing.
So, to be clear.
A person takes a blank piece of paper and a pencil. They draw something. They are then arrested, convicted of a felony and then added to a sex offender register for life.
And you think this is a good idea? You celebrate this law?
They absolutely are a plot by the older generation to not "feel bad" about their lost youth by erasing every element of it from the sight of society.
We live in a gerontocracy where every political narrative revolves around appealing to the elderly.
ackshully we live in a zumicocracy. we are ruled by people from the planet zumicon.
makes about as much sense. dude, they're all old because they use the young ones to create the blackmail material on the old ones..
If so, it seems like it would get struck down as unconstitutional almost immediately.
We're all anti-semitic until someone attacks OUR degeneracy. Then suddenly, we want to advocate judeo-Christian values...
Surely Texas can figure out a better way to nuke Funimation than this.
They're already dead, I was surprised when it happened but when Sony took Crunchyroll, they stuck with THAT brand than Funimation, looks like the latter brand had MORE baggage than Crunchyroll?
Did you forget how badly the kickvic situation tarnished their brand image?
No but with the mismanagement of the Korean shows (God of High-school, Nobalise) and that whole shit with that western cartoon they made, I didn't realise how much Crunchyroll was STILL rated better than Funimation till that happened!
Because mismanagement can be chalked up to incompetence or just a mistake but the kickvic thing revealed that the people working at funi actively hated their own customers.
"Begun, the weeb war has."
I highly doubt this law is going to be enforced against trannies and fag/dyke teachers trying to faggotize young boys
Welcome to europe where places such as belgium ban cartoon porn of characters that are or appear underage.
Note that Texas is home to at least THREE anime English dub studios.
Crunchyroll, Sentai Filmworks, and Sound Cadence.
Of these, Sentai Filmworks is probably the best, since they continue to employ known Trump supporters like David Harbold instead of just blackballing them.
Sound Cadence is also run by Amber Lee Connors, who was DBZA's Android 18.
Crunchyroll...you know the horror stories there.
I think that's too loosely worded to stand, and obviously anti-free speech anyway. However, I would settle for a law that bans One Piece.
Hahahaha deal with that weeaboos! Oh wait will they ban sakura from street fighter with this? It’s must be stooped at all cost!
Hollywoke trannyslop and their demoralization media cannot compete with anime and manga, no wonder they want it banned.
Yes please. Weebs are pathetic simp trash.