They're scared because Trump has let whispers fly of America leaving or reducing it's NATO contribution.
That happens, European countries can kiss their socialised system goodbye since they'll HAVE to pay for their own defence. But since they only know 'orange man bad!' They aren't able to make any arguments for America to STAY in NATO..
Europe would be better off breaking away from the US anyway. The destruction of Nordstream is the kind of shit you would want NATO to stop. Instead, the call comes from inside the house. The Ukraine war was also instigated by the US's long standing provocations against Russia. It's weird how that history dropped from the discourse lately.
Easily? It isn't exactly something you can just buy at the local 7/11.
Every time Iran tries to build a centrifuge for fuel enrichment, we leave a crater where it once stood. If we are removed from NATO, and see that former NATO members are a risk of starting a nuclear war, we will start bombing their facilities too. Our allies only have nukes now because we allow them to. If they stop being our allies, we will stop allowing it.
Once they have them, we would just bankrupt them by putting 200% tarrifs on them until they give them up. If Europe thinks they can take on the world's only superpower, they are dreaming.
Publicly, France has around 200. US and Russia have around 1.7-2k on standby and more can be built easily with each countries stockpiles. There might be a few off the books in the EU but the number completely pales to Russia and US.
I just saw a bunch of Turks threatening and insulting an Armenian for saying he'd tear down their flag. Then they proceeded to start mocking the genocide
Turkey is in such a weird spot. They have ties with pretty much every side. And I don't think most of it was deliberate, just a matter of location and timing.
I am furious about the exchange that some war whore journalist had with a Reform MP (wasn't Nigel).
She literally was saying, "We need to do to Russia what we did to Germany in WW2, that's how you stop that aggression."
Bitch, you want us to fire bomb every major Russian city? You want us to commit to a 24/7 round-the-clock bombing campaign? You want us to explicitly target civilians in suburbs in order to kill factory workers to shut down the ball bearing plants? You want us to kill FIFTEEN MILLION people?
I hate peace-niks who stand around and pretend ISIS or Al-Qaeda, or the Taliban weren't an active threat and that we should have just abandoned every major conflict we had and let everyone die.
OOOhhh, but now all of the sudden you can't even control your psychotic, murderous, jingoism.
All of the sudden the, peace-nik, hippy-dippy, bleeding-heart, "no one is illegal", faggots turn the fuck around and give Garak's rant to Worf about Genocide in the name of self-defense because Russian Man Bad, like the worst version of every conservative anti-communist stereotype they ever made up in the 1950's.
And will these fucking Chicken-Hawk Conflict Cunts be sending their kids to die? No, absolutely not. My kids have to die.I have to die. And the reason is so that these eggless whores can feel better about themselves on Twitter. That's worth everything.
You can see it clearly in their latest 24/7 talking point: they want a “just and lasting” peace.
“Just” is code for “Russia unconditionally surrenders all of the land they’ve taken, including Crimea”. Why would they do that?
“Lasting” is code for “Putin steps down and is replaced by a gay commie leftist government”. Why would he ever do that?
Neither of these things is happening before WW3. So Europe and Ukraine’s “peace” proposal is 100% contingent upon tens of millions of deaths and nuclear winter. Because that’s the inevitable result of putting American boots on the ground in the current situation.
Leftists have terminal TDS, so they can’t recognize Trump as the only adult in the room. He acknowledges the reality on the ground - that Russia absolutely won this proxy war despite hundreds of billions of western dollars going to Ukraine. Ukraine and Europe are stupidly attempting to play hardball as they negotiate from a position of profound weakness. Media have successfully gaslit the entire global left wing into believing that Russia is somehow losing, and now the peace talks are also reflecting that insane delusion.
Trump’s push for a mineral deal was a stroke of genius. Creating a distinct American security interest within Ukraine would give cover for American forces on the ground, preventing Russia from attacking further. Giving Russia explicit security guarantees, including sovereignty over occupied lands and an absolute rejection of Ukraine by NATO, would have enticed Putin to sign the deal. But Zelensky, at the behest of the Nuland and company, went rogue on live TV and demanded more. He’s an installed actor with no place at the table, but he hijacked the meeting and then played pretend with all the European leaders.
Putin and Trump should just sign their own peace treaty with everything being contingent upon Ukraine’s complete subservience and Europe’s complete non-involvement.
I don't even know that they truly want to get to Nuclear war. I think they just need a perpetual war to money launder weapon's funding through.
It blows my mind that as bad as the casualties clearly are in Ukraine, and as real as the threat legitimately is, everyone, including their own government is robbing every single penny. You can't even manage to keep a war going if you sell every other bullet to pay for overpriced avacodo sandwiches for these war whores.
Fuck 'em. George Washington was right about Europe.
I agree with you that they don’t actually want nuclear annihilation, but they are completely unserious about the sort of man they are dealing with in Putin. He just showed them they cannot push against Russia forever and expect no consequences. It’s a lesson they need to learn before we all die lol
Unfortunately, every historical evidence we have from every Socialists shows that they are prepared to kill every man, woman, and child in their own country before admitting they made a mistake. There are no exceptions that I can find.
You and I both know she doesn't know or even care about details like that.
Her tiny little brain only thinks of WW2, and is applying in this case, as all out war as the good guys stopping the bad guys.
This is both a woman and a journalist, the actual realities of war will never ever come close to their life so they don't even consider the details of it. War is just a thing that happens where good kills bad and everyone is happier.
Yes, I know. She, like every eggless, unmarried, cat lady that JD Vance called out originally; are only concerned with making themselves look good to each other online, regardless of the mass deaths.
And will these fucking Chicken-Hawk Conflict Cunts be sending their kids to die? No, absolutely not. My kids have to die.
If it's any consolation, they and their children will be dying later from radiation poisoning, assuming the morons aren't vaporized in a mushroom cloud first.
'The Times' is a 'center-right' (i.e. far-left) supposed newspaper which regularly makes a total fool of itself, particularly in its even more pathetic (if that were even possible) Youtube 'radio' channel.
Just to give you a feel, this was one of its programs:
There’s this thing that news media do - I guess it is technically just lying - where they obviously respond to internal numbers with highly targeted lies. Like if the reality is that Ukraine is being completely retarded, the media’s lie isn’t just “Ukraine isn’t being retarded”. No, the lie has to go way beyond that, all the way to “everyone but Ukraine is being retarded”. It’s like they’re negotiating reality, so they think the best strategy is to make an insane first offer and then walk it back later?
It is weird to see these diplomats abhore that the side they don't agree with should have a seat at the table. Or the peace process might include concessions. And yet they don't have the balls to just send in their military force and just win by conquest. Do they think Russia is some tired Mom at the toy story willing to buy their kid a toy just to shut it up? Some of these people really believe you can rule by tantrum
Do they think Russia is some tired Mom at the toy story willing to buy their kid a toy just to shut it up?
I think a lot of them have fallen for the narrative of Russia getting dominated and bullied all around (because no one is willing to report otherwise), and assume that because of it Putin is looking for an "out" to save his ego.
The only people who matter in this negotiation are Putin and Trump, and yet all the retards in Europe decided to have a make-believe summit with the man who just publicly sabotaged any legitimate peace talks.
The second any European country puts boots on the ground, all Trump and in particular, Xi, have to do is impose tariffs and sanctions. Europe is heavily reliant on outsourcing manufacturing and Chinese mining for minerals. That's also a percentage of US trade and LNG gone, raising energy prices. It also makes China look good to the international community by presenting themselves as a peacemaker. Then the rest of the BRICS countries will follow including India that will sink the UK's outsourcing and migration for workers. And then the Middle East will follow sinking oil, gas and LNG, further raising energy prices. The rest of the world will follow suit. Goodbye economy, credit rating and ability to fund a war. Any war would be finished in less than a day, that country humiliated and isolated.
They can screech all they want but the rest of the world will not tolerate any action.
The entirety of the British MSM are woke feminist trash. They don't have to worry about profits because they are funded by the British taxpayer, thus able to hire every woke, virtue signaling gender studies graduate imaginable.
They're scared because Trump has let whispers fly of America leaving or reducing it's NATO contribution.
That happens, European countries can kiss their socialised system goodbye since they'll HAVE to pay for their own defence. But since they only know 'orange man bad!' They aren't able to make any arguments for America to STAY in NATO..
Europe would be better off breaking away from the US anyway. The destruction of Nordstream is the kind of shit you would want NATO to stop. Instead, the call comes from inside the house. The Ukraine war was also instigated by the US's long standing provocations against Russia. It's weird how that history dropped from the discourse lately.
Lately? It's never been part of the main discourse. From day 1 this was Putins unprovoked war of aggression.
Yean there are 3 people that started the recent war in Ukraine Biden Zelensky and Putin in no particular order
Boris kept it going also.
My argument for is without us, euro cucks start a nuclear war over Ukraine. At least if we're in nato, we can stop that part of it.
With what nukes? Most of the nukes in NATO are US loaned and operated by US troops. France has a few but that’s it.
The UK has some, France has some and I'm sure that other countries could easily find some.
Easily? It isn't exactly something you can just buy at the local 7/11.
Every time Iran tries to build a centrifuge for fuel enrichment, we leave a crater where it once stood. If we are removed from NATO, and see that former NATO members are a risk of starting a nuclear war, we will start bombing their facilities too. Our allies only have nukes now because we allow them to. If they stop being our allies, we will stop allowing it.
You're half right, but once they actually have nukes we won't directly lay a hand on them, because MAD is too dangerous to meddle with.
Once they have them, we would just bankrupt them by putting 200% tarrifs on them until they give them up. If Europe thinks they can take on the world's only superpower, they are dreaming.
Publicly, France has around 200. US and Russia have around 1.7-2k on standby and more can be built easily with each countries stockpiles. There might be a few off the books in the EU but the number completely pales to Russia and US.
You only need a few hundred to end the world.
To be honest, "eurocucks" probably would start fighting each other rather than Russia if there were NATO.
That is why I am somewhat pro-NATO, though I don't like its expansion or aggression.
NATO should just be European and should kick out Turkey.
They love Turkey's genocide against Armenians and its illegal occupation of Cyprus though.
I just saw a bunch of Turks threatening and insulting an Armenian for saying he'd tear down their flag. Then they proceeded to start mocking the genocide
Turkey is in such a weird spot. They have ties with pretty much every side. And I don't think most of it was deliberate, just a matter of location and timing.
I am furious about the exchange that some war whore journalist had with a Reform MP (wasn't Nigel).
She literally was saying, "We need to do to Russia what we did to Germany in WW2, that's how you stop that aggression."
Bitch, you want us to fire bomb every major Russian city? You want us to commit to a 24/7 round-the-clock bombing campaign? You want us to explicitly target civilians in suburbs in order to kill factory workers to shut down the ball bearing plants? You want us to kill FIFTEEN MILLION people?
I hate peace-niks who stand around and pretend ISIS or Al-Qaeda, or the Taliban weren't an active threat and that we should have just abandoned every major conflict we had and let everyone die.
OOOhhh, but now all of the sudden you can't even control your psychotic, murderous, jingoism.
All of the sudden the, peace-nik, hippy-dippy, bleeding-heart, "no one is illegal", faggots turn the fuck around and give Garak's rant to Worf about Genocide in the name of self-defense because Russian Man Bad, like the worst version of every conservative anti-communist stereotype they ever made up in the 1950's.
And will these fucking Chicken-Hawk Conflict Cunts be sending their kids to die? No, absolutely not. My kids have to die. I have to die. And the reason is so that these eggless whores can feel better about themselves on Twitter. That's worth everything.
You can see it clearly in their latest 24/7 talking point: they want a “just and lasting” peace.
“Just” is code for “Russia unconditionally surrenders all of the land they’ve taken, including Crimea”. Why would they do that?
“Lasting” is code for “Putin steps down and is replaced by a gay commie leftist government”. Why would he ever do that?
Neither of these things is happening before WW3. So Europe and Ukraine’s “peace” proposal is 100% contingent upon tens of millions of deaths and nuclear winter. Because that’s the inevitable result of putting American boots on the ground in the current situation.
Leftists have terminal TDS, so they can’t recognize Trump as the only adult in the room. He acknowledges the reality on the ground - that Russia absolutely won this proxy war despite hundreds of billions of western dollars going to Ukraine. Ukraine and Europe are stupidly attempting to play hardball as they negotiate from a position of profound weakness. Media have successfully gaslit the entire global left wing into believing that Russia is somehow losing, and now the peace talks are also reflecting that insane delusion.
Trump’s push for a mineral deal was a stroke of genius. Creating a distinct American security interest within Ukraine would give cover for American forces on the ground, preventing Russia from attacking further. Giving Russia explicit security guarantees, including sovereignty over occupied lands and an absolute rejection of Ukraine by NATO, would have enticed Putin to sign the deal. But Zelensky, at the behest of the Nuland and company, went rogue on live TV and demanded more. He’s an installed actor with no place at the table, but he hijacked the meeting and then played pretend with all the European leaders.
Putin and Trump should just sign their own peace treaty with everything being contingent upon Ukraine’s complete subservience and Europe’s complete non-involvement.
I don't even know that they truly want to get to Nuclear war. I think they just need a perpetual war to money launder weapon's funding through.
It blows my mind that as bad as the casualties clearly are in Ukraine, and as real as the threat legitimately is, everyone, including their own government is robbing every single penny. You can't even manage to keep a war going if you sell every other bullet to pay for overpriced avacodo sandwiches for these war whores.
Fuck 'em. George Washington was right about Europe.
I agree with you that they don’t actually want nuclear annihilation, but they are completely unserious about the sort of man they are dealing with in Putin. He just showed them they cannot push against Russia forever and expect no consequences. It’s a lesson they need to learn before we all die lol
Unfortunately, every historical evidence we have from every Socialists shows that they are prepared to kill every man, woman, and child in their own country before admitting they made a mistake. There are no exceptions that I can find.
You and I both know she doesn't know or even care about details like that.
Her tiny little brain only thinks of WW2, and is applying in this case, as all out war as the good guys stopping the bad guys.
This is both a woman and a journalist, the actual realities of war will never ever come close to their life so they don't even consider the details of it. War is just a thing that happens where good kills bad and everyone is happier.
Yes, I know. She, like every eggless, unmarried, cat lady that JD Vance called out originally; are only concerned with making themselves look good to each other online, regardless of the mass deaths.
If it's any consolation, they and their children will be dying later from radiation poisoning, assuming the morons aren't vaporized in a mushroom cloud first.
Maybe I can befriend a deathclaw.
'The Times' is a 'center-right' (i.e. far-left) supposed newspaper which regularly makes a total fool of itself, particularly in its even more pathetic (if that were even possible) Youtube 'radio' channel.
Just to give you a feel, this was one of its programs:
Ukraine are giving the West a tactical 'masterclass'
There’s this thing that news media do - I guess it is technically just lying - where they obviously respond to internal numbers with highly targeted lies. Like if the reality is that Ukraine is being completely retarded, the media’s lie isn’t just “Ukraine isn’t being retarded”. No, the lie has to go way beyond that, all the way to “everyone but Ukraine is being retarded”. It’s like they’re negotiating reality, so they think the best strategy is to make an insane first offer and then walk it back later?
When you’ve received charity from the US for too long - reality can seem unfair.
It is weird to see these diplomats abhore that the side they don't agree with should have a seat at the table. Or the peace process might include concessions. And yet they don't have the balls to just send in their military force and just win by conquest. Do they think Russia is some tired Mom at the toy story willing to buy their kid a toy just to shut it up? Some of these people really believe you can rule by tantrum
I think a lot of them have fallen for the narrative of Russia getting dominated and bullied all around (because no one is willing to report otherwise), and assume that because of it Putin is looking for an "out" to save his ego.
The only people who matter in this negotiation are Putin and Trump, and yet all the retards in Europe decided to have a make-believe summit with the man who just publicly sabotaged any legitimate peace talks.
The second any European country puts boots on the ground, all Trump and in particular, Xi, have to do is impose tariffs and sanctions. Europe is heavily reliant on outsourcing manufacturing and Chinese mining for minerals. That's also a percentage of US trade and LNG gone, raising energy prices. It also makes China look good to the international community by presenting themselves as a peacemaker. Then the rest of the BRICS countries will follow including India that will sink the UK's outsourcing and migration for workers. And then the Middle East will follow sinking oil, gas and LNG, further raising energy prices. The rest of the world will follow suit. Goodbye economy, credit rating and ability to fund a war. Any war would be finished in less than a day, that country humiliated and isolated.
They can screech all they want but the rest of the world will not tolerate any action.
The UK couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. Who cares what they think?
The entirety of the British MSM are woke feminist trash. They don't have to worry about profits because they are funded by the British taxpayer, thus able to hire every woke, virtue signaling gender studies graduate imaginable.
So the British want the US to fund their wars. Nothing's changed since the 18th Century.
Fuck those limey bastards. Save your own country you stupid fucks before trying to use us to fight your wars for you.
They need this war to keep the focus off the destruction they're causing at home. It's sickening to watch this play out.