The problem isn’t the richest man in the world having a bunch of kids by a bunch of different women - not exactly. The problem is all of the mothers live separately and raise the children separately, hundreds and thousands of miles apart, making it impossible for their father to be a significant part of their lives. It would be better for the children if they all lived together, but modern western women would never consent to such an arrangement.
Of course, it would be better still if they all had the same mother.
Sure, fuck them, but in this case the problem is that their shitty choices are fucking up their kids. As well as the part where they make shitty choices and then get on their X accounts with thousands of followers to advocate for society embracing and celebrating their shitty choices.
The original set-up of humans was polygnyous while humanity lived in tribes. The leader - the alpha male - would father the majority of the children and they were raised collectively (alloparenting). When we implemented civilisation with intense labour, that's when monogamy became the norm.
It's also why only 40% of men in history have fathered children compared to 90% of women.
As an aside, modern day dating and social media is starting to mark a return to polygnyny and the state taking over the role of father is encouraging alloparenting to return too where women collectively raise children from the same man paid for by the state (and in turn, all the men who can't find a partner and have a family). I've even started to see men have multiple women on the go to support them and collective raising of children between women. Just as it was in tribal times.
It's rather interesting to see conservatives attempt to justify this in complete contradiction to the family values they promote. Normally polygnyny is promoted by the left.
You’re blaming the mothers for Elon being a serial womanizer? And the solution you came up with is that they should consent to forming a modern day harem? That’s insane.
Women control sexual access to men, period dot, so yes, the women are responsible for the consequences of spreading their legs.
Being a slut used to have heavy social consequences, but no longer does. Same goes for a single mother, it used to have social consequences, and no longer does. What have women done with the de-stigmatization? Fathers figures are now optional, and body counts in the hundreds.
Did Elon rape them? If not then they consented to sex with him, with all the possible risks that brings.
Why would you sleep with a man who is a known womanizer, already has multiple families, and choose to have that man's baby? Oh, because they thought they'd be the special one who tamed him or just wanted his money straight up.
They are retarded, and the option he outlined would be one of the best for the children to have access to and maximum support from their father. The mother's dignity should always be second to supporting their child and yet you are treating it like the most sacrosanct.
I don't think this is a new issue. I feel like most millenials and Gen X'ers were born from parents who were basically mental children, and the kids were born because children was what you're 'supposed' to do, but having no real idea why, nor any capacity to be a functioning adult even at that time. This immediately creates broken families and households that produce Leftists; whom are Leftists because they hate their dad.
Considering Alpha are mostly the children of Zoomers and Millenials, I think they are going to have it the absolute worst with that. Adulthood seems to start with Millenials at 35. The only good news is that the worst millenial parents are probably refusing to have kids for hedonism, expense, climate change, women's rights, or some other retarded ideological reason... so they are self-selecting out of the gene pool
What does the "scientism" have to do with this?
Regardless of how wealthy any one partner is, it seems terribly clear anymore that the lack of a (good) father figure is bad for children.
Hargraves is skeptical and critical of Elon and the tech bros because they are too Zionist in her eyes.
She's in the Nick Fuentes "I don't even vote anymore" camp even though she started her YT career attending Trump rallies and did a political news review show with Matt Christiansen for a decade.
I don't think it's about the Zionism, although I'm sure it doesn't help.
The question is if you're an atheist techbro, what's your value system that you care about being pro-natal specifically? It's not a perspective that really comes from a womanly "I love babies & caring for people" especially with Elon who is basically impregnating women and barely if-ever interacting with the kids.
I wonder if any of these 'in vitro' kids are actually his. Could be some Boys from Brazil shenanigans going on. Could be trying to clone himself. Could be trying to create the AnTiChRiSt!
This is Rebecca Hargraves from the old Matt & Blonde show.
She started her own podcast with Vincent James that focuses almost entirely on the JQ.
She's a mother of two young daughters. I can't recall exactly, but they both are under 5.
Her husband is retired military. They have an age gap, but it's not extreme. Her man stays entirely off social media AFAICT.
She lives in Northern Idaho.
She is an avowed white nationalist.
She collects medical oddities. A few years back she was talking about how she bought a diabetic's amputated toe from a freak store.
She is a former alcoholic. She has an Economics degree and lived in Seattle for a time working in Finance before she met her husband and quit becoming a SAHM. Her family is from Cali but she went to HS in St. Louis.
Her biggest flaw is likely enjoying the social media limelight and enjoying simping from RW types as she ages out of being a MILF in her late 30s.
She was a great cohost with Matt (results-wise, not effort-wise), but that's about it.
Yeah, it's funny (and sad), she acts as if she's all trad, yet shit talks her husband in public, to the point that it sounds like she doesn't even like him, she's always lusting over hot guys (and girls, at least jokingly), and she's constantly being an (entertaining) retard on Twitter. My biggest issue though is, like with a lot of these types...she's just a feminist-lite. For all her "based"-ness, she's incredibly quick to fall back on 'muh whamen.'
"I'm so edgy, I'm a Nazi...whoa, whoa, whoa, think of the women!"
She's also said some cringy and out of touch shit about six figures being basically poverty...while her aforementioned husband is the main provider for her. It's pretty disturbing to listen to, actually.
I was pretty shocked when Blonde leaked that her old show with Matt only grossed like 72k annually between the two of them before he signed his deal with the Russian Tenet devil for better funding.
36k gross a year isn't bad for 5 hours a week of a bored housewife fooling around as a hobby.
But it's an awfully thin margin for someone like Christiansen to be trying to raise a family of 4 with a SAHM in expensive Bozeman, Montana as a FT gig.
36k gross a year isn't bad for 5 hours a week of a bored housewife fooling around as a hobby.
Also worth noting that the Wednesday show came back pretty much right before that she was actually working - and by working I mean showing up with no prep and talking about shit - more like 2.5 hours a week for the 36k. And then whining about it, and looking down on people working normal jobs who aren't making 100k+.
But it's an awfully thin margin for someone like Christiansen to be trying to raise a family of 4 with a SAHM in expensive Bozeman, Montana as a FT gig.
Oh, for sure. I wasn't making any comment about Matt's situation, just that Blonde was shitting on people who weren't making three times that amount at least, and acting like even that would basically be poverty. She's ridiculously entitled and out of touch.
I think the 72k/36k figures were from the show's best years during their twice weekly schedule pre-Tenet.
It was just shocking to me how little revenue a relatively successful IP like Beauty & The Beta actually grossed after almost a decade of grinding (it's possible I've confused gross and net in my memory - But either way that's still peanuts).
Any woman who speaks loud enough that the greater public (aka outside her community) knows her opinion isn't trad by almost any definition.
Its one of those times where I come to the same point as the feminists that most women calling themselves "trad" as just pick-mes angling for a housewive gig, with no actual capability or morality to speak of. Especially considering how many are born-again former hoes, with tats and a ran through hole.
Unless they are loudly speaking on giving up their voting rights, they are currently engorging themselves on the ill gotten gains of feminism daily. Even as they decry it, they drown themselves in all it has gotten them without a care for how it prevents the return to "tradition" they talk about.
Yup. I just wrote up my own thing. She's entertaining (at least she was with Matt, I haven't checked out her new stuff - I should, at least once, but the whole drama left a bad taste in my mouth), but she's not exactly a good person.
She's a feminist-lite, and some of the stuff she describes and justifies is actually pretty horrifying. And I'm talking interpersonal stuff, not the 'based and Nazi-pilled' stuff. She has no respect for her husband, barely seems to tolerate him despite him being the one to provide her with her lifestyle, and she's open about being pretty damn terrible in past relationships too. She's an absolute mess. Again, an entertaining one, and I don't hate her...I actually liked her a lot as a cohost, she's hilarious...but she's not someone you could trust, at all. How she portrays her personal stuff is much worse than any edgy political opinions.
It's one of the reasons I will never vote for a woman for political office no matter how based she might be.
Not everyone "based" person has to be a traditionalist, though. But, yeah, the ones who do claim "trad" status are full of shit.
Even beyond the natural emotional and mental deficiencies built into them by being women...
This is the bigger issue. A "based woman" can absolutely run for politics without being a hypocrite...but that doesn't mean people should vote for her.
The new pod has potential, but you have to be interested in the JQ because it's the focus of everything.
They announced last week that The Backlash is moving to twice weekly M&W at 4 pm PST.
I like how they are willing to criticize Trump and talk about third rail issues.
It's a very different show than Matt's old and continuing one. They will often touch on a big story of the week, but it's much more longform, unstructured and conversation-based rather than blasting through news articles & clips.
They are over a dozen episodes in and the tech issues have been pretty bad though.
They seem to be streaming via Starlink and having awful buffering issues.
The new pod has potential, but you have to be interested in the JQ because it's the focus of everything.
I'm not opposed to it, but the obsession can be annoying, and counterproductive too. Not sure if this would qualify, it all depends on how it's done. A lot of people who really obsess end up falling off the cliff and turning into retards. And that's not just JQ-related; anyone who has only one pet issue can fall into the trap. And, if someone's message is "XYZ is bad" and that's always the conclusion; not only do I always know what they have to say before they even say it, but they'll also often be wrong, because their only tool is a hammer and they're trying to make everything a nail.
But I am curious, and definitely want to listen at least once, just to see where Blonde ended up post-Matt.
They announced last week that The Backlash is moving to twice weekly M&W at 4 pm PST.
Wednesday?! I expect to hear Matt bitching about that any second. Kidding, by the way. He doesn't seem to want to talk about any of that much at all, but there were always jokes about his show days being his alone.
I like how they are willing to criticize Trump and talk about third rail issues.
Similar to my first point, I have mixed feelings on this. Trump is hardly above reproach, and it would be unhealthy if he was...but a bunch of the "dissidents" who will criticize him fall into the above obsession trap, and it can just get annoying, even if they're correct in their criticism. It's almost always spun out and extrapolated, and they end up acting like Trump is worse than other presidents, just because he did something bad. That logic always pisses me off.
But I am curious, and definitely want to listen at least once, just to see where Blonde ended up post-Matt
At the very least, Blonde seems a lot happier on air with her new lot. Or is at least doing a better job faking it on air early in their new run.
Personally, I was team Blonde in the breakup.
But it's notable that I've watched most of the new content of her new pod. They just finished Week 14. She's physically driving over to her friend Dave Reilly's home to shoot the new pod in person. Some episodes run 2+ hours similar to the old M&B show and were running similar timeslots (9 pm EST). She's even using the new pod setup at Dave Reilly's house for unrelated guest hits (I noticed she used his setup for a solo guest spot on Stew Peters' show last week).
I haven't heard a on-air single complaint about having to leave early or wrap up for childcare reasons. Which is so interesting considering that was such a point of contention with the dissolution of her old show and was a chronic bugaboo for years.
One of her new cohosts, Vincent James, seems really hard up for money. He seems to be the driving force for their expansion now to 2 shows a week. I've heard him say multiple times on air that his goal is to make it a daily gig.
It will be interesting to see how that plays out considering the more onerous demands of the new in-person show and Rebecca's work ethic issues on the old pod.
I listened to some of the most recent episode now. It's pretty funny; it's almost exactly what I was worried about, at least in parts.
They're so blackpilled and Jewpilled they can't get out of their own way. Nothing is ever good enough, and everything is Israel's fault and the Jews. Which, as I mentioned, is a self-defeating stance if you think Jews do have too much control. Ranting about how literally everything is their fault isn't going to endear anyone to your arguments, and is patently untrue. There's such a thing as Jewish influence, but it's not in everything.
They blamed Trump and Elon shutting down USAID...on Israel. Because Israel was allegedly pissed off about food aid to Gaza or something, and some weird story about condoms in Gaza. You'd think, if the Jews run everything, the corruption would be more in their favor, and it would be worth some food going to Gaza. It was just a silly argument.
They want USAID shut down...but for the "right reasons," not because Israel said so...which was pure conjecture anyway. Take a win, dudes. Like I said, can't get out of their own way.
Also, Trump should have done more to solve the Ukraine war faster...despite not being president until right about now.
I'll still keep listening to this episode, but I really wasn't impressed. And, as you said, tech issues weren't great, and the whole production had some issues.
Agree on most of this. I've listened to all of their episodes and IMO it's mostly decent, but I almost always end up skipping through Cameron's utter black pilling. He's constantly calling Trump "stupid," which is a midwit take a best, and making the perfect the enemy of the good.
Was having trouble finding the parent comment to your Q
There's no direct connection between Blonde and St. Clair/Musk and no new Matt & Blonde drama that I'm aware of.
I suspect Rebecca is on a mission to drive engagement to her new podcast.
I watched last week's episode and they were pushing their monetization and e-begging harder (no sponsors because of the JQ) and starting to put content behind the paywall.
The problem isn’t the richest man in the world having a bunch of kids by a bunch of different women - not exactly. The problem is all of the mothers live separately and raise the children separately, hundreds and thousands of miles apart, making it impossible for their father to be a significant part of their lives. It would be better for the children if they all lived together, but modern western women would never consent to such an arrangement.
Of course, it would be better still if they all had the same mother.
Be a hole. Pay the toll.
I have no sympathy for all these grifting con-inc sluts.
Sure, fuck them, but in this case the problem is that their shitty choices are fucking up their kids. As well as the part where they make shitty choices and then get on their X accounts with thousands of followers to advocate for society embracing and celebrating their shitty choices.
What are you going to do to stop them? Nothing. So consider their ranking down a ranking up for your kids and move on.
The original set-up of humans was polygnyous while humanity lived in tribes. The leader - the alpha male - would father the majority of the children and they were raised collectively (alloparenting). When we implemented civilisation with intense labour, that's when monogamy became the norm.
It's also why only 40% of men in history have fathered children compared to 90% of women.
As an aside, modern day dating and social media is starting to mark a return to polygnyny and the state taking over the role of father is encouraging alloparenting to return too where women collectively raise children from the same man paid for by the state (and in turn, all the men who can't find a partner and have a family). I've even started to see men have multiple women on the go to support them and collective raising of children between women. Just as it was in tribal times.
It's rather interesting to see conservatives attempt to justify this in complete contradiction to the family values they promote. Normally polygnyny is promoted by the left.
You’re blaming the mothers for Elon being a serial womanizer? And the solution you came up with is that they should consent to forming a modern day harem? That’s insane.
Women control sexual access to men, period dot, so yes, the women are responsible for the consequences of spreading their legs.
Being a slut used to have heavy social consequences, but no longer does. Same goes for a single mother, it used to have social consequences, and no longer does. What have women done with the de-stigmatization? Fathers figures are now optional, and body counts in the hundreds.
Repeating what he wrote in unflattering terms and then calling it insane is not an argument
Did Elon rape them? If not then they consented to sex with him, with all the possible risks that brings.
Why would you sleep with a man who is a known womanizer, already has multiple families, and choose to have that man's baby? Oh, because they thought they'd be the special one who tamed him or just wanted his money straight up.
They are retarded, and the option he outlined would be one of the best for the children to have access to and maximum support from their father. The mother's dignity should always be second to supporting their child and yet you are treating it like the most sacrosanct.
They’re also ivf babies so it’s definitely consensual
He can send them a robot father, before he goes to Mars for some cigarettes.
I don't think this is a new issue. I feel like most millenials and Gen X'ers were born from parents who were basically mental children, and the kids were born because children was what you're 'supposed' to do, but having no real idea why, nor any capacity to be a functioning adult even at that time. This immediately creates broken families and households that produce Leftists; whom are Leftists because they hate their dad.
Considering Alpha are mostly the children of Zoomers and Millenials, I think they are going to have it the absolute worst with that. Adulthood seems to start with Millenials at 35. The only good news is that the worst millenial parents are probably refusing to have kids for hedonism, expense, climate change, women's rights, or some other retarded ideological reason... so they are self-selecting out of the gene pool
What does the "scientism" have to do with this?
Regardless of how wealthy any one partner is, it seems terribly clear anymore that the lack of a (good) father figure is bad for children.
Hargraves is skeptical and critical of Elon and the tech bros because they are too Zionist in her eyes.
She's in the Nick Fuentes "I don't even vote anymore" camp even though she started her YT career attending Trump rallies and did a political news review show with Matt Christiansen for a decade.
I don't think it's about the Zionism, although I'm sure it doesn't help.
The question is if you're an atheist techbro, what's your value system that you care about being pro-natal specifically? It's not a perspective that really comes from a womanly "I love babies & caring for people" especially with Elon who is basically impregnating women and barely if-ever interacting with the kids.
I wonder if any of these 'in vitro' kids are actually his. Could be some Boys from Brazil shenanigans going on. Could be trying to clone himself. Could be trying to create the AnTiChRiSt!
She's sure got a lot to say about other people's business.
I definitely hope nothing similar happens to her in about, let's say, six months.
This is Rebecca Hargraves from the old Matt & Blonde show.
She started her own podcast with Vincent James that focuses almost entirely on the JQ.
She's a mother of two young daughters. I can't recall exactly, but they both are under 5.
Her husband is retired military. They have an age gap, but it's not extreme. Her man stays entirely off social media AFAICT.
She lives in Northern Idaho.
She is an avowed white nationalist.
She collects medical oddities. A few years back she was talking about how she bought a diabetic's amputated toe from a freak store.
She is a former alcoholic. She has an Economics degree and lived in Seattle for a time working in Finance before she met her husband and quit becoming a SAHM. Her family is from Cali but she went to HS in St. Louis.
Her biggest flaw is likely enjoying the social media limelight and enjoying simping from RW types as she ages out of being a MILF in her late 30s.
She was a great cohost with Matt (results-wise, not effort-wise), but that's about it.
Yeah, it's funny (and sad), she acts as if she's all trad, yet shit talks her husband in public, to the point that it sounds like she doesn't even like him, she's always lusting over hot guys (and girls, at least jokingly), and she's constantly being an (entertaining) retard on Twitter. My biggest issue though is, like with a lot of these types...she's just a feminist-lite. For all her "based"-ness, she's incredibly quick to fall back on 'muh whamen.'
"I'm so edgy, I'm a Nazi...whoa, whoa, whoa, think of the women!"
She's also said some cringy and out of touch shit about six figures being basically poverty...while her aforementioned husband is the main provider for her. It's pretty disturbing to listen to, actually.
I was pretty shocked when Blonde leaked that her old show with Matt only grossed like 72k annually between the two of them before he signed his deal with the Russian Tenet devil for better funding.
36k gross a year isn't bad for 5 hours a week of a bored housewife fooling around as a hobby.
But it's an awfully thin margin for someone like Christiansen to be trying to raise a family of 4 with a SAHM in expensive Bozeman, Montana as a FT gig.
Also worth noting that the Wednesday show came back pretty much right before that she was actually working - and by working I mean showing up with no prep and talking about shit - more like 2.5 hours a week for the 36k. And then whining about it, and looking down on people working normal jobs who aren't making 100k+.
Oh, for sure. I wasn't making any comment about Matt's situation, just that Blonde was shitting on people who weren't making three times that amount at least, and acting like even that would basically be poverty. She's ridiculously entitled and out of touch.
I think the 72k/36k figures were from the show's best years during their twice weekly schedule pre-Tenet.
It was just shocking to me how little revenue a relatively successful IP like Beauty & The Beta actually grossed after almost a decade of grinding (it's possible I've confused gross and net in my memory - But either way that's still peanuts).
Any woman who speaks loud enough that the greater public (aka outside her community) knows her opinion isn't trad by almost any definition.
Its one of those times where I come to the same point as the feminists that most women calling themselves "trad" as just pick-mes angling for a housewive gig, with no actual capability or morality to speak of. Especially considering how many are born-again former hoes, with tats and a ran through hole.
I like Rebecca and her shtick, but there's a lot of truth to what you wrote.
I recall on her old show she claimed that she would leave her husband the very second that he laid a hand on her.
As mentioned elsewhere, even the most based and trad of the RW female influencers in reality are feminist girlbosses whenever it suits them.
Unless they are loudly speaking on giving up their voting rights, they are currently engorging themselves on the ill gotten gains of feminism daily. Even as they decry it, they drown themselves in all it has gotten them without a care for how it prevents the return to "tradition" they talk about.
Yup. I just wrote up my own thing. She's entertaining (at least she was with Matt, I haven't checked out her new stuff - I should, at least once, but the whole drama left a bad taste in my mouth), but she's not exactly a good person.
She's a feminist-lite, and some of the stuff she describes and justifies is actually pretty horrifying. And I'm talking interpersonal stuff, not the 'based and Nazi-pilled' stuff. She has no respect for her husband, barely seems to tolerate him despite him being the one to provide her with her lifestyle, and she's open about being pretty damn terrible in past relationships too. She's an absolute mess. Again, an entertaining one, and I don't hate her...I actually liked her a lot as a cohost, she's hilarious...but she's not someone you could trust, at all. How she portrays her personal stuff is much worse than any edgy political opinions.
Not everyone "based" person has to be a traditionalist, though. But, yeah, the ones who do claim "trad" status are full of shit.
This is the bigger issue. A "based woman" can absolutely run for politics without being a hypocrite...but that doesn't mean people should vote for her.
The new pod has potential, but you have to be interested in the JQ because it's the focus of everything.
They announced last week that The Backlash is moving to twice weekly M&W at 4 pm PST.
I like how they are willing to criticize Trump and talk about third rail issues.
It's a very different show than Matt's old and continuing one. They will often touch on a big story of the week, but it's much more longform, unstructured and conversation-based rather than blasting through news articles & clips.
They are over a dozen episodes in and the tech issues have been pretty bad though. They seem to be streaming via Starlink and having awful buffering issues.
I'm not opposed to it, but the obsession can be annoying, and counterproductive too. Not sure if this would qualify, it all depends on how it's done. A lot of people who really obsess end up falling off the cliff and turning into retards. And that's not just JQ-related; anyone who has only one pet issue can fall into the trap. And, if someone's message is "XYZ is bad" and that's always the conclusion; not only do I always know what they have to say before they even say it, but they'll also often be wrong, because their only tool is a hammer and they're trying to make everything a nail.
But I am curious, and definitely want to listen at least once, just to see where Blonde ended up post-Matt.
Wednesday?! I expect to hear Matt bitching about that any second. Kidding, by the way. He doesn't seem to want to talk about any of that much at all, but there were always jokes about his show days being his alone.
Similar to my first point, I have mixed feelings on this. Trump is hardly above reproach, and it would be unhealthy if he was...but a bunch of the "dissidents" who will criticize him fall into the above obsession trap, and it can just get annoying, even if they're correct in their criticism. It's almost always spun out and extrapolated, and they end up acting like Trump is worse than other presidents, just because he did something bad. That logic always pisses me off.
At the very least, Blonde seems a lot happier on air with her new lot. Or is at least doing a better job faking it on air early in their new run.
Personally, I was team Blonde in the breakup.
But it's notable that I've watched most of the new content of her new pod. They just finished Week 14. She's physically driving over to her friend Dave Reilly's home to shoot the new pod in person. Some episodes run 2+ hours similar to the old M&B show and were running similar timeslots (9 pm EST). She's even using the new pod setup at Dave Reilly's house for unrelated guest hits (I noticed she used his setup for a solo guest spot on Stew Peters' show last week).
I haven't heard a on-air single complaint about having to leave early or wrap up for childcare reasons. Which is so interesting considering that was such a point of contention with the dissolution of her old show and was a chronic bugaboo for years.
One of her new cohosts, Vincent James, seems really hard up for money. He seems to be the driving force for their expansion now to 2 shows a week. I've heard him say multiple times on air that his goal is to make it a daily gig.
It will be interesting to see how that plays out considering the more onerous demands of the new in-person show and Rebecca's work ethic issues on the old pod.
I listened to some of the most recent episode now. It's pretty funny; it's almost exactly what I was worried about, at least in parts.
They're so blackpilled and Jewpilled they can't get out of their own way. Nothing is ever good enough, and everything is Israel's fault and the Jews. Which, as I mentioned, is a self-defeating stance if you think Jews do have too much control. Ranting about how literally everything is their fault isn't going to endear anyone to your arguments, and is patently untrue. There's such a thing as Jewish influence, but it's not in everything.
They blamed Trump and Elon shutting down USAID...on Israel. Because Israel was allegedly pissed off about food aid to Gaza or something, and some weird story about condoms in Gaza. You'd think, if the Jews run everything, the corruption would be more in their favor, and it would be worth some food going to Gaza. It was just a silly argument.
They want USAID shut down...but for the "right reasons," not because Israel said so...which was pure conjecture anyway. Take a win, dudes. Like I said, can't get out of their own way.
Also, Trump should have done more to solve the Ukraine war faster...despite not being president until right about now.
I'll still keep listening to this episode, but I really wasn't impressed. And, as you said, tech issues weren't great, and the whole production had some issues.
The last episode was weaker, especially because they shoehorned in a boring interview with Alexander Dugin unrelated to anything else.
But to your points, that's pretty much the themes of every episode.
Agree on most of this. I've listened to all of their episodes and IMO it's mostly decent, but I almost always end up skipping through Cameron's utter black pilling. He's constantly calling Trump "stupid," which is a midwit take a best, and making the perfect the enemy of the good.
Is there some drama I missed?
Was having trouble finding the parent comment to your Q
There's no direct connection between Blonde and St. Clair/Musk and no new Matt & Blonde drama that I'm aware of.
I suspect Rebecca is on a mission to drive engagement to her new podcast.
I watched last week's episode and they were pushing their monetization and e-begging harder (no sponsors because of the JQ) and starting to put content behind the paywall.
Yup, gov propaganda funded by you had nothing to do with it lol fuckin tool