This is Rebecca Hargraves from the old Matt & Blonde show.
She started her own podcast with Vincent James that focuses almost entirely on the JQ.
She's a mother of two young daughters. I can't recall exactly, but they both are under 5.
Her husband is retired military. They have an age gap, but it's not extreme. Her man stays entirely off social media AFAICT.
She lives in Northern Idaho.
She is an avowed white nationalist.
She collects medical oddities. A few years back she was talking about how she bought a diabetic's amputated toe from a freak store.
She is a former alcoholic. She has an Economics degree and lived in Seattle for a time working in Finance before she met her husband and quit becoming a SAHM. Her family is from Cali but she went to HS in St. Louis.
Her biggest flaw is likely enjoying the social media limelight and enjoying simping from RW types as she ages out of being a MILF in her late 30s.
She was a great cohost with Matt (results-wise, not effort-wise), but that's about it.
Yeah, it's funny (and sad), she acts as if she's all trad, yet shit talks her husband in public, to the point that it sounds like she doesn't even like him, she's always lusting over hot guys (and girls, at least jokingly), and she's constantly being an (entertaining) retard on Twitter. My biggest issue though is, like with a lot of these types...she's just a feminist-lite. For all her "based"-ness, she's incredibly quick to fall back on 'muh whamen.'
"I'm so edgy, I'm a Nazi...whoa, whoa, whoa, think of the women!"
She's also said some cringy and out of touch shit about six figures being basically poverty...while her aforementioned husband is the main provider for her. It's pretty disturbing to listen to, actually.
I was pretty shocked when Blonde leaked that her old show with Matt only grossed like 72k annually between the two of them before he signed his deal with the Russian Tenet devil for better funding.
36k gross a year isn't bad for 5 hours a week of a bored housewife fooling around as a hobby.
But it's an awfully thin margin for someone like Christiansen to be trying to raise a family of 4 with a SAHM in expensive Bozeman, Montana as a FT gig.
36k gross a year isn't bad for 5 hours a week of a bored housewife fooling around as a hobby.
Also worth noting that the Wednesday show came back pretty much right before that she was actually working - and by working I mean showing up with no prep and talking about shit - more like 2.5 hours a week for the 36k. And then whining about it, and looking down on people working normal jobs who aren't making 100k+.
But it's an awfully thin margin for someone like Christiansen to be trying to raise a family of 4 with a SAHM in expensive Bozeman, Montana as a FT gig.
Oh, for sure. I wasn't making any comment about Matt's situation, just that Blonde was shitting on people who weren't making three times that amount at least, and acting like even that would basically be poverty. She's ridiculously entitled and out of touch.
Any woman who speaks loud enough that the greater public (aka outside her community) knows her opinion isn't trad by almost any definition.
Its one of those times where I come to the same point as the feminists that most women calling themselves "trad" as just pick-mes angling for a housewive gig, with no actual capability or morality to speak of. Especially considering how many are born-again former hoes, with tats and a ran through hole.
Yup. I just wrote up my own thing. She's entertaining (at least she was with Matt, I haven't checked out her new stuff - I should, at least once, but the whole drama left a bad taste in my mouth), but she's not exactly a good person.
She's a feminist-lite, and some of the stuff she describes and justifies is actually pretty horrifying. And I'm talking interpersonal stuff, not the 'based and Nazi-pilled' stuff. She has no respect for her husband, barely seems to tolerate him despite him being the one to provide her with her lifestyle, and she's open about being pretty damn terrible in past relationships too. She's an absolute mess. Again, an entertaining one, and I don't hate her...I actually liked her a lot as a cohost, she's hilarious...but she's not someone you could trust, at all. How she portrays her personal stuff is much worse than any edgy political opinions.
The new pod has potential, but you have to be interested in the JQ because it's the focus of everything.
They announced last week that The Backlash is moving to twice weekly M&W at 4 pm PST.
I like how they are willing to criticize Trump and talk about third rail issues.
It's a very different show than Matt's old and continuing one. They will often touch on a big story of the week, but it's much more longform, unstructured and conversation-based rather than blasting through news articles & clips.
They are over a dozen episodes in and the tech issues have been pretty bad though.
They seem to be streaming via Starlink and having awful buffering issues.
This is Rebecca Hargraves from the old Matt & Blonde show.
She started her own podcast with Vincent James that focuses almost entirely on the JQ.
She's a mother of two young daughters. I can't recall exactly, but they both are under 5.
Her husband is retired military. They have an age gap, but it's not extreme. Her man stays entirely off social media AFAICT.
She lives in Northern Idaho.
She is an avowed white nationalist.
She collects medical oddities. A few years back she was talking about how she bought a diabetic's amputated toe from a freak store.
She is a former alcoholic. She has an Economics degree and lived in Seattle for a time working in Finance before she met her husband and quit becoming a SAHM. Her family is from Cali but she went to HS in St. Louis.
Her biggest flaw is likely enjoying the social media limelight and enjoying simping from RW types as she ages out of being a MILF in her late 30s.
She was a great cohost with Matt (results-wise, not effort-wise), but that's about it.
Yeah, it's funny (and sad), she acts as if she's all trad, yet shit talks her husband in public, to the point that it sounds like she doesn't even like him, she's always lusting over hot guys (and girls, at least jokingly), and she's constantly being an (entertaining) retard on Twitter. My biggest issue though is, like with a lot of these types...she's just a feminist-lite. For all her "based"-ness, she's incredibly quick to fall back on 'muh whamen.'
"I'm so edgy, I'm a Nazi...whoa, whoa, whoa, think of the women!"
She's also said some cringy and out of touch shit about six figures being basically poverty...while her aforementioned husband is the main provider for her. It's pretty disturbing to listen to, actually.
I was pretty shocked when Blonde leaked that her old show with Matt only grossed like 72k annually between the two of them before he signed his deal with the Russian Tenet devil for better funding.
36k gross a year isn't bad for 5 hours a week of a bored housewife fooling around as a hobby.
But it's an awfully thin margin for someone like Christiansen to be trying to raise a family of 4 with a SAHM in expensive Bozeman, Montana as a FT gig.
Also worth noting that the Wednesday show came back pretty much right before that she was actually working - and by working I mean showing up with no prep and talking about shit - more like 2.5 hours a week for the 36k. And then whining about it, and looking down on people working normal jobs who aren't making 100k+.
Oh, for sure. I wasn't making any comment about Matt's situation, just that Blonde was shitting on people who weren't making three times that amount at least, and acting like even that would basically be poverty. She's ridiculously entitled and out of touch.
Any woman who speaks loud enough that the greater public (aka outside her community) knows her opinion isn't trad by almost any definition.
Its one of those times where I come to the same point as the feminists that most women calling themselves "trad" as just pick-mes angling for a housewive gig, with no actual capability or morality to speak of. Especially considering how many are born-again former hoes, with tats and a ran through hole.
I like Rebecca and her shtick, but there's a lot of truth to what you wrote.
I recall on her old show she claimed that she would leave her husband the very second that he laid a hand on her.
As mentioned elsewhere, even the most based and trad of the RW female influencers in reality are feminist girlbosses whenever it suits them.
Yup. I just wrote up my own thing. She's entertaining (at least she was with Matt, I haven't checked out her new stuff - I should, at least once, but the whole drama left a bad taste in my mouth), but she's not exactly a good person.
She's a feminist-lite, and some of the stuff she describes and justifies is actually pretty horrifying. And I'm talking interpersonal stuff, not the 'based and Nazi-pilled' stuff. She has no respect for her husband, barely seems to tolerate him despite him being the one to provide her with her lifestyle, and she's open about being pretty damn terrible in past relationships too. She's an absolute mess. Again, an entertaining one, and I don't hate her...I actually liked her a lot as a cohost, she's hilarious...but she's not someone you could trust, at all. How she portrays her personal stuff is much worse than any edgy political opinions.
The new pod has potential, but you have to be interested in the JQ because it's the focus of everything.
They announced last week that The Backlash is moving to twice weekly M&W at 4 pm PST.
I like how they are willing to criticize Trump and talk about third rail issues.
It's a very different show than Matt's old and continuing one. They will often touch on a big story of the week, but it's much more longform, unstructured and conversation-based rather than blasting through news articles & clips.
They are over a dozen episodes in and the tech issues have been pretty bad though. They seem to be streaming via Starlink and having awful buffering issues.