Great so all the goodwill is gone by unnecessarily making the main character bi in the middle ages and a black guy making some feminist middle ages Europe.
See at least with Helldivers 2, their big kneecap was community managers and Sony so even with the loss in players caused by that, the game itself remained solid so started to gain players again.
But if this is at a dev level and infecting characters, possibly story so this might be unrecoverable after the pre order mass refund.
Ehh, Helldivers 2 had a lot more shit, like being a gaas with intrusive unknown piss poor anit-cheat system which they lied about the cause for it to be added. (That is still around)
Great so all the goodwill is gone by unnecessarily making the main character bi in the middle ages and a black guy making some feminist middle ages Europe.
It is time to address wild claims some people spread that are apparently based just on one screenshot and a poorly translated tweet (Spoiler alert: contains spoilers about the story of KCD2):
1/10 There are NO unskippable cutscences in our games. Anybody who claims otherwise never played them.
2/10 We are NOT (nor ever were) banned in any country – at least not that we know of.
3/10 As much as I don’t like "forced diversity", nobody was forcing us to do anything, and we are not forcing anyone to do certain things.
4/10 Gay characters were already in KCD1.
5/10 KCD is an RPG, you are responsible for your decisions. If you want Henry to try a same-sex adventure, feel free. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. All affairs are (and were in KCD1) purely optional. The characters are perfectly aware, that it was a forbidden sin.
6/10 The game takes place in one of the richest cities in Europe which was besieged by a massive foreign army. That´s the reason why the life in such a city is more diverse than the life in villages which were featured in the first game.
7/10 Musa came to Bohemia with an invading army as a member of the royal court of King Sigismund, whom he met thanks to his engagement at the court of Sultan Bayezid. He's an educated noble and renaissance man from the Kingdom of Mali.
8/10 At the same time, Musa is a very unusual figure for the local Bohemian folk, and many of the situations around him in the game stem from this. So his presence makes sense and creates lots of interesting situations in the game. The way he talks and behaves has a reason.
9/10 Everything displayed corresponds to the morals and social norms of 1403 Bohemia and is only there to make an interesting story, and not at all to appeal to a “modern audience".
10/10 We don't want KCD to be used as clickbait by people who didn't even play it yet. Some of them sadly turned into exactly the same narrative they pretend to be fighting against. The amount of hateful behavior is really sad and it will damage any cause associated with it.
I received exclusive information from someone who has completed the game which clears up many rumors.
(Note, game director Daniel Vavra JUST posted clarification, he is 100% telling it to you straight)
According to this player, who wants to clear the air so the game can succeed, this is the exact content of the game’s main storyline (not all side quests completed):
A thread (con't)
Yes, Henry can romance other characters in the game.
Henry can romance another male, however, this is not forced upon the player in any way.
Similar to how Bioware did romance checks, you must a) Initiate the dialog and b) pass around 5 dialog choice romance checks without missing one in order to unlock this romantic partner. You have to go out of your way to do this and do it over the course of half the game.
The dialog options for the male romance are treated very secretive, VERY taboo and in line with the historical times.
The romance scene is extremely brief, and entirely skippable. 5 seconds of kissing total and 5 seconds of them on the bed naked: “No one is hanging dong and they are just on top of each other kissing. The other cutscenes with Henry and women are much more vulgar haha.”
For fun, I asked if the women in the game were as well endowed as the first game. The reply: “oh, the tiddies be wildin’! Haha. A LOT of titties.”
All cut-scenes are skippable. Plus: “Story, side missions, romance scenes. All can be skipped.”
There are no other examples of LGBTQ in the game, minus the one character from the 1st game but his sexuality isn’t even mentioned. (Main quest for sure, not all side quests have been played yet).
Many people talking about Istvan and Erik from the first game being gay. In this one, it’s not even mentioned in main story: “While it's confirmed in the first game that Istvan is gay in the first game, to my knowledge, they don't even reference it in this one.”
There is a black character in the game, he is a medic: “He's very well thought out from a writing perspective. He's under command of an enemy commander and while said commander IS kind to him, everyone around him treats him like ♥♥♥♥. He's a very likeable character. It goes into pretty hardcore detail how he ended up there.”
The town are not multi-cultural and fit the historical times. “The black character is FOR SURE a fish out of water from a cultural stand point.”
Now about the gameplay. This player says it slaps. 10/10.
So it's Diet Woke instead of plain old Woke. Instead of "no fag shit," it's only "optional fag shit."
This is exactly what the Right is talking about when they complain about conservatives being unable to conserve anything. We are still pretty far Left from the days of being able to blindly pick up any game without having to see any fag shit at all, and this is somehow treated like a victory against Woke. No, it's just a repackaged, less obnoxious kind of woke. Diet Woke.
Yes, diet woke, good term. It is what I would expect from the other corpos that were on the other side, what is a shame is that varva whom explicitly stood against them choose to bend the knee, if it was lacking money he could have tried another kickstarter.
But the timing of it all is hilarious, he choose to do this when people are hyper agitated and drunk on their so called victory. Haha, that is a good joke.
The cunt could have chosen a berber or arab but no it just had to be a negro. And to add insult to injury Henry is now a fag. I bought KCD1 only recently during a sale. I was planning to buy KCD2 for full price. Now I won't even buy it on sale. What a fucking tool.
I initially defended the screenshots as being so on the nose they had to be faked, because they really were just too perfect that it smelled terrible. Not out of any love of Varva, but simply because it felt like a gayop.
But, I did leave the possibility open that he really did just write an almost parody level nonsense and it seems that he has in fact tossed away all the goodwill he built from the first game.
Here was one of the posts talking about it. The comments have some of the other ones from the first batch, though I think there are more now as the "gay scene" is a recent point.
Its just screenshots from the game that someone managed to leak really early on that are seemingly confirmed by his comments now.
I had the same thought. It was particularly odd that the screenshots were only from one source, when there are a ton of review copies out in the wild.
I really hoped it was fake, very disappointed to learn it's not. The first game was excellent because of the strong historical focus that was placed above all else. I wouldn't be surprised to learn there are many other ideological changes in KCD2, and the leaks are simply some of the most flagrant. Glad I didn't preorder, but it's a real shame to see this happen to KCD.
Excellent, time to go find all those retards that were screaming that it was a "manufactured overreaction" and rip them a new asshole. The diversification will stop only when everyone screams and yells the moment they get a whiff of it, no matter where its found. Anything other than immediate and resolute condemnation will be interpreted as compliance with anti-Western ideology and must be stamped out with prejudice.
In the prologue to the first game, if you immediately start playing as a murder hobo and get yourself arrested, it's an automatic game over because when the Cumans attack, you're stuck in a jail cell when the town is torched and you die in a fire. There's even an achievement for it. Hopefully you suffer a similar consequence for allowing Henry to be a sodomite.
At least he's finally addressing the actual issues but, yeah...doesn't do much to alleviate concern.
I said it before, but I don't have a horse in the race. I won't be playing it on launch, maybe ever. Just not what I'm in the mood for. I hope the game is non-woke, because fuck woke games. I hope gamers get to enjoy a good game. I don't wish ill on anyone. But, yeah, still some big red flags.
wild claims...apparently based just on one screenshot
Goes on to confirm them.
As much as I don’t like "forced diversity", nobody was forcing us to do anything, and we are not forcing anyone to do certain things.
There's got to be a better way to say that. "As much as" makes it sound like he was forced to put stuff in. Then again, English isn't his first language.
If you want Henry to try a same-sex adventure, feel free. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. All affairs are (and were in KCD1) purely optional. The characters are perfectly aware, that it was a forbidden sin.
"Same-sex adventure," really? Could be tongue in cheek, but it's weird he's so casual, even whimsical on that, then goes on to call it a sin. Pick a lane.
OOF. Even playing their language game is not a good sign.
Everything displayed corresponds to the morals and social norms of 1403 Bohemia and is only there to make an interesting story, and not at all to appeal to a “modern audience".
I hope this is true, for the sake of people who want to play the game. And I'm glad he got the "modern audience" dig in there at least. We'll have to wait and see if he's telling the truth though.
We don't want KCD to be used as clickbait by people who didn't even play it yet. Some of them sadly turned into exactly the same narrative they pretend to be fighting against. The amount of hateful behavior is really sad and it will damage any cause associated with it.
Basically more "woke right" nonsense.
I get being passionate about your game, but he comes off as a whiner here, and not the based dude he was acting like the first time around.
Again, time will tell. I hope the rumors aren't true, and it is all blown out of proportion. But still some big warning signs.
It is not about the existence of jews that was the rumor since that would not be weird, it was more that the jews would be handle in more modern writing style to my understanding.
Incredibly disappointing. I was so ready to give them the benefit of the doubt, but this has killed any desire to give them money. I loved the first game, but letting the diversity experts influence the sequel is just the first step for this franchise to turn into the next assassin's creed diversity nightmare.
Both explanations sound reasonable to me, particularly when they're coming from a guy who earned an enormous amount of goodwill with the first game and has no history of lying. I guess the hysterical screaming retards could turn out to be right and KCD 2 is actually just a fully pozzed Talmudic propaganda vector now, though.
The claims I know of are these, One gay sex scene and that henry is now bi, True
Nigger is part of the bohemian state now (something Varva stated himself was impossible, thus what goodwill does a person whom does not even follow his own conviction?)
He has operate on full corpo until this on trying to hide it, and now he is just turning around and saying all "wild claims" are true?
Pray elaborate how does his explanations make sense?
You failed to read the actual words in the tweet thread that you posted, possibly because you're obviously ESL or otherwise retarded, so it won't do me a bit of good to try to explain them to you.
You respond by insulting them and dismiss any need to actually answer the simple question.
Ad hominem attack. Classic sign of losing AND arguing in bad faith.
You know this makes you look like a disingenuous faggot, right? Using exactly the tactics neo Marxists use when they get caught dead to rights doesn't put you in good company.
Feel free to reply with stupid insults or bland dismissal. Everyone should know exactly what you are. Prove me right.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading comments around this non-troversy. Seems people on the right are just as snowflakey as the leftists, but on different ends on the horseshoe.
A black foreign diplomant appears in a major trade city comes and thinks his culture is better? Wow, that must mean the devs think blacks treat women!! A dev wrote a character to say something? That means the devs support that statement! lol You literally hear the left say shit like that all the time whenever a villain is mean to someone or something.
A black foreign diplomant appears in a major trade city comes and thinks his culture is better?
You mean this guy:
Mansa Musa, also known as Musa I of Mali, was the ninth Mansa (emperor) of the Mali Empire, ruling from around 1312 to 1337. Musa was born around 1280 and died around 1337.
he is best remembered for his extravagant pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, which included a caravan of around 60,000 people and an immense amount of gold, significantly affecting the economy of Egypt due to his generous spending and gift-giving.
So what is he doing in 1403 Bohemia, 66 years after he died?
Or is he just a fictional character with the same name? If there's no historical basis for the character, then he doesn't have a place in a game aiming for historical accuracy.
It's understandable that right wing gamers aren't going to be happy about a game set in 1400s Bohemia suddenly introducing a black guy after everything that's happened in the last 10 years, but these guys just completely cognitively shut down partway through reading the tweet thread and it's not possible to communicate anything meaningful to raged out retards. It's not even "a black foreign diplomat", it's explicitly stated that the black guy is connected to the court of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and then the very next tweet explains that there's a reason for the way he's talking! He's not turning to the camera and saying "back in Wakanda, we call our sons Trayvon in honor of a great hero", he's not wearing the fat black woman from Concord's power armor, etc.
Great so all the goodwill is gone by unnecessarily making the main character bi in the middle ages and a black guy making some feminist middle ages Europe.
See at least with Helldivers 2, their big kneecap was community managers and Sony so even with the loss in players caused by that, the game itself remained solid so started to gain players again.
But if this is at a dev level and infecting characters, possibly story so this might be unrecoverable after the pre order mass refund.
It's really hilarious. How am I, roleplaying a character from the time, supposed to respond to a statement like "We treat women with greater respect and set great store by learning"?
Your serpent tongue twisted as it is, still stumble on even the basest of words.
Honestly I got no clue.
Ehh, Helldivers 2 had a lot more shit, like being a gaas with intrusive unknown piss poor anit-cheat system which they lied about the cause for it to be added. (That is still around)
Yes, they could have solved it in so many ways,
What are the odds you won't even be able to kill this character too?
42%...wait, wrong demographic.
So, Yes the nigger is from mali and he will speak about women, haha
Yes henry is now bi, and there is a gay sex cutscene
Holy shit, I wonder what this will do to sales, haha
Edit: Another source with more details
As requested for those without twitter
''We put a black muslim feminist in our game because putting black people in makes things more interesting!''
Totally not woke guys.
but they're optional and not forced!
Ngl none of this sounds particularly egregious but I'm still not playing because the well has been poisoned
No, Kingdom Come Deliverance is NOT woke.
I received exclusive information from someone who has completed the game which clears up many rumors.
(Note, game director Daniel Vavra JUST posted clarification, he is 100% telling it to you straight)
According to this player, who wants to clear the air so the game can succeed, this is the exact content of the game’s main storyline (not all side quests completed):
A thread (con't)
Yes, Henry can romance other characters in the game.
Henry can romance another male, however, this is not forced upon the player in any way.
Similar to how Bioware did romance checks, you must a) Initiate the dialog and b) pass around 5 dialog choice romance checks without missing one in order to unlock this romantic partner. You have to go out of your way to do this and do it over the course of half the game.
The dialog options for the male romance are treated very secretive, VERY taboo and in line with the historical times.
The romance scene is extremely brief, and entirely skippable. 5 seconds of kissing total and 5 seconds of them on the bed naked: “No one is hanging dong and they are just on top of each other kissing. The other cutscenes with Henry and women are much more vulgar haha.”
For fun, I asked if the women in the game were as well endowed as the first game. The reply: “oh, the tiddies be wildin’! Haha. A LOT of titties.”
All cut-scenes are skippable. Plus: “Story, side missions, romance scenes. All can be skipped.”
There are no other examples of LGBTQ in the game, minus the one character from the 1st game but his sexuality isn’t even mentioned. (Main quest for sure, not all side quests have been played yet).
Many people talking about Istvan and Erik from the first game being gay. In this one, it’s not even mentioned in main story: “While it's confirmed in the first game that Istvan is gay in the first game, to my knowledge, they don't even reference it in this one.”
There is a black character in the game, he is a medic: “He's very well thought out from a writing perspective. He's under command of an enemy commander and while said commander IS kind to him, everyone around him treats him like ♥♥♥♥. He's a very likeable character. It goes into pretty hardcore detail how he ended up there.”
The town are not multi-cultural and fit the historical times. “The black character is FOR SURE a fish out of water from a cultural stand point.”
Now about the gameplay. This player says it slaps. 10/10.
Combat is similar but easier than the first game.
Lockpicking still sucks.
Above is from the other source Grummz
So it's Diet Woke instead of plain old Woke. Instead of "no fag shit," it's only "optional fag shit."
This is exactly what the Right is talking about when they complain about conservatives being unable to conserve anything. We are still pretty far Left from the days of being able to blindly pick up any game without having to see any fag shit at all, and this is somehow treated like a victory against Woke. No, it's just a repackaged, less obnoxious kind of woke. Diet Woke.
It will be Critical Drinker Approved by next week.👍
Yes, diet woke, good term. It is what I would expect from the other corpos that were on the other side, what is a shame is that varva whom explicitly stood against them choose to bend the knee, if it was lacking money he could have tried another kickstarter.
But the timing of it all is hilarious, he choose to do this when people are hyper agitated and drunk on their so called victory. Haha, that is a good joke.
Still is.
But the shekels, Do you know how much shekels I get for doing this?
Is it truly... everytime?
Remember when Vavra said there were no blacks in medieval Bohemia?
The cunt could have chosen a berber or arab but no it just had to be a negro. And to add insult to injury Henry is now a fag. I bought KCD1 only recently during a sale. I was planning to buy KCD2 for full price. Now I won't even buy it on sale. What a fucking tool.
I initially defended the screenshots as being so on the nose they had to be faked, because they really were just too perfect that it smelled terrible. Not out of any love of Varva, but simply because it felt like a gayop.
But, I did leave the possibility open that he really did just write an almost parody level nonsense and it seems that he has in fact tossed away all the goodwill he built from the first game.
What screen shots are you talking about?
Here was one of the posts talking about it. The comments have some of the other ones from the first batch, though I think there are more now as the "gay scene" is a recent point.
Its just screenshots from the game that someone managed to leak really early on that are seemingly confirmed by his comments now.
The dialogue reads like parody lol
I had the same thought. It was particularly odd that the screenshots were only from one source, when there are a ton of review copies out in the wild.
I really hoped it was fake, very disappointed to learn it's not. The first game was excellent because of the strong historical focus that was placed above all else. I wouldn't be surprised to learn there are many other ideological changes in KCD2, and the leaks are simply some of the most flagrant. Glad I didn't preorder, but it's a real shame to see this happen to KCD.
Excellent, time to go find all those retards that were screaming that it was a "manufactured overreaction" and rip them a new asshole. The diversification will stop only when everyone screams and yells the moment they get a whiff of it, no matter where its found. Anything other than immediate and resolute condemnation will be interpreted as compliance with anti-Western ideology and must be stamped out with prejudice.
Henry was straight in the first game, with only female romance options. So adding in a gay romance option to the second game is 100% woke pandering.
Why else add it in? No one else was asking for it. The first game built a reputation on not bending the knee.
With this crap and the Steam CoC bullshit, Vavra has essentially pissed away a lot of the good will built from the first game.
Insert DJ_Khaled_congratulations_you_played_yourself.gif
In the prologue to the first game, if you immediately start playing as a murder hobo and get yourself arrested, it's an automatic game over because when the Cumans attack, you're stuck in a jail cell when the town is torched and you die in a fire. There's even an achievement for it. Hopefully you suffer a similar consequence for allowing Henry to be a sodomite.
At least he's finally addressing the actual issues but, yeah...doesn't do much to alleviate concern.
I said it before, but I don't have a horse in the race. I won't be playing it on launch, maybe ever. Just not what I'm in the mood for. I hope the game is non-woke, because fuck woke games. I hope gamers get to enjoy a good game. I don't wish ill on anyone. But, yeah, still some big red flags.
Goes on to confirm them.
There's got to be a better way to say that. "As much as" makes it sound like he was forced to put stuff in. Then again, English isn't his first language.
"Same-sex adventure," really? Could be tongue in cheek, but it's weird he's so casual, even whimsical on that, then goes on to call it a sin. Pick a lane.
OOF. Even playing their language game is not a good sign.
I hope this is true, for the sake of people who want to play the game. And I'm glad he got the "modern audience" dig in there at least. We'll have to wait and see if he's telling the truth though.
Basically more "woke right" nonsense.
I get being passionate about your game, but he comes off as a whiner here, and not the based dude he was acting like the first time around.
Again, time will tell. I hope the rumors aren't true, and it is all blown out of proportion. But still some big warning signs.
Grummz is also talking about this, with more information. Make of it what you will.
What rumors remain? The only one I know not confirmed so far is the one about the jews in the game? are the others with some source then trust me?
It is not about the existence of jews that was the rumor since that would not be weird, it was more that the jews would be handle in more modern writing style to my understanding.
The only source for that I know of is this
Can someone copy and paste the thread please? I want to know what he said but I don't have twitter
Nitter link for those of us who don't have Twitter and aren't served by a lone .gif that this URL provides:
4chan called it, yet many guys in this sub were coping hard
Vavra stopped being genuine the moment he sold out to Embracer, shekels destroy what is genuine.
Incredibly disappointing. I was so ready to give them the benefit of the doubt, but this has killed any desire to give them money. I loved the first game, but letting the diversity experts influence the sequel is just the first step for this franchise to turn into the next assassin's creed diversity nightmare.
Can I assume that indulging in faggotry gets you burned at the stake?
Doubt, You will probably get a persuasion debuff, just like the one you get for being branded a criminal (which goes away after a while...)
Talk about squandering a teachable moment...
Daniel Vulva
It's a damn shame. I'm actually doing a first playthrough of KCD now and it's pretty great.
Both explanations sound reasonable to me, particularly when they're coming from a guy who earned an enormous amount of goodwill with the first game and has no history of lying. I guess the hysterical screaming retards could turn out to be right and KCD 2 is actually just a fully pozzed Talmudic propaganda vector now, though.
Huh? I am not sure I am following?
The claims I know of are these, One gay sex scene and that henry is now bi, True
Nigger is part of the bohemian state now (something Varva stated himself was impossible, thus what goodwill does a person whom does not even follow his own conviction?)
He has operate on full corpo until this on trying to hide it, and now he is just turning around and saying all "wild claims" are true?
Pray elaborate how does his explanations make sense?
You failed to read the actual words in the tweet thread that you posted, possibly because you're obviously ESL or otherwise retarded, so it won't do me a bit of good to try to explain them to you.
Do you know where mali is located on the map? Do you know the trade routes in 1400? Do you know how travel worked in those ages?
It is a shame to just shout someone is retarded when you do not even know what you are saying.
Again, you obviously didn't or couldn't read all the way down to tweet 7 in the thread you posted.
Someone asks you a direct question.
You respond by insulting them and dismiss any need to actually answer the simple question.
Ad hominem attack. Classic sign of losing AND arguing in bad faith.
You know this makes you look like a disingenuous faggot, right? Using exactly the tactics neo Marxists use when they get caught dead to rights doesn't put you in good company.
Feel free to reply with stupid insults or bland dismissal. Everyone should know exactly what you are. Prove me right.
Last word.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading comments around this non-troversy. Seems people on the right are just as snowflakey as the leftists, but on different ends on the horseshoe.
A black foreign diplomant appears in a major trade city comes and thinks his culture is better? Wow, that must mean the devs think blacks treat women!! A dev wrote a character to say something? That means the devs support that statement! lol You literally hear the left say shit like that all the time whenever a villain is mean to someone or something.
You mean this guy:
So what is he doing in 1403 Bohemia, 66 years after he died?
Or is he just a fictional character with the same name? If there's no historical basis for the character, then he doesn't have a place in a game aiming for historical accuracy.
It's understandable that right wing gamers aren't going to be happy about a game set in 1400s Bohemia suddenly introducing a black guy after everything that's happened in the last 10 years, but these guys just completely cognitively shut down partway through reading the tweet thread and it's not possible to communicate anything meaningful to raged out retards. It's not even "a black foreign diplomat", it's explicitly stated that the black guy is connected to the court of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and then the very next tweet explains that there's a reason for the way he's talking! He's not turning to the camera and saying "back in Wakanda, we call our sons Trayvon in honor of a great hero", he's not wearing the fat black woman from Concord's power armor, etc.